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  • I'm doing a board game night during my trip to Los Angeles.
  • Patrons get the chance to sign up in order of tier.
  • You do not need to be an experienced board gamer to attend.
  • The date is Thursday, December 8th; the time is 6-10pm.
  • There will be food.
  • Slots are limited; there is a first come, first serve signup form.
  • Venue and address are on the form.
  • Signing up is a confirmation of attendance, not an expression of interest.
  • There are links to the form throughout this post, including here.

I've previously mentioned that I would be heading for LA during balmy December, and asked if anyone wanted to hang out. And what makes hanging out the most fun? Filling out a form!

I'll be doing an event in Los Angeles where readers (or non-readers, but that would be weird) can come and meet me in person. Guaranteed to disappoint!

Since I would find it strange to have an event where the sole purpose was for me to stand there while people silently judge me, we've decided to make it a game night. If anyone is looking to meet me and play some board games, feel free to sign up. If you're not a gamer, don't worry, there will be plenty of fun and easy-to-learn games on offer. If you are a gamer, sorry, no Twilight Imperium.

Optimistically, there is an upper limit for how many people we can have, which I think is fifty. It's first come, first served, and now it's the turn of silver-rank patrons, and there are a lot of you. Seriously, a lot. More than five-thousand, which is 10,000% of our available slots. Fortunately, most of you are too far away, too busy or just not interested. Which is fine. I can play solo games if no one shows up, and I definitely won't cry. My eyes could be watering because of an allergy to the United States, you don't know. It's a very real allergy that I didn't just make up. I'm pretty sure the French made it up.

Anyway, just to restate, it's first come, first serve, and once we get a full house, that's that.

If you want to attend, here is the form to claim one of the limited spots. Note that this is to confirm your attendance, not just an expression of interest.


He Who Fights with Board Games

Shirtaloon aka Travis Deverell is trading his down under roots for the SoCal experience for one night! Join Shirtaloon for a night of food, fun, and most importantly: gateway games. Pants optional. (Just kidding, please wear pants.)


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