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TL;DR: I'm taking next week off for mental health (and to get ready to move); big chapter to round out this week.

Writing this story is what I do. It occupies the vast majority of my time and I'm usually revising and editing late into the evening or even early into the morning. Some days are easy, some are hard, and when the whole week is hard, I end up with a constant headache and my body forgetting how to sleep properly. Which means it's self-care time. Not a euphemism.

As some of you will know from comments I've made here and there, I'm currently in the process of buying a house. My first house, in fact, which is only possible because of my amazing readers. That's you, and you're awesome. I literally can't thank you enough; I would die of dehydration in the attempt.

I'm a pretty hardcore man-child. I'm sitting here, wearing my own merch, going on about my job writing a kung-fu wizard story on the internet. As it turns out, attempting to do all the things I should have done over the course of my adult life (first house, first car, insurance, annoyingly complicated taxes) in about a month isn't working out great. I didn't plan it this way; that's just how it came down. Well, the car was my fault, but it wasn't a huge deal. My assistant had to do a lot of running around with contracts. I sound like to total douche bag. And now my self-insults are turning American; I need this break so much.

While I am very much looking forward to being in my new house, I'm currently at the stage where it's all paperwork and brokers and insurance. That's just how it works. But when all that stuff comes in the roughest writing week I've had in a while, it's just too much. I'm writing this sometime after midnight on Saturday morning and I am just wrecked.

I'm well aware that there are plenty of people working way harder for far less money, who don't have the luxury of giving themselves a week off. But in the interest of not pumping out a bunch of crappy chapters while my mental state gets worse and worse, I've decided to take a break. Next week will have no chapters. Not Patreon, not Royal Road. That's the bad news.

The good news is that the fact that I've spent about 30 of the last 48 hours writing, so tomorrow's chapter is a biggun. I won't be sure of the final word count until I finish editing and proofing it, but it's got some heft. Around the third or fourth longest of the entire series, I think, although I'd have to check. I'm not going to check. Of course,

Normally, I'd split a chapter of that length. Frankly, I should have. I could have taken something for the headache I've had all week and be asleep right now. But this is a chapter that I think deserves to remain intact, even if Jason is barely in it.

I know the timing isn't ideal. I know that I keep deleting sentences because they make me sound pissy, because I'm cranky when I get tired. And I am so very tired, so now it's time for self-care. Still not a euphemism; I don't have the energy for that.

I got up this morning with this chapter already written. The first draft, anyway. I had feedback from my main alpha reader (my friend Chris) and all I needed to do was edit. I could finish up early and learn a new board game for my group tomorrow.

It's coming up on midnight and I'm mostly done. The chapter is about 60% longer and most of what I had already was rewritten. I'm writing this while I wait for my assistant to proofread it, then I can proofread it, he'll post it and you can put all the mistakes we missed in the errors channel on the discord. I sound flippant about that, but it really does help me out. It's coming up on time for the next big error sweep, in fact, which means my assistant will be almost as busy as me for a while.

Okay, at this point, I'm just plugging on aimlessly because I'm kind of woozy. I've made one and a half mediocre masturbation jokes and been complaining pretty non-stop, but I'm actually rather happy with how this chapter came out. I'd be pretty grouchy if I sank all this time into it and I wasn't, so there's that, at least. Also, I gave this post a quick proof, but I may have missed typos.

My assistant is taking a long time with the proofread. I guess it's a long chapter, but I may have made a lot of mistakes. In fact, I almost certainly did. The squishy inside my head is a  little more squishy than normal right now.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. If you read it when it goes up, I'll definitely be asleep.




Understand hope the break helps and the move goes well.

S Money

Get your rest. We'll be here when you get back


Take care of yourself! I love your writing and you give us more than most.


I hope you have a restful week!


Thank you for the time you put into this. Hope you feel better soon!

David Fletcher

Get some rest, enjoy a week off, and thanks for being dedicated to your readers!


You deserve it man. See you soon


Don't compare yourself to others, there will always be someone worse off but that doesn't mean that the way you're feeling is any less valid, or that your mental health needs any less care. Good luck on all the scary adult stuff, it'll be worth it in the end!


Enjoy your break Shirt! Hope you rest and recharge!

Rick White

Take care of yourself

Adam Boshcoff

Take care Shirt! Rest up and do what you need to do. We all still love you

Loyd Blankenship

Your pace is crazy. Take a break as you need it.


announcement had more in it than most daily posts.


Enjoy the rest mate ! Just invite everyone for a BBQ in your new house when you move in 🤣


Take your time to rest, buying a house is an ordeal, most of those adult things you described are. I'm sure many would agree with me that we'd rather have a rested Shirt that's creative and happy then one that's miserable and over crunched. Enjoy your break and make sure you give yourself enough time to enjoy your new house once all the ink dries!

Terry Stevens

Dude, chill the fuck out. If you need a break, just say you’re taking a break of x amount of days or a couple of weeks or the month off. So long as you give us a heads up, like this update, all is fine and dandy. After all, you are living in a prison colony. I think we’ve got the next batch of undesirables lined up and ready to ship out. So there is also that. Good luck surviving the slaughter fest.


Rest is vital my man. You're working like crazy all the time so take your time Shirt. Maybe bake a little more rest time into the daily routine so you're not running yourself ragged all the time. We need you healthy, happy, and pumping out this story for a long time to come.


Love you shirt. Thankyou for your time and dedication. Tough buying a house. Don’t forget council rates!


Rest up. Maybe consider adding in a mid week break. Like every other Tuesday take off. That way it won’t build on you like this.


Enjoy the time off Shirt! I really don’t mind and already think your writing output is amazing.


Good luck adulting!!!


Have a great break! See ya when you get back!


If he did that he'd have diamond rankers showing up without an invite.


Mental health and self-care are always a priority and any one who gives you grief for it is an Other Gordon If I may make a suggestion: Why not schedule it somewhat regulary? Either take a week off every month or two, or only release chapters 4 days a week instead of five? And on the days you don’t end up releasing chapters, post some commissioned or fan art where you don’t have to be so hands on instead?


Enjoy the break and take care of yourself.


Man you have to take care of yourself!! I agree with Mike C. You should take a a off during the week! Please take care!


Moving is the worst. Take all the time you need. We appreciate you.


Take the time to take care of yourself Shirt, the world sucks right now, and I'm sure you're mental state will thank you for the break. You should probably schedule something on a regular basis tbh, your health, mental, emotional, physical, all of it, is important after all.


Thank you for the update Shirt/Travis. Buying a house can be an amazingly frustrating time of your life. Keep in mind all of this is just short term s**t you have to deal with and in 2 years you will ( hopefully ) be able to look back and laugh. Enjoy the time off and I would suggest doing something like MWF next month as you will be dealing with more random oddity’s / headaches trying to find your favorite pen ( or whatever ) that got packed away and is now missing.


Dude I just closed on my first house this Tuesday so I feel what you're going through. Your writing this year has been top tier so take the time you need to keep up the quality. Your chapters the past few weeks helped me destress so I hope you get to feeling better. Cheers


Do what you have to do man. No worries on this end. Patreon is about supporting the authors we like not just about getting chapters.


AHH burn out. Definitely know that feeling. Enjoy your rest Shirt! Might wanna do some nice out doors stuff to keep it fresh


Thanks for the long chapter and enjoy your week off!

Azuolas Korsakas

Honestly by the amount of content you produce its really not surprising you need a break mate. Have a great break and if you need a longer one then take a longer one (just let us know first ofc) you deserve all the rest you can get. And if you want you could always be a little more active on discord😂 im just kidding. Have a great one mate


Have a good break, and good luck with all the paperwork.


Have a great break and it’s too bad i you ou couldn’t just win a house like Jason


Have a good break and enjoy your new home too! It definitely is a lot of work even if some of it is just anxiety and stress about things you have no control over


To be perfectly honest, what you do is important to a lot of us as a way to rest and enjoy ourselves for the hard work we put in. I’m one of those who work 80hr weeks in a hospital and absolutely look forward to sitting peacefully and reading about the amazing world you’ve created! You take all the time you need to rest man. You’ve earned it by helping many others find time to rest themselves. I’ll keep rooting for you man!


Hope y9 have a good break and look forward to the long chapter, take it easy mate


Maybe it would be relaxing to instead write some poetry by Jason. Everywhere I walkabout I come across some bloody lout Who think he can do what he please Until I riddle him with disease No, actually, that's a terrible idea. And would probably give you an even worse headache. Hope you feel better mate, take the time you need and enjoy the wonderful struggles of housedom.


You work hard. Working with your brain is just as hard and exhausting as working with muscles. Enjoy your time off Hoss.


Mate, you've been posting on the dot for years. Take whatever time you need, the only way any of us will be upset is if you take a full hiatus. Even still, I'm sure most of us would stick around. HWFWM has become a daily routine for me. Your chapters come out at 4pm my time, so I always make sure to have enough work done to grab a 15m read. Thanks for everything Shirt!


I know I sometimes bust your balls on this or that...I'm an American, its what we do. But seriously, take care of yourself and your well-being. Enjoy your week. You deserve it.


Take care of yourself man! As much as I am like “oh no I am going to go through reading withdrawls…” lol, you need to take care of you first so you don’t hit complete tracer burnout!


Take the time ya need. I am honestly surprised when you give us 5 chapters a week. Always take care of yourself first.


Thank you for exposing us to your humanity. I find it good to know and appreciate. Thank you for sharing the struggles and the rewards.


Take care my dude! Love you, your work and excited that you get to experience all those new things. With you all the way, take time for yourself and come back to us refreshed!

Matt Hosking

Yeah, adulting can suck sometimes. But seems like you're getting the hard stuff done which is good. On the bright side, a lot of this is stuff we're the first time you do it is orders of magnitude harder than any subsequent times it has to get done. Thank you for taking the week off and for taking care of yourself. If you do not take care of you then everything just gets worse.

James Oliger

Good for you man, take all the time you need, we are here for you and your tale.

Hanksville Noyes

A week of missed chapters will do no harm to us, and much good for you. Rest up and enjoy it the best you can! stress is real and ties in surprisingly tight with growth and success in business, it's something I've been going through recently as well and you can bet I'll be taking a week the first chance I get. we might all miss the chapters next week, but I'll just listen to 1-4 on audio for the 65th time lol. You're doing great and I think I can speak for most of your readers in saying we have your back. P.S. I am now super anxious to read todays chapter.....


Congrats on the new house, and I hope the break helps you reset! Definitely more than earned with how much/hard you obviously work on this story for us.

Will Mill

Rest up Shirt. Lots of big changes coming. But As a little joke: We Keep You Alive to Serve This Ship - Row Well and Live —-Ben-Hur 1959.

Braden Lambert

Take you time boio you know we love you, take a second week off cause you also gonna need to move in and get comfy and situated and that needs time too.


Thank you for the time and effort you spend to bring us this wonderful story. Enjoy your time off and please take care of yourself.


I don't care if you have to take a month or TWO off, so long as you keep on writing this amazing story. I don't know how much longer this story is going to be but I'm sticking it out till the end.


Take your time buddy so that you can write longer this amazing story


Take as much time as necessary! I suspect most of us love that addressing mental health actually shows up in the series as a focal point of numerous plot lines.

Daniel Heritage

That's totally fine Shirt ! If you need the time to get well and improve your health you have my full support and I won't mind waiting for you to get better 😉 I've also been dealing with mental health issues and insomnia since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis so I know that those issues are not easy to deal with but with some rest and support I hope that you'll get over it and regain balance ^^. On a side note now I'm going to have to search for HWFWM merch as I obviously need some now that I'm aware of it's existence lol, take care mate ^^


Take care, man. You're the best thing on this site. We'll be here.


As much as I'm going to miss reading for a week, if you need a break take it. As long as you don't leave us hanging for years it's fine. Buying a house and moving are big deals! Good luck!


I figured it would be a week until we saw Jason's dual, but I didn't think it would be like this. Get some rest Shirt, we need you healthy and at your best!!

Torbjørn Nilsen

Yeah, man. Snuggle down in bed and relax for as long as you need. If a week isn't enough, take another one. Rather miss your chapters for a week than have you fall of the earth due to mental colapse sometime in the future.

Robert Phipps Jr (Perren d'Wolff)

If you dont take care of yourself, then we will never get the full story. Joking aside, as a former suicide attempt victim, I completly understand and endorse your need for mental health recovery. Take the time you need, as much as you need.


Buying a car can be annoying, buying a house is definitely frustrating’ and moving just sucks & definitely in my top 10 things I hate to do. Take this time off and relax mentally. I’m happy to support all the way from the USA

Dig Bickens

It's all good man. Take as much time as you need. It's really not an issue at all.

Andrew Miller

Buying houses and cars are super stressful! I'm not sure I know anyone who doesn't take a week or two off when moving/going through big life changes. You are just being a normal human! Take a week or two, no worries and no need to beat yourself up over it! In terms of chapter length, I've always preferred a complete scene/event over a word count, so it doesn't bother me to see a biggun. Have a good week, I recommend some physical exertion if your brain won't behave and let you sleep though. 🤔😘😉


Take your break man. Buying a house is stressful. We’d all rather you be rested and feeling good. Congratulations on the house! Go sleep and maybe play some elden ring!


Buying anything over a $1k is stressful unless you have serious money and come from serious money. It is impressive that you’ve put out such great chapters while stressed and with a headache. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a break when you need it, and you should when buying and moving into a house. Especially the first one! Try to enjoy the sense of accomplishment over the monotony and stress. Congratulations 🎉🎊


I hope everything works out well with the house and we see you back later this month able to focus on the story. Its kinda noticeable that the last few chapters arent as focused as what you usually produce. As a long-time patron I don't mina break every now and then if thats what it takes to keep the quality of the story high or preventing burn-out.


Hey Shirt, you may be sounding like an American, but this American would give you the biggest bear hug of your life. But yeah, pace things out my dude. If your assistant is worth her salt she must have been on the verge of bopping you on the head for trying to take a three-bite week with a one-bite mouth. Maybe I'll get to see and enjoy the Land Down Under some time in my future, and if so...Shirt you had best be breathing, as I am certain many of us here are already your friends, just ones you haven't opened a beer with yet.

Alexander Dupree

Get some time off mate. While there are technically people who work "harder" that's still way above average and it sounds stressful.

Kyle J Smith

I completely understand and wish you the best! In one week 7 years ago, I went on a cross country business trip, flew back, got married the next day, then moved into our now house 2 days later.


Hang in there man. No worries in advance if you need more than just one week to recenter.


Why are you apologizing for taking a vacation?


Take that break! Everyone needs some time and I know I would rather see new chapters from a clean Shirt


You never need to apologize for taking care of yourself, get well soon!


I have the same sentiments a everyone else here, take care of yourself! There is never anything wrong with that! You rock dude! Thank you for the amazing books! And congrats on the house thats awesome 😁


"Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast" - I read that in my favourite web-novel, and since it is full of good jokes and underhanded wisdom, it might help you too. In other words: don't push through as Jason would have done in volume 1, listen to the voices of reason that he had gathered to guide him.

Harley Ahner

Take a freakin’ month off for all I care man. You are doing great things and deserve to do them in a way that works best for you.


Take a break and ignore the comment section. We all (you and all your fans) want the best version of the book possible which means it needs you at your best so take as long as you need. We will be eagerly waiting for your return


Hey, be kind to yourself and take a break! You do not need feel guilty, I'm sure many of us have been there so we get it. I think I speak for all of us that have gotten so much joy from reading your work when I say the last any of us want if you burnt out. You don't need to push yourself so hard for us. We much rather you take a break than wear yourself out trying to keep going on empty. Take the time to enjoy all the life goals you are smashing 😊


Good for you Shirt, it's important to recognize when you need a break for your own health. I've been feeling similarly in my own life lately. I hope it helps you feel better and recalibrate, congratulations on the house too! I'm working on my first house as well, in US not AUS so I'm sure there's plenty differences, but it's a tough process anywhere. Good luck! I love your writing and I appreciate everything you do, stay safe, stay healthy, come back with vigor. We'll be here waiting man.


Take as much time as you need shirt, everyone here knows you deserve at least that


House buying is always stressful. See you on the other side.


Love you shirt and everything you do for us!


I think most of these comments have either said this already or close enough... you don't have to apologise for being human. When the Harry Potter books were being released they were one a year. You are here writing a book every quarter.


He man, it's pretty common with self employed people that they forget their off time. It's best that you plan your holidays ahead. 1 week for the spring, 2 weeks in the summer, 1 week in the fall and 1 week for Christmas. If you can manage why wouldn't you take some time off? :-).

Robert Nugent

Don’t feel like you have to bust your ass to put out these XL chapters. Sure, I’m gonna love reading it, but keeping your head in the right space is more important. Congrats on the house. It’s a real achievement in this day and age.

Danielle Warvel

No worries! I’m an addict of your work, but I want my supplier to be alive to give me my fix. 😉

Cyrus McEnnis

When I'm contracting, the hardest thing for me to remember us that my rates include a hefty allowance for time off. Being self-employed I would imagine you hit the same problem. Be well, and look after yourself - I'm looking forward to reading your work for as long as you want to produce it after all, so the last thing I want is for you to burn out and get a real job ; )

Lewis McReu

Make sure to just sit down and relax once you're all moved in as well. I bought my own home two years ago and it was so much more work than I expected, but sitting there for the first time on the sofa was amazing.


Good luck with the house dude, I remember the experience well and it really does feel like running the gauntlet at points. Have a good week off, I hope it all resolves to your satisfaction!


Get yourself some r&r Sir Shirt 🙇‍♂️ as much as I love reading your work five days a week maybe think about cutting back some and living life a little??? You probably deserve it…


#PrayForShirt #PortaliNCarlos

Jeff Taylor

Have a great break! Thank for everything!


Thank you for the great writing! Enjoy your new home and hope you get some much needed rest!!


Just because others have longer hours less pay or "harder" lives doesn't make your problems any less real. If you're happy and healthy the novel continues in the end. So it's a net benefit for everyone


You overwork yourself sir. I know people don't understand and can't comprehend how hard it can be to make good content. They somehow believe pumping this stuff out is as easy as reading it. It is not... by a long shot. Always remember to give yourself time and pace things out to keep yourself from damaging your health. Oh and buying a house and the rest of that stuff is SUPER stressful. Big commitments, big changes, lots of details that need to be taken care of that no one thinks about until it's right in front of them. Relax. Take some time. I would suggest that long term you find an output level you can comfortably maintain, have the occasional sick day, and still meet all your previous commitments. I think that would remove a LOT of your stress. It will also help ensure your content maintains its' quality.


Rest now, kick ass later... thanks for all of the effort... we'll see you when you're fresh!

Logen Felxon

Good to hear that you've bought a house! I said this in discord as well but that's bound to be gone and not easy to find since I don't tag you when you're not active in the channel. Thanks for the chapter, it was a goodie, hope you get all the 'adulting'(paperwork stuff and moving) things done swiftly and that you can chillax to the max after and get the break you deserve.


Shirt, I work as a travel nurse and can let you know that time off is an essential part. Most of the time I love my job... but when I start having apathy for the small things I know it's time to take a break, I'll never judge you for self care (unless it's in front of my mum) take care and relax in the fact that while we all are ravenous for more we will all stand back and be thankful for what we have. (Normal novels take about 2-3 years)


You need to take more breaks! Nobody on here would mind if you took a month off to look after yourself. If you don’t have your health you have nothing. Take care of yourself and come back when you’re ready.

Nicolas Maganto

You should probably take more frequent rests but in doing so maybe shorten them a bit like two weeks at a time ? Either way take what you need and relax for a time! Also, difficult to write consistently if you don't experience life a bit outside !


Don't feel bad about the rest. Avoiding burn out is important and I'd much rather you be happy and rested then resenting your work. P.S if you haven't try playing tapestry it's like civ in board game form


Dude you need to work less! Nobody is going to blame you! Your health WILL suffer if you continue ditching sleep. Just taking a week break isn't a permanent solution, I'm sure you know this already


💯 Take the time you need , hell take two weeks off adulting is hard and hella flustering.


Maybe you could post a chapter every second day and make the chapter 12/13 pages


Congratulations on the house. Enjoy the time. First houses are work. You will be on a first name basis with the experienced clerk at your local home improvement center. Another Bert in the works?

Robert Nicklin

Enjoy the break Shirt - and congrats on the house!

Alan Fernando Elías Etcheverria

I didn't notice this last week. I will say the same thing I said back when you announced your christmass vacation: If it's becoming too much drop the chapter release speed. Drop it to 3 a week or something similar. Or better: Just drop the working hours to 8 hours daily and let it flow as you live on. Your story is awesome and we love it. I would hate it so much if this story ended up like Mad Snail's "Tales of Demons and Gods" or other of his sotries. This Mad Snail author, I don't know the story behind his actions, but this is not the first time he starts a story and then drops it. Continued by a rushed end. The last Released chapter of "Tales of Demons and Gods" the protagonist talked about making a "Temporal barrier" or something like DBZ's hyperbolic time chamber: An obvious attempt to rush the end of the story. That was around 2 or 3 years ago. No new chapter has come out.