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Book nine will finally be drawing to a close this week. It will be the tiniest bit longer than book one to take top spot in series book length.

For silver-rank and above patrons, this means they will be reaching the end of the book this week, after two more chapters. The final chapter will be 698.

I will be taking a week off, which I hadn't intended so soon after the hiatus, but this last month has wrecked me hard. It is the most intense writing period I've ever had and I need rest.

Last chapter before break will be the 5th or 6th, depending on timezone, while the first one back will be the 13th or 14th, again, timezone dependent.

And now, I shall go sleep. I have a giant beanbag in my office for naps, but it's currently in the lounge so I took a nap on the floor. The carpeting is nice, but still.


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