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It was no longer possible to see the forest of worms down the shaft. The butterflies filling the space had turned it into a lake of glowing blue and orange. The expedition group were above it all in stone-shaped alcoves or on conjured platforms.

Jason floated over the centre of the shaft with frazzled hair and half his beard scorched off. Being crushed, impaled and smashed into walls had left his hair largely intact, but the explosion of fire in his face had not. Jason was perfectly capable of regenerating burnt flesh, but restoring his best physical feature required alchemical intervention.

As he watched the glowing lake below, Miriam Vance floated up to him, feet shrouded in a small gold cloud.

“It's going well,” she said. After finishing the gold-rank monsters, the expedition extracted the crawlers and escaped up the shaft, leaving Jason to go to work.

“Why am I the only dedicated affliction user?” he asked. “A more traditional one would be more useful against these numbers.”

“We weren't anticipating these numbers,” Miriam said. “More importantly, the strengths and weakness of affliction specialists are well known. They're powerful, yes, but famously bad at self-reliance. They need teams around them. In fights like these where a messy ambush has us attacked from all sides, they'd be about as much use as the research team.”

Jason didn’t answer. Instead, he glanced over at Korinne Pescos and the rest of team Storm Shredder, in an alcove being debriefed by Amos Pensinata. They were a typical Rimaros team built around high-damage range specialists, originally two but now three with the addition of Zara. The rest of the team served to maximise their effectiveness.

The chaos of the ambush had been a hard lesson in the value of individual capability, the team coming close to losing people in the early stages of the fight. The silver-rankers had been largely sheltered in their progress through iron and bronze, and this journey was meant to season them to the harsh realities of adventuring. That was exactly what they had gotten, and Jason was confident they would grow from the experience. Their team mentor, Amos Pensinata, was making sure they took the right lessons.

After a long pause, Miriam spoke again.

“We need to talk, Operations Commander.”

“Yes, we do,” Jason agreed. His voice was soft and sober with none of his usual joviality.

Miriam sighed and activated a privacy screen. It was an extremely high-end device that blocked sound and most forms of magical surveillance. It also blurred the interior to those looking on, preventing techniques like lip reading.

“Valetta,” she said.


“I’m sorry. She’s my team member and it was my mistake. She’s the strongest person in the team, which is why I sent her. I knew she didn’t like you, but I never thought she’d do that to you.”

“It doesn’t matter what she did to me. I’ve been betrayed by the people I’m working with enough that I just expect it now. But she didn’t move to save the researchers until she absolutely had to. She’s one of the most powerful assets in this expedition and she was wasting time on a personal grudge.”

Miriam nodded.

“I overestimated her discipline and underestimated her dislike of you.”

“Where did that come from?” Jason asked. “I picked up that she didn’t think much of me when we did our expedition meet and greet, but that’s normal. People tend to like me a lot or hate me immediately, with not a lot of ground in between. But what she did goes beyond dislike. If that’s going to be a problem to this degree, she can’t be a part of this expedition.”

“It’s the way you act around Lady Allayeth,” Miriam said. “Or, more accurately, the way Lady Allayeth acts around you.”

“Oh,” Jason said. “You’re saying Valetta is—”

“Not like that. Lady Allayeth means a lot to us all, but she took Valetta out of… “

Miriam sighed.

“The particulars don’t matter,” she continued. “Suffice it to say that Lady Allayeth is the sun in Valetta’s sky. She isn’t jealous of you. She just thinks you’re unworthy of Lady Allayeth.”

“Allayeth and I aren’t—”

“You don’t have to be. We know her better than anyone. How she is around different kinds of people. And we’ve seen how she is around you.”

“Barely. You’ve seen us together, what? Twice?”

“It’s enough.”

Jason let out a long breath.

“If Valetta is a liability,” he said, “She can’t stay. Is she salvageable?”

“I think so. But she’s a team member and a friend, so I’m biased. And I missed that she’d do what she did, so my judgement is clearly not what it should be on this. Whatever you decide to do, Operations Commander, I’ll support it.”

“Even if I decide to kill her?”

Miriam went very still.

“Is that something you’re considering?” she asked.


“Then why would you even suggest that?”

“Because I wanted to see your reaction. You’d kill me before letting me have my gold-rank friends take her out, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes. And you know if you try, this expedition is done, right?”

“I do. I just wanted to know that you'd go all the way for your team member. If she's worth that, then maybe she isn't a complete write-off.”

“I’m not sure I like the way you do things, Operations Commander. Provoking people so you can gauge their reaction might get that reaction you’re looking for, but they’re still provoked.”

“And I’m not sure I like where you put your trust, Tactical Commander. The wrong person in a critical role, you could kill us all.”

They both nodded, each acknowledging the other’s point.

“I’ll talk with Valetta,” Jason said. “I want a sense of where she’s at.”

“We can—”

“Just me,” Jason said. “I need to know that she can respect my authority, not just yours.”

“My understanding is that respecting authority isn’t something you do well yourself.”

“You’re right. It’s why I tend to avoid expeditions. But we’re in the situation we’re in.”

“It’s easier when you’re in charge.”

“Yes. That’s not particularly fair, but if fair mattered, I wouldn’t have a problem with authority.”


Valetta was isolated from her team, standing alone in the plain alcove where Miriam had left her. Miriam’s anger had been savage, only the privacy screen holding in the loud berating she had given. Valetta knew she’d gone too far. She’d didn’t understand why everyone made such a fuss about Asano. Why was he placed on the same level as Miriam? Why would Lady Allayeth treat him like that?

She hadn’t realised how much resentment had festered away until she found herself watching him fight that monster. She’d seen him hammered into the rock wall with a force that would kill most silver-rankers, and thought, for a moment that he was dead. When he got back up, she’d felt relief. If her pride had killed someone, that was not something she was sure she could live with. And if that person was the expedition leader, it would have been the end of her career, and rightly so.

But most of those thoughts had come after. In the moment, even as she was glad he lived, her pride wasn’t done. She should have acted then. Done what she was ordered to do. But admitting she was wrong was hard, especially to someone of lower rank, and pride was always easier than humility. Only after the fact did she realise how badly she’d handled everything. How close she’d come to letting innocent people die. Asano didn’t deserve that, whatever she thought of him, and the research team certainly didn’t. It would have ruined her life, making her the only person who would have gotten what they deserved.

After the extraction, Miriam had come to find her immediately. At least she took Valetta aside and put up a privacy screen before verbally tearing strips off of her. Miriam’s anger had cut Valetta to the core, but it was Lady Allayeth’s disappointment she was dreading. More than anything, she wanted to live up to the potential the Lady had seen in her. To make the most of the opportunities she’d been given. If Lady Allayeth gave up on her, Valetta knew that would break her in a way she wouldn’t come back from.

She sensed Asano’s approach. He floated in, still scorched and dirty from the elementals that had exploded in his face. His hair was mostly burnt off, only seared, comical tufts remaining, yet there was nothing humorous about the thunder in his eyes.

He activated a privacy field, not through a device but by somehow making his aura block out sound. She's seen messengers do something similar to block sound attacks, but hadn't realised it was possible for anyone else. He moved like a messenger too, using his aura to push himself around.

“I want to apologise,” she said.

“I don’t care. I want to know if I can trust you.”

“I won’t do anything like that again.”

“You shouldn’t have done it the first time. Words are easy, and your actions tell a different story.”

She nodded.

“You know that if anyone in the research team had died, we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” he said.

She nodded again.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” she told him. “It would just be words.”

Jason nodded.

“No one died,” he said. “But those researchers are shaken. Badly. If you’d gotten them out, they wouldn’t have been that close to the fight. To the soul attack my familiar made. You felt it too, right?”


“Would you have liked to take that at silver-rank?”


“As of now, and until myself or the Tactical Commander says otherwise, you are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the research team. Talk to Arabelle Remore and do everything she tells you. All you have to do is your job. Then, once we get back, maybe I suggest to Miriam that Allayeth doesn’t need to hear about this.”

Valetta’s eyes went wide.

“Why?” she asked. “Why would you do that for me?”

“People were hurt. Traumatised. But no one died, which means you didn’t screw up so badly that we have to get rid of you. That is only true, however, if you can demonstrate that you’re an asset to this expedition, not a liability.”

His expression softened, as did his tone when he continued.

“I know what it's like to make a mistake out of pride or self-confidence. To get others hurt. We don't deserve to be judged only by the worst things we've done. Not so long as we try to do better. But, just so we’re clear, there won’t be a third chance for you. This expedition is too important for that.”

He dropped the privacy screen and floated out of the alcove, leaving Valetta alone.


Jason sat in his cloud chair over a platform conjured by Belinda. He let out an unhappy sigh as Shade rubbed hair-removal ointment into his scalp. He needed to excise the charred remains of his hair before using growth ointment to get it back.

Normally, silver-rankers had the physiological control to grow hair back normally, but the elemental energy in the area was interfering. As soon as Jason tried to grow it back the new hair spontaneously combusted, leaving an unpleasant stink. That same smell was found all through the expedition as others found themselves in the same situation as Jason.

Most of the team were sitting around, resting or checking equipment. Humphrey was off conferring with other team leaders and Jason knew he would be required soon. It was still the tactical commander’s show right now, but he would be part of the discussion on moving forward.

“How do I have a headache?” he asked wearily. “My head doesn’t have any of the things that can give you a headache in it.”

“It’s possibly psychosomatic,” Shade suggested. “Would you like me to do your beard as well?”

“You should, bro,” Taika said.

“It’s bad?” Jason asked.

“It's basically a soul patch, plus a line running along your jaw. You look like an old child actor that hasn’t gotten acting work since the nineties, was on drugs for a while but kicked it about ten years ago and is now super wholesome and in a Christian rock group.”

“That sounds extremely specific,” Jason said.

“Just a generalisation, bro. It would be weird if there wasn’t someone like that.”

“I’ll take your word for it. How are the crawlers?”

“A lot of them took a beating, but Gary thinks if he cannibalises the worst one, we can get all the others up and running.”

Jason sensed some nervousness in Taika’s aura.

“You’re uncertain about continuing on?”

Taika nodded.

“It’s starting to feel like one of those movies where the expedition to do the important thing starts shedding people until the last, desperate survivors finally succeed at the cost of their own lives. Are we stealing the Death Star plans, bro?”

“I don’t know, Taika. If you want to go back, I won’t judge.”

“Nah, bro. I’m in it as long as everyone else is. I’m just saying, if we were saving the city to stop everyone from dying, I would understand all this risk. But can’t they move everyone and keep them safe?”

“Sure,” Jason said. “The populace can be evacuated, but we're looking at a blast that makes most nukes look tame. Blackened skies and environmental devastation this world won't see again until it gets an industrial age. What really got me on board was the soul forge, though. I want it. I can’t help but think there’s a fight with the messengers coming. Something that goes beyond just this world and what they want here. I don’t have any reason to think that, but I do. My instincts are screaming it, and Shade thinks my instincts are some kind of weird fate magic.”

Jason let out a long sigh.

“If I’m right, and when that day comes, we need to be able to handle astral kings. Or at least have a chance.”

“I’m going to be honest, bro: I don’t know if I’m down for that.”

“I know,” Jason assured him. “Back to Earth, where you can take care of your mum. Don’t worry, brother; I’ll get you there or die trying. Or both. Probably both.”

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Hmmm to jump in the Taika bad juju bandwagon, I'm hoping it isn't a death but maybe some sort of soul trauma, it would make the Garuda encounter with Taika kind of under valued?

Alex Schellenberg

If he does die Jason just has to get the soul forge and just steal him away into his soul realm and make an enemy of the Reaper. No big deal.


Maybe like brink of death and Jason has to store him in his soul realm and has to wait until gold or diamond to restore him backto before the damage


Yeah, I've speculated that if someone is mortally wounded Jason can just stick them in his Kingdom and turn off death - although the gate might not work when they go further in


So taika is dying and getting resurrected as a voice of the will isn't he?


So yeah giving bad vibes about Taika here don't you do him wrong. Also, is the foreshadowing about what is to come? Jason has a feeling that an all out battle with the AKs and Messengers is coming? IS that what Dawn is trying to prepare him for?? IF so that would make a lot of sense why he needs to hurry up and get to Gold at minimum but preferably Diamond. She wants him to be able to hold his own against the AKs and he's gonna need to be able to go full force AK to do it.


I’m curious if there will be a deep dive on Gordon at some point. That guy knows some things and I don’t know if he’s been around as long as shade or not but that guy’s secrets probably have secrets. I wonder if he’ll be able to speak uhhhhhhh pallimustian? ‘common’? or if we’ll see some independent social interaction between Colin’s voice of the will form and the other expedition members especially what they make of him after his spider fight


been rereading last few chapters lately. so enjoyable. thank you shirt


It's good to see things happening again, his weird rants about how he doesn't want to 'abuse his power', to everyone has been really lame recently.


Why is this chapter only 2 paragraphs? Or at least, why does it feel like two paragraphs? One of the best chapters I've read so far for sure. Enjoy when Jason empathises with others making the same mistakes he has.


love the last few chapters a lot but i think Jason is a bit TO understanding at the moment. I understand that he is like this from the beginning and is recovering his mental health and wants that everything works out but he is constantly betrayed and doesnt even react to it at all. Hope there is some personal growth in him that lets him react logicly to betrayal without breaking him again. (Dunno how thats possible but maybe you find a way.) He never burns bridges that should be burned is what im trying to say.

Alex Schellenberg

Gordon needs to become a Voice so he will have a voice. I don't think he is as old as Shade. Shade implied that Gordon and Colin were relatively young as did Carman when she took Shako.


Ooh, that would be sad, but I like it. Isn't Farrah basically one of his Voices too? They did that whole bond strengthening thing when he left Rimaros.


No, Collin is a voice, you have to be like soul bound to the astral king or something. I need to double check what the item healer gave Jason was, but I am pretty sure it would resurrect an ally as a voice.


That's just a temporary at will bond power, it's got nothing to do with his astral king role


Not yet, but I was definitely thinking the same thing with his and Farrah's bond, for some point in the future. The orb from Healer will let Jason "give life to an astral construct" which will then be bound to the astral space it's made from. I don't think that's the same as bringing a person back to life, but it is pretty vague


Shade is by far significantly older than both Gordon and Collin. He admits this when Collin and Gordon bind themselves to Jason. He calls them young


I think he’s really reflecting on the nature of his role as an entity and what kind of person he wants to be and how he ought to try and build the better future he hopes for it kinda goes with the theme of his abilities and perhaps as he progresses they increasingly reflect themselves in his nature. I mean Jason is still Jason. But there are overtones. And trying to responsibly deal with the complex messenger-slave-astral king dynamic in a way that focuses on the better parts of humanity might double as a way for him to feel some measure of atonement for the things that haunt him. To heal and move thru…and within… suffering, developing a strengthened sense of empathy is one such path. It is often difficult to open oneself back up to sensitivity after being burnt or burned out. I’ve seen some great people that certainly made some bad decisions and have a past they feel they need to compensate for. Maybe to us Jason seems to do things in the extreme either way. But hey, he’s had an extreme life so far. Just me spitballing, but thats the general impression I get.


He's reacting fine here though. It's not quite a betrayal, and bringing up a stink in the middle of a dangerous mission benefits no one. Dropping the problem from a personal matter of pride into an objective matter of competency deescalates the situation, give the offender a chance to make amends, removing possible obstacles preventing him from working efficiently and not losing any firepower as a whole.


The reason for not bringing an affliction specialist ["They need teams around them. In fights like these where a messy ambush has us attacked from all sides, they'd be about as much use as the research team.'] makes no sense, since they already do this for Clive, Belinda, and Neil. So the AF could just be put with them.


I understand all that and im also not against it but its still a repeating occurrent that he gets betrayed and doesnt even react i dont say he should have reacted differently in this situation but generelly i think he needs to set some bondaries and maybe a drastic example for people who betray him or he gets betrayed when he cant handle it. He does great as operation leader even if he doesnt want to be one and he made the right call because nothing happened that wasnt rectifieable but still sooner or later he should put a stop to it or it will forever happen.


Clive and Belinda are both pretty individually competent, despite not being focused on that. Clive even beat a messenger one-on-one. And Neil isn’t, except that he’s a healer, so he could at least keep himself alive till someone came to his rescue


Good points, but Miriam's argument wasn't about the vulnerability of an affliction specialist (AS) when things go sideways. Rather it was about what they need to be effective in normal operation—that they need a mechanism that shields them from being targeted, so they can focus on their job. She was speaking as if that wouldn't be available on this operation, yet from how Clive, Belinda, and Neil were able to function during the ambush, it obviously is. And probably likewise for the other team's healer as well. As to your point, I assume that an AS is aware of their vulnerability when things do go sideways, and probably has some sort of skill or escape talisman just for those eventualities. They're so valuable to their team that it's almost assured the team would make sure they had this, so they wouldn't lose their AS when things got FUBARed and they couldn't protect them. This would have been a better explanation for not having an AS: "Yes, an AS would be very useful, and could operate effectively by sequestering them with Clive, Neil and Belinda. However, they're never solo operators—they're always the central focus of a team. Thus you couldn't get an AS without their entire team, and there was no AS team that also fulfilled our constraints of being available and sufficiently known to us to guarantee they've not been infiltrated."


Is this supposed to be Kevin Quinn or someone else? “It's basically a soul patch, plus a line running along your jaw. You look like an old child actor that hasn’t gotten acting work since the nineties, was on drugs for a while but kicked it about ten years ago and is now super wholesome and in a Christian rock group.”

Bradley Warburton

For the love of god, please stop using the word "gotten"