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Jason was sitting in a cloud chair on a field of scorched earth and giant roots. The air was filled with the stench of death; the rot of bodies and the worse smell of rainbow smoke. The battle had gone on long enough that the first to be killed were starting to break down. Jason looked across at his counterpart: a wooden clone of himself sitting on a wooden root.

“I want to be upfront,” Jason said. “Much of what I’m going to be talking about is consolidating transformation zones into reality. It’s something I’ve done a couple of times before, but each time is different. In this case, very different. Even if you refuse everything I’m going to suggest outright, a lot of what happens will involve figuring it out as I do it.”

“Why are you telling me this?” the doppelganger asked in a voice that sounded like wood being planed.

“Because honesty is important. I don’t want to be your enemy, so I’m not going to hide anything from you. And the reality is that all I can offer you are things that might work. The only promise I can give you is that I’ll try my best. I can’t promise results. It’s only fair that you know that going in.”

“Understood. What is your proposal?”

“Before I get into that, I’d like to go over the potential outcomes as things stand.”


“Context. I believe that your prospects are sufficiently unpleasant that even an uncertain alternative is a superior option to those you currently have available to you.”

“Go on.”

“Let’s start by assuming that we fight and you win. I suspect we both believe that you won’t, but we can put that aside for the moment. If you win, you may or may not successfully reintegrate the transformation zone with reality. It’s not an easy task, this zone will be harder to manage than others I’ve experienced. The whole place may break down, dumping everyone and everything in it into the astral. That will kill everyone but the messengers instantly. They’ll die slowly.”

Jason let out a sad sigh before continuing.

“Now, assuming you don’t fail, you successfully consolidate the zone into normal reality. That puts you back where you started before any of these transformation zone shenanigans. Deep underground. Corrupted. Slowly spreading ruin while unstable forces build up within you. That’s what brought us looking for you in the first place. Did you know about that? The destructive power accumulating inside you as the disparate aspects of your being clashed? This began long before my people entered the underground.”

“I was aware of the danger.”

“If you end up back out there, the only change will be scale. That power will go back to building up, but the end result will be more destructive than if we’d left you alone. Even if everything goes right for you, all that will happen is you’ll corrupt everything around you until you finally destroy it and you.”

“That is… in accordance with my assessment,” the wooden Jason said. “But can you offer anything but faster annihilation?”

“I might argue that a faster annihilation would be better than what happens if you win. I think I can offer you a superior option, but not if we fight. We both know that if I win, I have to separate the elements that make you up. Do you understand what those elements are?”

“Does it matter? You are talking about taking me apart.”

“It matters. You were born from an attempt by messengers to turn one thing, called a natural array, into something called a soul forge. They did not understand what they needed to do was separate out a part of the array and use that. Instead, they tried to force it all to stay together. The outcome was you. Not a natural array, not a soul forge.”

“You know what I am? My nature?”

“I believe so.”

“Can you explain it? I… do not know what I am.”

“I can, although I will need to be a little roundabout in that explanation.”


“Just so. I’ll start with a soul forge. Exactly what that is doesn’t matter; suffice to say that they are used by astral kings who are akin to gods to the messengers.”

“Is that what you are trying to become in taking this soul forge?”

“Yes, although I’m not taking a conventional path. For most astral kings, they form a soul forge within themselves in the process of becoming what they are. They don’t understand how an externally formed soul forge — like the one involved in your creation — works. That lack of understanding is how a cocktail of ignorance, arrogance and ambition set in motion the events that brought us here.”

“What convinces you that you know better than they?”

“That I’m not also ignorant, arrogant and ambitious? Not as much as I’d like because I’m all three of those things.”

“Why would you admit that?”

“I told you that honesty was important and I meant that. I want to try and help you, and this whole conversation is a rambling attempt to get what people where I’m from call informed consent. That basically means that before I do anything, I help you to understand, as best I can, what I intend and why.”

“Claiming to be the same as those who failed does not incline me to accept any proposal from you.”

“We are similar, but not the same. I am becoming an astral king, but not in the normal way. I need to find a soul forge externally, like the one attached to you. I have been slowly gaining an understanding of them because there is a hole inside me where one would perfectly fit.”

“I still fail to grasp the relevance.”

“An astral king becomes an astral king by creating a realm. A universe within themselves.”

“Like this transformation zone.”

“A lot more stable, but yes. When an astral king creates their universe, within it will be a birthing tree. A tree that creates messengers.”

“Is that what I am?”

“I believe in part, yes. But like the soul forge, something has gone wrong. The attempt to create a soul forge went awry, somehow triggering the creation of a birthing tree. But the environment was wrong and the messengers trying to force the natural array turned it into a corrupting element. Then my allies and I created this place. It is, as you surmised, somewhat like an astral king’s universe. It still wasn’t right for a birthing tree, but it was still a better environment. You remained incomplete and corrupted, but more thoroughly formed. The transformation zone, the forces making you up, and probably my influence turned you into what you are now.”

“And what am I?”

“Unique. The sum of the elements that made you, bundled into a result that no one could predict. Which is not special, by the way; that’s how all of us come about. Your process just happened to be a little more exciting than most.”

“You are saying that you are a part of me?”

“An influence, at least. There is a being that I accidentally created while the transformation zone was forming. I think you ended up affected by that. It’s how you wound up with a soul.”

“I have a soul?”

“Yeah. At first, I thought the echoes of consciousness driving your actions were a soul-like construct created by the soul forge. What we call a motive spirit, which is what monsters have. But you…”

Jason gestured at the wooden replica sitting opposite.

“I can feel it through you,” Jason continued. “There’s a genuine soul in there. I mentioned creating a living being. His name is Nik. Even outside the transformation zone, I believe you had some level of primitive consciousness. You can tap into aspects of this transformation zone, and I think that’s what you did. When I created Nik, you tapped into that same process and somehow created yourself. Or recreated. You exploited a highly unusual and wildly specific confluence of conditions and events to become an entity with a soul. You turned yourself into a person who also happens to be a twelve-kilometre-tall tree.”

“That tells me what I am. Not what you intend to do with me.”

“You began as a natural array and a soul forge, one born from the other and then mashed together to disastrous effect. As the soul forge came from the array, you were a product of both. One thing became two, then two became three. The problem is that you are all still intertwined. You are all corrupting one another, yet you all rely on one another as well.”

“If you separate us, we are destroyed.”

“Yes. If we fight and I win, I use the reformation of the transformation zone to separate the elements. Hopefully functionally. I’m confident I can make one work. That will be the natural array, should my friend decide he needs it. The soul forge as well, hopefully. But those don’t have souls. They’re objects. Complex magical and spiritual objects, but things that can be manipulated.”

“But I have a soul,” the replica said, a hint of revelation in its flat voice.

“You have a soul,” Jason agreed. “I can’t do anything to it without your willing participation.”

“So that is your offer,” the replica said. “If I surrender the zone to you, you will attempt to extract the natural array and the soul forge without destroying me.”

“Yes, although it’s not quite that simple. The corrupting elements are a part of you, but not a part of your soul. If I extracted the natural array and the soul forge it would destroy you, but your soul would remain intact. I would need to create a new body when the reformation of the transformation zone allows me to, minus the corruption, and put your soul back in it.”

“That is possible?”

“Possible? Yes. How likely it is to succeed, I cannot say. Even the attempt would require your active participation, and I can’t promise it will work. I can’t even be sure what you’ll become if it does work. I can promise that I will try and that if it becomes a choice between saving you, the soul forge or the array, the choice will be you.”

“You would give up the soul forge?”

“I’m going to live forever. I’ll find another one eventually.”

“You said your friend would need the array.”

“He might.”

“Why would I believe you and he would both give up the things you want?”

Jason leaned back in his chair and let out a frustrated sigh.

“That’s the thing,” he said. “That’s where this all falls apart. There is a reason why we would do that, and it’s a simple one. It’s just not very convincing.”

“What is it?”

Jason sat up in his chair to look around in the direction Gary had left. He had stationed himself some distance away, standing like a guard on duty.

“I think you should ask him,” Jason said, then waved Gary over. With a blur of movement and a rush of air, the demigod was next to Jason’s chair.

“What is it?” Gary asked.

“If I asked you to give up your choice for the chance to save a life, would—”

“Of course,” Gary said. “I knew going into this that I wasn’t coming out. You’ve offered me another option, but I never expected it. And we both know it’s not as simple as going back to how things were.”

The doppelganger turned its head to look up at Gary.

“I can see the power devouring you from within. You would give up the chance to escape that to help me?”

“Yes,” Gary said.

“I am your enemy.”

“Who told you that?” Gary asked. “We killed the enemy in this place. All that remains is getting as many people out as we can. If Jason thinks you’re worth saving, then you are.”

The doppelganger looked from Gary to Jason and back.

“Trust,” it said.

“Yes,” Jason and Gary said together.

“This one,” the wooden Jason said to Gary, “told me to ask you why you would help me.”

Gary looked at Jason, who shrugged, then turned back to the doppelganger.

“It’s not a very convincing reason.”

“That is what the other one said.”

“He’s right.”

“I would still like to hear it.”

“Alright,” Gary said. “We’d help you because you need help.”

“You didn’t ask to be put in this position,” Jason said. “This was done to you, at least partially by us. What if we don’t have to fight? I told you our reason isn’t convincing, but what do you have to lose by trying? Death from corruption and madness? I’m not sure I could do worse than what’s waiting for you if you win.”

“And that’s saying something,” Gary added. “he’s extremely good at inflicting misery and suffering.”

“Thank you, Gary,” Jason said.

“Pain, torment. It’s his whole thing.”

“Gary, you can go back and—”

“Not just physical, either. He’s gotten really good at soul torture. There’s a messenger girl who—”

“Not helping, Gary.”


Jason shook his head, then looked back at his doppelganger.

“You don’t have a good reason to believe us. To believe me. And I’m asking for an amount of trust that’s hard from a friend, let alone someone you spent the last few hours trying to kill. All I’ve got for you is that winning is worse than surrendering.”

“If I understand what you are proposing,” the wooden Jason said, “you wish for me to surrender the transformation zone, allow you to tear me into segments and then believe that you can and will attempt to recreate me, for which you will need my active participation in you manipulating my soul.”

“Yes,” Jason said.

“And you offer as assurance only the claim that you would help me on principle.”


“With no more incentive than to do anything else would be worse.”

“No,” Jason said. “You’re incentive is hope. You asked for it and this is as much as I can offer. If you want more than that, I’ll have to start lying.”

The tree’s Jason-shaped avatar sat in silence for a long time. Gary went to speak several times but was waved to silence by Jason.

“Your hope,” it said finally, “is a tiny thing.”

“Yep,” Jason acknowledged.

“It could easily be a lie.”

“Yes,” Jason agreed.

“I do not like being in this position.”

“I doubt you’ve liked any position you’ve ever been in, for as long as you’ve existed.”

“And you have offered the only chance at a better one I have ever known. I will grasp at it, even if it proves to be false. I will work with you, Jason Asano.”

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Yes! Power of friendship!

frankie doerr

I think you conveyed what a little bit of hope can do for someone who has none perfectly thanks shirt

Owen Kaz

Time for some Jason shenanigans!


That is a large cliff you just dropped us off at


Not Gary!!!


Yay! A new uber magic, hope. We've already had friendship and I think love? Thanks for the chapter!


It's gonna be a girl rabbit person for Nik.


I’m tired of this feeling feeling Jason , he talks but then kills people who don’t agree with him, being a hypocrite but still like the story .

Thomas Keller

I'm honestly really happy to see a real and proper win for "Talk things the fuck out and do our best to be honest, up front, and genuinely sincere about trying to Do Good"




This is killing me! I need more episodes!

Laura H

Wow, what a great chapter! I'm now going to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about this dilemma and just how it will end up once it's resolved -- assuming it's done successfully, too! Thanks for a terrific chapter, Shirt. You are such a fantastic writer!

Danielle Warvel

I was in no way expecting things to go this way but I love this outcome even more than anything I would have come up with.

Thomas Froehling

Tyfc; This was an excelent ending... well, cliff for my week!

Jason Hardman

So is the tree soul going to become Jessica Rabbit to Nik's Rodger?


Man I love your writing!!!

Pablo Barbatto

I wish that Jason had this kind of mental maturity back after the builders forces evacuated



Michael McMahon

With 2 chapters left to go until a month long break I believe we are facing into a cliff of monumental proportions, likely with Gary's fate being undecided


"War is a continuation of politics by other means." --Clausewitz


I wonder if Gary is used to create this new thing if it'll have the gary influence. Like enough to be recognized by his friends so they (rufus especially) aren't as lost without him.


Gomes rule


guys i cant. i have misty eyes. im already attached. if this tree dies im shooting every single one of you and then myself

Sean C Jackson

Yeeaaahhhh, woooooooo. Talk-no-jutsu is super effective.

Kevin Anderson

I hope nik enjoys pegging.... Get it? Pegging..... Shall we name her peg?


He talks to people he can reason with but still kills when he needs to. If all he did was kill, even when talking could solve his issues, he would be no worse than the monster he fights. That's pretty much the theme of the series.


Why is it that I feel a massive month long cliff is coming....

Dylan Alexander

Of course it is, authors like Shirt know how to manipulate as and play the market. These types of stories are drugs to us and if we have to wait for our next fix we will.


Out of all the chapters I have read so far. Besides the hydra in book 1 this is by far my favorite chapter. Thank you

Sam Williams

That's the problem with maturity, you get it after going through a whole bunch of experiences where it would have been nice to be mature


I feel all giddy after reading that :-)


I think I can speak for the whole team when I say we don’t need to explore this idea further. :-P

Daniel is ŁØNE

I’m so confused? Who exactly did Jason kill here for you to label him a hypocrite in this situation?


Love it, looking forward to the next

Alex Schellenberg

Did Jason just win a magical fight by offering the power of friendship? And what was that in the middle about the solution being inside them the whole time?


We should have something like AA but for this book series for every break XD


Belinda and Sophie just got an adopted sibling. A disenfranchised individual with little to no power to change the situation. Their hope is solely relying a flippant who at least didn't wear a Hawaiian shirt to this meeting.


Wrong kinda biscuits dude. Jason would not approve 😉


Hearing both Jason and Gary say the thing that makes me love this series was wonderful

Michael Deleon

Like all of y’all are saying it’s gonna be the other part of the new species living in Jason’s astral kingdom. He did promise nik he would get him his own place and his own people. I’m so freaking glad shirt likes to leave clues and foreshadows like there is no tomorrow. As for Gary, I’m pretty sure he will end up on earth. His soul will be pulled by what ever is going to happen there that Jason needs to go fix or resolve. That is the thing where dawn said there will be a time she needs them all to do something. With out question and that would be to leave Jason as he is forming the transformation zone. She will probably pull them to earth to lay the foundation. It’s all guess work but one can hope.


When does everyone think Jason will hit Gold?


I believe the solution for Carlos and Sophie's mom has been found. Once Jason cleans off the corruption from the tree's soul he'll know everything needed. Then those threads will be finished.


My WAG is that the reintegration of this transformation zone will mess with everyone's progress and team biscuit will all end up at or very close to gold. But that is most likely just wishful thinking.


Reject humanity. Become tree.


Well, I think Jason will still be silver while out of commission but the others will ascend to gold


I think once Jason hits hold he will skip it to diamond. There's been a lot of talk about leveling through gold isn't like any other rank. That it's about accepting what you are or whatever and that jason is already there. That being said, shirt will likely milk silver for a long time, and the jump will be in either a critical point or at a final conclusion after the fight just so he can make a snide remark about how he could of used the power beforehand.


I've been critical of the pacing over the last month or so, but the payoff has been worth it.

Alex Schellenberg

He may be able to fix the order of redeeming light but he may not be able to put in into a form that Carlos can use in the world.


Bravo. This is a lovely way for it to turn out. I’m suspecting something goes wrong and only way is to plant said tree into Jason’s new astral soul realm. Meaning Jason will then have his very own sentient birthing tree inside his noggin. Who’s with me?


Bit of a chicken and egg dealio. Maturity comes from the wisdom gained by confronting the situations you weren't mature enough to handle

Lucas Gulick

There's a huge part of ranking up that involves meditation over the use of your powers

drink mer

I was thinking similarly last chapter as soon as jason started to talk to the tree i thought he would end up with a sentient soul forge that would grow stronger with him. but whenever I have get a theory like that Shirt throws something in out of left field that catches me off guard every time.


My thinking was that he'd have the knowledge gained from this to help Carlos figure it out.

David Yow

I've been hoping Gary makes it out of this, but now I'm kinda hoping the Tree makes it instead. I love Gary, he's been one of my absolute favorite people in this story since day one. I'll probably cry like a little baby if he does die, but he and Humphry are as close to traditional heroes as you can get so him bowing out for a new life would be a sad but satisfying end. I wouldn't be opposed to someone stealing him a World Phoenix token though.


Jason literally is travelling with a retenue of strays and hopeless cases that he has fought tooth an nail to save. Plus enemies who can attest to his honor, why did he call Gary instead of Sophie? Or the brighthearts or the original messengers, or the builder cultists. Jason's soul is permanently scarred by his dedication to protecting those who needed help, I'm not sure why he had to ask the tree to take his word on faith.


I have not been a fan of transformation zones but this one wasn’t to bad


The tree doesn’t trust anyone else either. It’s not a very valuable thing to be vouched for by someone who you suspect is also trying to con you. Gary is the one with the most to lose. Makes enough sense to me.


Pretty sure Jason would not do that. He'd likely get himself into trouble


On a side note Stache won the dog show 🏅 this year

Til Weisheit

I just hope Jason has to give up the soul forge and can continue adventuring with team biscuit


Jason, the 12 kilometre-tree whisperer


Because calling anyone else would only be a try to appeal to common human moral sense, not sure if a tree thinks in those concepts. Much clearer and easier to understand when you just ask the guy who is obviously dying and has a chance at surviving if he just would kill you instead.


It doesn't matter if he gets the soul forge or not, he is still unique in his ways and fate spidey senses. I'd rather argue getting the soul forge would enhance his chances at some more adventuring, even with it, he still would be around silver in his skills and power. So wishing him to fail is like hoping he dies for good in the foreseeable future.

Ian Burkhill

Never he's fought gods countless of these zones which are supposed personal Monster surgs both here and earth yet it's been 7 books now. Lucas said about meditation, but, he has avatars in the soul zone to do this for him. I wonder how anybody gets to gold. Travis had a summer break with the conclusion of this arc looming. It's now 4 days before his christmas break and its still going. I don't begrudge him his breaks but this is close to the earth arc for dragging


Really enjoyed these two chapters

Kevin Anderson

This would only work if the trees aura powers were strong enough to be confident the others weren't lying. It's not unfortunately


I mean shirt is the guy who decided the tree couldn't use aura powers


Talk no jutsu


Honestly I hope Gary doesn't die but if he does, this is one hell of a send off. And it's well deserved too. A true hero, a true friend, a brother. One couldn't ask a better send off for a character that has been here since the beginning.

Marshall Kelloway

Yep. Gary will literally be annihilated and die without Jason's direct intervention. But even he is willing to give up his chance at maybe surviving if Jason can help the tree, because the tree is more important to the grand scheme of things.


Talk no jutsu.

Kevin Anderson

Whether or not Gary chooses to leave, I hope he took the opportunity to forge some epic upgrades for Rufus, Farah and Jason before he loses his demigod power status ...

Steven Myer

I hope Gary becomes a cranky voice of Jason's and/or a permanent fixture in his realm Jason said he would be stuck forever where the array is located, why can't he absorb it in to his spirit realm attaching Gary to it. He "dies" but we get to keep Gary around just a bit longer....


Damn, that was one hell of a chapter.

james foster

It's time for Stache and the rest of the gang to have plushies!! MERCH!!


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Thx for the chapter