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So... I've been seeing this everywhere but everyone seems to be using different prompt lists so I just said ACK and picked two that I found easily, and picked what I liked better between each of them for each day! Yes, it's cheating! Will I keep it up and do every day of the month? Great question~

In the meantime I hope you enjoy these dumb drawings lovingly drawed after these prompts:

1: Emperor


4: Fade

5: Moon XD

You might have noticed that 2 is missing. Well that's because it's just too close to what's posting on Friday! Have a great week everyone, sorrry for laaate! :D Thank you!!




Heha, cute. Love the two diaper guys picks. Especially the "moon" one. It's got a totally different meaning when you have such a thick, padded behind. XD


There's gotta be a rudely exposed butt in there somewhere, but the victim would have to use a LOT of imagination to be offended by it >;T


It would probably be insulting if his pants were full


I love the use of the cloth diapers,,,,and that diaper pin.


Really cute art