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These were fun to make! There is a vote on what the next comic will be, probably close to the length of the previous ones, about 10-15 pages. I've put some details about each here so you can get a good idea what they'll be about, without spoiling anything of course! They're all based on characters posted about at least once. You should read those and then go vote! 

Only Big Girls get to be the Queen: Three years after losing the monarchy to her bratty (yet privy trained) younger sister, Duchess Bethany III finally gets a chance to take revenge on the woman who stole what is rightfully hers! I'll have to do some research on this one, pretty sure "overaged diaper changing" isn't on the list of nunly duties, and I'm also sure there's more I got wrong 

Demotion Therapy: The CEO of a multinational manufacturing company has fallen prey to weird policies that she helped put into place involving lots of snuggly outfits and puffy underpants. What does this mean for the fate of her legacy?? Choose this one if you want to find out!

What's up with Rita's Pants?: You already know the answer to that question, but nobody she works with has figured it out yet! We'll see how long that lasts... There will be some CYOA events in this one!

I have a plan to do something fun and different with each one of these ideas, so whatever you pick I won't be disappointed, and hopefully neither will you!!

I realize not everyone is into ladies here, but I haven't done a long comic yet that has only a female character as a focus, so I'm switching it up to see how it floats! The fellas will be back in comics after this and I of course will be posting other stuff as this next one comes out to, so not to worry! I want so badly to make you all happy!! ;u;

Go vote and tell me what you want!




Well dang, these all sound so good!


I’m excited for the ladies to get some time in a comic.


I also like seeing the ladies


How dare you give us all great options to choose from, I CAN'T DECIDE!


Ooof tough choices! They all sound fun and unique, but I think I’ll go with the CEO one!