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New Reward System is Coming!

Starting in October

How it works

Limiting reward submission to 20 credits/month (loosely)

· There MAY be a need to limit consecutive rewards

· Recommend that those concerned about not getting their money’s worth slide down to a lower tier and save up instead, so their chance won’t be missed.

· The limit may change up or down, depending on how the first few months go


· Once the rules change patrons will NOT be entitled to rewards every month, only the credits. Once I close down I should give a time window of opportunity to turn in credits.

· Stuff is getting pretty complicated so I may just loosen the definitions of the tiers to simplify! Down to the amount of effort. Maybe quantify that somehow.

· It’s important to quantify that signing up for a high tier does not guarantee a reward right away, necessarily! The system is changing so that you will have an opportunity later on. This will keep people from feeling ripped off. Also clarify that rewards from past months will have a little bit of special treatment. This system is WHOLLY for rewards purchased after October 1.

Stuff to make

· Should be a sticky post at the top of the patreon!

Stuff to change when the time comes

Don’t forget to change the definitions of the rewards as well!

Is officially introducing the credits system overcomplicating things?


Just limit it abstractly and update everyone on Wednesday, that way if anyone is truly curious they can just ask. This gives me flexibility to bend the rules a little, too.


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