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... Or something! This was going to be a fake ad, and I guess it still can be... For diapers that come in any and every size but it turned into something else! It all started with the yellow one gleefully running towards her victim with that cart of babifying doom. This is what happens when I don't have a plan...

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this odd one and thank you all so so much for stayig around for all of this wacky strangeness, at least I know I'm having fun! :D

Have a great weekend lovelies!!




Very silly indeed but so fun ... reminds me of the classic wacky cartoons and silly comedies.


The Mama Gooses truly stole the show. They also turned Miss Hippos humiliating stage blunder into a cutesy group act. Great work!


I love these comics where the diapers are a sudden reveal like some kind of plot twist


These need to be recurring characters!!! I love the idea of someone passing by who's ready to babify anyone at a moment's notice!!!


Awwwww adorable


Lol, it's a pretty predictable twist around here, but I think we all can enjoy suspending disbelief for a couple panels XD