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In case you were wondering what the disgraced former CEO and friends are up to... Well, Tina's making progress at least. good for her! I sorta missed drawing Miranda's adventures, maybe a little more is on the horizon.

I think I'm coming into my own with this clear lines style! Every time I add something extra... Hope you enjoy and are off to the beginning of a very fabulous weekend! :D




About how old is Tina again?


Oh she's maybe 40 something! most of the characters in DT are middle aged :)


Aww, what a big girl! About time she gave pull ups a try. And I love how Miranda just looks so miffed. Wonder if she’s more jealous of the big girl pants or the attention?


Wonderful, the new art style really suits you and I believe this to be one of your better works with all the attention and care. Keep on with the hard work and those messy diapers.


This clear lines art style is super enjoyable :)

Joshua Quinn

Nice though wonder how long it took Tina to earn those training panties. Last time we saw her she seemed to still be in dire need of her diapers