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I don't really do much fanart outside of rewards, so it's often a treat to try something new. And Mario characters are always fun to draw, they're so wholesome!

How a very short creature with no hands changes a 7 foot tall woman's diaper (seriously, I looked it up!) is a question I don't need an answer to. But I guess I'm glad she took this one for the team, because everything's gonna be okay!

As always, I super hope you enjoy and have a faaabulous weekend. Thank you so much!




As always, your expressions are top notch~! Uber cute schtuff~


Heha, funny. There's actually a lot of Mario Characters that are fun to see in diapers. : P


Just goes to show you babies and caretakers come in all shapes and sizes


Pretty impressive skills, Goombella, considering you have no hands (or arms for that matter). Best not to overthink that one.


Putting my nerd hat on (as if I ever remove it) since Rosie's sort of a goddess in the Marioverse, she might have granted Goombas the ability to do anything, hands be darned, in the chance that one of them changing her diaper ever came up ...Hey, could be! Lovely picture. I'm imagining Birdo as a celebrity here whom people recognize exclusively for her image in the nappies. Can't score better publicity than "comfy enough for a goddess!"


There you go! I'll just steal your explanation... Lol THANK YOU! I was worried noone would notice the Birdo dipes, she's so proud c: