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There was a rocky outcropping on the southern mainland, well beyond the border of Storm Kingdom territory. Towering over the jungle, it overlooked a sweeping river and was an excellent landmark to portal to. A portal opened as someone did just that, and adventurers started emerging. Emerging first were silver rank guild adventurers, followed by Princess Liara and, finally, a visibly nervous Autumn Leal.

Autumn looked around at the guild team assigned to watch over her familiar ritual. They were from the Sapphire Crown guild, whose bronze-rankers wouldn’t give her a second glance on the street, even with her silver rank. They would be polite if they ever spoke to her, sure, but why would they? And all of that was ignoring the gold-rank princess.

Liara directed them to start descending the outcropping.

“Don’t think about them,” Liara told Autumn in a calming voice. “My understanding is that if you aren’t looking to attract certain varieties of carnivore, a calm mind is best for familiar rituals.”

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” Autumn said. “I mean, I understand why I’m here, but why are you here?”

“Mr Asano was unhappy that people coming after him were going to disrupt your familiar ritual, so he told me to take you to another site while he explains things to the people in question.”

“He can tell you to do things?”

“No, but it doesn’t seem to stop him.”

She didn’t point out that he also told the Builder to do things, which was really how they ended up in their current circumstances.

“Mr Asano's aura is rather strong,” Liara continued. “Strong enough that even I can't read his emotions. So when enough anger slipped through that I picked up on it, it was worth paying attention to. It meant he was probably going to do something drastic, and knowing there was no stopping him, I thought to it best to steer him as best I could. Fortunately, there are procedures for this.”

“For what, exactly?”

“After every monster surge, there's a lot of guild recruitment as quality adventurers the guilds overlooked demonstrate their ability. Many great adventurers come from outside of the guild and aristocratic families, and the surge is where a lot of them get noticed. Unfortunately, every surge also brings adventurers that failed to distinguish themselves but are unwilling to accept that. They pick someone who did and try to make an example of them. Watching out for this very thing is how we caught wind of what was happening with you and stepped in. Asano is, after all, such an obvious target.”

“But even with moving my ritual, won't they still go after Jason?”

“Yes. Standard procedure is to warn whomever they've targeted, and then let them. We've found that letting people bite down on the rock is the most effective object lesson.”

Autumn nodded.

“I know you're only helping me because of Jason, but I'm still not sure how I ended up here. How did I go from standing next to him in line for a scutwork delivery job to all this?”

She gestured at the other adventurers and Liara herself.

“That was Asano's choice.” Liara explained. “I've studied Asano's history as extensively as anyone can, I suspect. He has a habit of going a long way for relative strangers, especially if he feels that they've been wronged on account of his actions. You have met his team members, Wexler and Callahan?”

“Sophie and Belinda? Yes.”

“They were thieves when they met Asano. He and Clive Standish caught them on a contract, only to discover they were passing them off into a fate much worse than thievery warranted. It was quite political, very corrupt and extremely unpleasant. Asano undertook actions I can only describe as characteristically drastic and two thieves went from a disastrous fate to elite adventurers. Asano made some rather significant enemies in the process and ultimately paid a hefty price, but I don't believe he regrets it. Despite a cost I'm not sure I can even empathise with the severity of.”

“Is he going to pay a cost for helping me?”

“Not unless, as I said, he's overestimated himself. You met Asano on a fortress town delivery?”

“Yes, but it was clear things weren't normal. There was a gold ranker on board, and not just an ordinary one. He said it was because of pirates, but you don't send the Siege Sword to guard a supply run from pirates that could be anywhere. He was there to test Jason.”

“Yes, he was,” Liara agreed. “I’m afraid that I am ultimately the reason for your acquaintance with Asano. I put him on that airship, although it was his Ancestral Majesty who assigned Trenchant Moore. I was using Asano as bait to catch some Builder cultists.”

“His Ancestral Majesty, as in…”

“Soramir Rimaros, yes.”

Liara looked at Autumn.

“I'm not helping you calm down, am I, Miss Leal?”

“Not really, no. Did you catch the Builder cultists?”

“We got Purity zealots instead. There’s no shortage of people willing to go after Asano, which is what has brought us to this predicament. There are only a handful of regions ideal for seeking out familiar-appropriate magical frogs, which is why we had to portal you to a more distant one. The one you were registered to visit is currently crawling with opportunists about to find that their opportunity is eagerly awaiting them.”


Eleven people were moving through the jungle on the Storm Kingdom’s western mainland. They were in a region hosting a major habitat for magical frogs, around a dozen kilometres from one of the main roadways that Jason had once travelled down on a delivery contract. This was where Autumn Leal had registered as going to perform her familiar bond ritual. It was also the place where two men, Rangel and Tellez, had led their teams.

“And to think you said this helmet wasn’t worth the money, Tellez.”

“It wasn’t worth the money, Rangel.”

“We aren’t the only ones out here, searching for Asano. This helmet will track him down.”

“Assuming he doesn’t have some way to block tracking magic. There are plenty of items and abilities that can do that.”

“The artificer who sold it to me said it would penetrate those kinds of protections.”

“People say all kinds of things, Rangel. My wife said she’d never leave me.”

“Didn’t she leave that alchemy vendor for you?”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying there’s a pattern of behaviour.”

“What kind of pattern is leaving me for a guy who sells umbrellas?”

“Ella left you for an umbrella salesman?”

“During a monster surge, no less. And they aren’t even magical umbrellas. They’re regular umbrellas!”

Rangel and Tellez were moving through the jungle with their team members in tow. They were hunting Jason Asano, and knowing he would have his own team with them, had grouped together. They had checked and found that Asano’s absurdly named Team Biscuit had six, giving them almost two-to-one odds. Not everyone was on-board with the plan, however, and the singular woman in the group spoke up.

“Tellez, we could still back out of this,” she told her team leader.

“Escamilla, you were outvoted.”

“There’s a Geller on Asano’s team.”

“Not one of the local ones; I’ve never heard of him. And not every Geller is so amazing. Their reputation is overblown.”

“I don’t know if that’s true,” Escamilla said. “And Gellers don’t usually let just anyone on their team.”

“I haven’t heard of anyone on this one’s team,” Rangel contributed. “Except Asano.”

“Who you hadn’t heard of before,” Escamilla pointed out. “Just because they aren’t known locally doesn’t make them weak.”

“You're just looking for reasons to not do this,” Tellez told her.

“You're right. We're roaming through the jungle, interrupting some poor woman's familiar ritual to beat the hell out of a fellow adventurer just for the glory. This doesn't feel glorious, Tellez.”

“Stop griping. We agreed to this as a team.”

“I did some checking around, Tellez. This woman lost her familiar defending Rimaros from the Builder attack.”

“We all defended the city from the Builder attack,” Rangel said.

“Our teams were on standby on Provo, Rangel,” Escamilla said. “We weren’t exactly beating back the cult.”

“Which is why we’re here,” Rangel said. “To get the prestige that was denied us when we were assigned away from the battle.”

“I don’t think it was prestige that we were denied,” Escamilla said. “I think it was casualties. A lot of people died that day. Stronger people than us.”

“That’s what you think, isn’t it?” Tellez asked. “That Asano’s team is stronger than us?”

“I don’t know, Tellez,” she said. “That’s kind of the whole point: we don’t know what we’re walking into. I told you I did some checking around, and I spoke to Team Work Saw.”

“Team Work Saw aren’t worth a damn,” Rangel said.

“They’re a guild team,” Escamilla said.

“Yeah, the worst guild team in Rimaros,” Rangel said. “We could take them easy.”

“I don’t think we should go underestimating any guild team, Rangel,” Tellez said. “What did you get from them, Milla?”

“They’ve worked with Asano’s team. Said they’re a strange group, but serious business.”

“What did they say about Asano himself?”

“The usual stuff. Don’t mess with an affliction specialist. They said he was kind of an odd one, though. He–”

“It doesn’t matter,” Rangel said. “Affliction specialists are nothing. You just punch past their protection and put them down fast.”

“And how many affliction specialists have you ‘put down fast’ Rangel?” Escamilla asked.

“First time for everything.”

In a nearby shadow, Jason was starting to wonder if this entire conversation was some kind of ruse to lure him into a false sense of security.

“That's what makes this such a good plan,” Tellez said, gesturing at the recording crystal floating over his head. Rangel had an identical one. “We don't have to fight Asano's team. Not really. We have the numbers to tie them up long enough to give Asano a beat down. He's silver rank, so he can take it. And then we disengage and get out. They're looking for monsters and magical beasts interrupting the ritual, not a sneak attack from two teams of elite adventurers. We blitz, beat, and bolt.”

“Yes, because that’s what elite adventurers do,” Escamilla said. “They record themselves attacking a fellow adventurer for no better reason than to build their reputations. Do you think there won't be any repercussions from this?”

“We want the repercussions from this,” Tellez said. “Footage of us kicking the goo out of the guy everyone is talking about at the top end of town, the people they’ll be talking about is us. Recrimination from the Adventure Society will only help raise our profile. He has a healer, Milla. No one will be suffering anything that can’t be fixed with a few minutes and a few spells, so it won’t be that bad. We take our lumps and come out the talk of the town.”

“Even assuming that this all goes the way you think it will,” Escamilla said, “I’m not so sure I want to be the subject of that kind of talk. And don’t think it will go just right. When has everything gone just right on a contract, let alone this mess? If we want to end up in the upper echelons of adventurers, Tellez, we can’t be stuck on basic monster hunts, which means star ratings with the Adventure Society. Every famous team is full of two-stars, and most have at least one member with three. We have one member with two stars. Me. But when what we’re doing here comes out – however it goes – my second star is going away. You aren’t afraid of getting demoted because you’re already sitting on one star, but I’m the one with something to lose.”

Tellez stopped walking and turned on Escamilla.

“And there it is,” he said. “Short-term thinking is one thing, but the real problem is that it’s all about you, isn’t it? The unwillingness to sacrifice for the team. The selfishness.”

Escamilla didn’t back off, getting in the face of the man, despite being a head shorter.

“Don’t talk to me about selfishness, Tellez. This whole thing is the embodiment of selfishness. How many people are you willing to hurt to advance yourself? This woman just trying to get a familiar? The team of adventurers we’re attacking? They don’t know about your plan, Tellez, so they won’t be playing for fun. When we hit them, they’re going to hit back. Hard. And not just today, either. We’re making enemies here that we don’t have to.”

Rangel and Tellez loomed over the smaller woman.

“You don’t like it, Escamilla,” Rangel said, “then how about you turn around and go home? We can live without one more damage dealer. If you wanted to have people put up with your crap, you should have gone for guarding or healing powers.”

Escamilla looked to Tellez, waiting, but he said nothing.

“Seriously?” she asked, after a long, tense silence. “You’re going to let an outsider tell a member of your team to go and not say a single word in their defence?”

Tellez took on an awkward expression, but then firmed it with resolve.

“You agreed to go along with the team’s decision, Milla.”

“I never thought the team would be this insane!”

“Then why come along at all?”

“Because you’re my team! And I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could convince you to give up on this idiotic plan of yours, Tellez.”

“Actually, it was my plan,” Rangel said. “Well, it was Maldonado’s plan, but I’m the one who stole it. And if we’re going to find Asano before he does, we need to stop standing around yelling at one another and get back to the search. If Asano and his team are anywhere near here, they’ve heard us coming.”

Escamilla glared at him but didn’t respond before turning her gaze back to Tellez.

“If we want to make a name for ourselves,” she asked, “how about we do it with accomplishments instead of stunts?”

“We don’t have enough accomplishments, Milla! The guilds are going to be recruiting now the surge is over, but we didn’t do anything that will stand out. We can’t get into a top guild if no one knows who we are.”

“Look at what we're doing, Tellez! You think this – this – is what great adventurers do?”

“Asano isn’t so great, and his name is on everyone’s lips right now. That’s what makes him the perfect target.”

“We don’t know what Asano is,” she told him. “But what he’s not is out in the jungle, targeting other adventurers to make some kind of point.”

In a nearby shadow, Jason winced, scratching his head awkwardly.

“All this has done is show us who we really are,” Escamilla said. “Every other group that we're racing to find Asano is the same as us; they’re either in middling guilds or none at all. Maybe the reason we didn’t get the attention of a big guild, Tellez, is that we’re not meant to be in one. Maybe what this whole debacle is really telling us is that this is all we amount to.”

Escamilla felt the atmosphere change and knew she’d made a mistake as the auras around her grew hostile. For the first time since being empowered by essences, she was acutely conscious of being a woman. She was the only one on either team, leaving her in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by men. She stood, tense, unease creeping into her mind when screams rang out as a member of Rangel’s team was dragged into the canopy.

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Hayden Leech

I’m curious, what is the widely accepted information about Jason by the regular people on Pallimustus now? He ended the builder invasion so he will be incredibly famous and Shirt said that people and information dealers have been pouring over every bit of information on him they could find. He’s a outworlder that manifested near greenstone, he feuded with the adventure/magic society directors and won, he won a competition and beat out the most elite young essence users from around the world, he got engaged to Princess Zara of Rimaros before dying to the builder in order to prevent the destruction of Greenstone and the invasion of a dozen diamond rank golems. He came back to life several times than returned to the world and apparently spent his time away involved in the affairs of gods and great astral beings while hanging out with diamond rankers. He has a cloud house that functions as a Temple to himself and most recently held a conference between himself and two great astral beings where the builders withdrawal was negotiated. You know I can see why people are concerned about him. There’s a huge lack of context but what people have observed is the stuff of legends. And he’s only silver. Terrifying.


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Thank you for the new chapter.

Robert Nugent

So we get a clever way out and an ass kicking this week. Love it.

Eloren Koori

I mean...am I the only one who wants to see evil chuni Jason make a spectacle and terrify these groups? Maybe just leave Milla alone since she’s arguing against going after him?

John Curtis

can we fast forward to the next chapter and skip the 24 hr wait


Darn I was really hoping we would find out who the auxiliary is

Val the mysterious Jedi

Predator time, good for Escapallia, the hardest thing is telling your group is wrong and stop being dicks


ah I hope this ends with every member of each team that actively participates, except ppl like Milla, after being beaten black and blue then hung up naked or maybe arranged in very inappropriate poses, all recorded of course and then shown in elite society or at the very least promised to be shown if they don't meet a very "Elite" condition or quit adventuring altogether...


Tftc shirt and are we seeing a new crew member in the making


I think that laast paragraph is him stepping in to stop the teams from turning on her and doing to her what they planned for Jason. Wonder if she is gonna end up being a Team Biscuit aux.


Well all of that is restricted information in the adventure society files. So the common people just know is his house turned into a dark temple and a huge aura blasted out of it.


And just as it was about to get real exciting. Every single time. Shaking my head in fond exasperation.


So does her familiar have to be a frog or does she just like frogs?


Does he go batman and give them all head trauma but leaves them alive? Or does he go full Deadpool and kill everyone but the Milla girl?


The jokes from the abushing team should be cut, feels very out of place and doesn't really fit this part. Not every team is going to be jokesters like Jasons team, i mean this would be exact banter from Jason and crew if you cut out the names. The part im talking about: It was also the place where two men, Rangel and Tellez, had led their teams. “And to think you said this helmet wasn’t worth the money, Tellez.” “It wasn’t worth the money, Rangel.” “We aren’t the only ones out here, searching for Asano. This helmet will track him down.” “Assuming he doesn’t have some way to block tracking magic. There are plenty of items and abilities that can do that.” “The artificer who sold it to me said it would penetrate those kinds of protections.” “People say all kinds of things, Rangel. My wife said she’d never leave me.” “Didn’t she leave that alchemy vendor for you?” “What are you saying?” “I’m saying there’s a pattern of behaviour.” “What kind of pattern is leaving me for a guy who sells umbrellas?” “Ella left you for an umbrella salesman?” “During a monster surge, no less. And they aren’t even magical umbrellas. They’re regular umbrellas!”


New training material for adventure society mandatory, "doesn't fuck with Jason". Distribute to all adventure society branches.


This chapter was sooo good. Great dialog from both the Princess and Escamilla. Clearly the two teams we just met are in over their heads and are about to "bite down on the rock". I'm guessing it won't be too bad, since Escamilla pricked Jason's concience. Guess we will find out tomorrow.

Andrew Miller

Sounds like we are about to get theatrics Jason 2.0

Aaron Schwartz

We I can’t say for certain without seeing the power, Jason Sarah Miller is called sanguine horror, which IS THE CREATURE. we’ve never seen Humphreys whole spec sheet before but I’ll bet his says bonded familiar: dragon. Meaning any Draconic creature. So this woman could have bonded familiar frog, or even amphibian and just all the good options are frogs


I think the next chapter will be all about Jason learning how to fight without killing again. That said, if the scene turns “rapey” at least a few of these guys should find their pecker falling off due to necrosis. I’m just saying.


But Jason isn't good at not killing... so just theatrics?

Aaron Schwartz

The rule wouldn’t be “don’t fuck with asano”. The rule would be “ if it all possible, please avoid antagonizing adventurers with a star ranking of: Bastard.”


They weren't actually trying to kill him, so I guess it depends on how hard they fight. If he has to go in hard with his powers, they may not survive because of that.

Aaron Schwartz

Dude. By this point in the story, you know what your reading. If you don’t like quippy, you know where the door is.

Kevin Roberts

I heard shenanigans and came running. 10/10 TFTC


Good chapter this feels like some actual tangible political fallout that jason has to deal with out in the jungle. As usual top notch dialogue, although I hope atleast one of the teams hunting Jason are talented, so he doesnt just stomp noobs all day. Id also like some more action focused chapters in the future. Show us what Jason can do. Thanks for the chapter and keep up the good work!


I hope Jason plans to hire Escamilla for his aux team. It takes a level of guts/loyalty to follow your team into madness so that you can try to reason them away from making a drastically stupid mistake. Loyalty that clearly is better used with someone thats more deserving of it.


how nice of them to bring the recording cristals this time ^^ jasons supply has to run low by now and we learned early that recordings from jasons perspective are trash anyways :P im loving that the scary recordings back from greenstone get new members like this^^


I like Escamilla. The rest need a beat down. Can't wait for tomorrow!


Hey, theoretically, could Jason just shove all the goons into his soul space and craft an shifting maze to put them in?

Robert Nugent

So what level of punishment is appropriate here? They planned a beat down, so proportional violence is clearly acceptable. I think the two recording crystals would come into play. They’d be making full confessions and maybe other additional embarrassing confessions. “My wife left me for an umbrella salesman.” “I watch shojo anime.” “I sleep with a waifu pillow.” These guys are begging to be clowned, not killed.


Great change of POV usage for this fight build up Shirt! Really enjoyed the chapter thank you!


Theoretically he likely could, but personally don't think its worth the effort. These guys are low tier thugs at best, no point "tarnishing" his soul space with their presence. Just beat them silly and move on.


Problem is that he is supposed to work on the chuuni persona. So probably no clowning they did not cause themselves. Though I am sure if that happened to be found just by happenstance...


I will say that the self-conscious head-scratching was a great start to the week. :D


Clive has some floating around while Belinda is yelling that the view is not good enough. With Neil eating popcorn.

Louis Glick

Jason beating up people weaker than himself on film seems to be one of his things


Thanks for the chapter Shirt! As always the biggest joy on mondays


I am looking so much forward to what lvl the skills are at since the use of authority!!


What I think we are missing regarding the team trying to beat him up is why they are cocky enough to think that they should rightfully be "guild level". We've all been itching for his cloud house to eat some gold rankers, a newly minted gold ranker thinking they could take down asano would be the perfect opportunity for that.

Aaron Schwartz

I’m definitely on board for rotting penises ( not a sentence I never thought I’d write) but as others have pointed out he has his sword’s special ability to drain afflictions without killing people now)

Stevean Bozek

Well Jason needs to prove to the world how capable he truly is and put the fear into morons going after him trying to make a name for themselves And these morons showed up in a jungle, a complex and shadowed environment where a predator like Jason thrives, armed with recording crystals and only one of them has any level of self awareness enough to realize this was a very bad idea. Opportunities presenting themselves on a silver platter. Jason won't even need his team for this one, and Escamilla just avoided an asswhopping twice over


Chūnibyō (中二病) is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers.


I can shoot a basketball. Doesn't mean the Pacers are going to first pick me, especially since I don't play basketball and i spend alot of time in the woods trying to remember where I may have planted hallucigenic mushrooms while I was eating some.


Guessing that the jokers were the bait for Jason from that other team that was mentioned and I would not be surprised if that "leak" of Jason's local was from a high powered magic society person who wants more info on Jason's abilities before making a grab.


Cant wait until they get their asses beat. Who wants to bet how many he kills? I bet 2

Hayden Leech

So Jason’s team is going to beat up some non guild nobodies? It seems like any time this kind of thing happens it’s people who are terrible. Greenstone tier adventurers. Thugs that couldn’t even become adventurers. Bandits who are terrible. Earth essence users who are worse. More core using bandits who suck... I was REALLY hoping that the whole “Jason proves he’s not to be trifled with” thing would come from the cloud house devouring a gold ranker. But I guess that’s a bit too much.


None. He will kill none. He hurt them and traumatize them but he won't kill them.

John M Davis

Is it just me or are shirtaloon's chapters a little smaller? Or am I devouring them faster? Its fine either way.


I’d love to see that. People can’t learn a lesson if they’re dead lol

Danielle Warvel

I see another potential friend and possible support teammate via rescue in the works. She stands up for principals.


Thanks for the chapter!


Some good ole noob stomping is good for you every once in awhile

Samuel Strode

@Hayden Leech not Jason’s team just Jason. I think he will come up in the leaders shadow a slice across the back of the owners neck just a thin one to layer on a infliction. Then Colleen comes out for the other one who stole the idea and I am drawing a blank here his nebula familiar blasts a hole in a nearby tree and Jason makes one of his statements until everyone is begging to be spared.

Vincent Hill

Chapters like this make me wish I wasn't reading day by day!

Samuel Strode

Gordon, Colin, and shade thanks


He's going to give them the Full Asano 😂

Nicolas Maganto

Another woman to the batch for Asano


I hear you man… it was like meh… but i know its a necessary back story… 11.5 hours to go as of now🙏🏻

Greg Lambert

Is the party still coming up or did the party get cancelled or was it already held and Shirt didn't talk about it? I was really looking forward to Jason being outrageous for 'once.'