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  • [Updated 04/22/2024] Fixed some mesh anomalies in light reflection.

Hello Simmers!

If you bought the latest The Sims™ 4 Party Essentials kit, you're probably wondering what year the intern who made the thing was born and still doesn't know how to model round objects, like square car wheels. The good old days of 3D video games.

So I took it upon myself to quickly correct the intern's errors while making the object functional for your celebrations.

What would a party be if the buffet was closed to guests?


Buy Mode > Decorative > Decoration (Misc)

Price: 60

6 Colors

Reworked Mesh by Serinion

Game requirements:

Works with patch or higher to use these

Game Packs Required:  The Sims™ 4 and Party Essentials kit

No conflict detected

Additional Credits:

Sims 4 Studio

EA/Maxis for the original textures. 

Did you know?

Whether you are a patron or not, all the visuals of the Studio's objects are available on Pinterest without hidden images.

Feel free to follow my current creative projects on Instagram and check them out regularly.

You can also contact me and chat with me on these two media.






Thank you for modding these items. I don't know why they didn't make it functional. You're doing the sims god work.


Yes, I also ask myself the same question. Not to mention the disgusting 3D, I just had to modify the setting of the free Lunch box offered for express delivery.