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Joanna is sorta into her job, but mostly likes to imagine herself admired by beach hunks. Unfortunately, her co-workers don't have the heart to tell her when her undies are hanging out.

I just love the irony of the second panel so I put that in there too!




Really loved your comics especially moe ! And I hope someday you can post a Marty comic since I loved the game ! I played multiple times just to see his Barney bum rsrsrs


Oh I LOVE how half of it is just blatantly hanging out. She's so unconcerned about it too even with all those funny looks, it's great! ONE OF THESE DAYS WE'LL NEED TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THESE DIAPER DORK'S LIVES!!!


She’s such a dork it’s TOO perfect, does she know everyone knows she’s in diapers?


It will come! I used the poll to get a feel for what everyone wanted, but I promise you haven't seen the last of that guy.