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Carlos was nervous as he moved through the cloud pagoda. Jason’s familiar was clearly hostile, even as it guided him, and he worried that the entire building would be as well. He could sense its power, dormant for the moment but he had already had a taste of the power it could call on. That had only been a small, reflexive thing; he had no interest in being on the receiving end of dedicated hostility.

The last time Carlos had seen him, Jason had barely the strength to lift his own head. Even so, he had tapped into the building’s power to make it his own, throwing the gold-rank Carlos across the room like a toy. What’s more, he did it with raw aura manipulation. While there were essence users whose aura abilities offered telekinetic power, this was not the case for Jason. It wasn’t in his power set.

Auras were a spiritual force, an expression of the soul, and using them on others could only be done on a spiritual level. There were exceptions, like most things with magic. An aura power common to the force confluence famously allowed auras to move things physically. Jason was not such an exception, however. None of his powers would let his aura do that.

The power of a silver-ranker to levitate was not unrelated to aura, but it was much more an expression of other aspects of an essence user’s inherent power. The fact that gold-rankers could do more than just levitate, along with how and why that was possible, was something mostly hidden from low rankers. The concepts involved were usually only shared with elite members of the Adventure Society as they approached gold rank, and members in good standing of the Magic Society when they entered certain fields of study.

This was part of a larger body of restricted knowledge kept secret by the Adventure Society and Magic Society. Other organisations with powerful high-rankers, from churches to governments, all respected this restriction and did not disseminate the information either.

Different knowledge had different levels of restriction, and enforcement varied wildly depending on the information in question. Inherent changes that high-rankers go through was very loosely held information, as while only elites had it formally shared, any gold ranker could deduce a lot of it from simply having the power in question. Even if they had no formal introduction to the changes they were going through, they experienced them for themselves. Trial and error alone could teach them a lot, and most found the Adventure Society tapping their shoulder, politely instructing them to not go sharing any such discoveries with low rankers.

Broad knowledge about the soul was also on the lighter end of the restricted information scale. Things like recovery from soul trauma allowing some people to develop unusual strength and abilities with their auras fell under this heading. It was relatively common knowledge, but its spread was discouraged due to the experiments that had been illicitly conducted to explore the concept.

Neither the Adventure Society nor the Magic Society wanted essence users being taken in batches and subjected to soul trauma in order to try and formalise a process of reliably strengthening auras. More than a few times over the course of their history, both organisations had to step in when someone was doing exactly that. There had been some success with such programs, with unwilling victims eventually developing strength similar to Jason’s. For every success, though, there were many more essence users left irrevocably broken.

The reason most of the restricted information was held back was the same: some amoral researcher took the information and hurt many, many people trying to study it. This was something that Carlos had seen from early in his career, as a healer specialised in soul trauma. His work frequently centred on those victimised by banned research, so it had been necessary to officially induct him into such secrets early.

While some concepts in the restricted information list were relatively common, such as why certain essence were restricted, other information was much more tightly held. Although it was somewhat widely disseminated amongst high-rankers, anyone sharing it with lower-rankers was cracked down on hard. The Adventure Society’s restriction enforcement division would be dispatched if the information in question was inappropriately leaked.

This information included details about racial gifts going through a secondary evolution, something both the Adventure Society and Magic Society actively denied was possible. This was because such evolutions were both very rare and disproportionately affected Adventure Society elites. The organisations wanted such individuals protected, as they were ideal candidates for unsavoury research. When a promising member of a prestigious guild or an aristocratic family went missing, or a promising self-made adventurer, it stirred up all manner of trouble.

Such information was restricted to gold-rank elites. This meant the most trustworthy members of the two large societies, upper-echelon temple members or high-ranking government officials. In the Adventure Society, for example, many members weren’t introduced to various secrets until they reached a two-star rating. Even at gold-rank, some members weren’t told everything.

Gold-rank being the threshold for key information was chosen because it was the only rank where even limited information control became feasible. Reaching gold rank was difficult, and anyone operating outside of the Adventure Society’s influence had a much harder time reaching gold-rank in the first place. Managing to do so without the society discovering their existence was almost impossible, and such individuals were kept track of as much as possible.

More legitimate gold-rankers, be they adventurers or not, had a lot of freedom from Adventure Society interference with their activities. Their activities were regularly tracked, however, especially those operating on the fringes. Gold rankers had to be careful about pushing their interests over the lines the Adventure Society was willing to tolerate, as while those lines were very broad, the penalties for crossing them were unforgiving.

Gold-rankers looking to conduct illicit research often used silver-rankers as proxies. Even if there wasn’t a gold-ranker behind the curtain, silver-rankers were still usually the ones conducting less-than-savoury operations. The combination of relative freedom from Adventure Society attention while still having power and resources made them the porridge that was just right.

The silver-rankers conducting this research were usually completely outside the purview of the Magic Society and Adventure Society. As such, keeping information out of the hands of silver rankers meant such research was undertaken – and had to be stopped – less often. The information was too widely spread to be truly kept secret, but it at least reduced the problem when most silver rankers didn’t know that such research was possible.

In most cases, it turned out to be a gold-ranker quietly backing the silver conducting the research, and both were heavily penalised when discovered. In most cases, the need to restrict the information they had already proven incapable of appropriately sequestering meant that the answer was execution. Given  that any research had usually more than earned it made the process a simple one.

As a healer specialised in dealing with soul trauma, Carlos was one of the few legitimately inducted into such secrets at low rank. His entire career had been helping the victims of people who crossed the lines of decency in their magic research. In all that time, he’d never encountered anyone else like Jason Asano, who managed to encounter one great secret after another.

From being an outworlder to soul trauma to secondary evolutions, Jason kept stumbling blindly into concepts that ranged from rarely enforced restrictions to things that were heavily locked down. He knew for a fact that more than one discussion about what to do about it had been held at high levels, but as Jason was surrounded by powerful people who had told him what he should and shouldn’t spread around, he was left alone. After all, he had not gone actively seeking out any of the things he had run into, and often been harmed by them. It was, after all, why Jason and Carlos had met.

Aside from his failings as a healer, since their last encounter Carlos’ mind had been occupied with the latest thing Jason had run headlong into. Being able to exert physical force with the spiritual power of his aura was very far from ordinary, although not unique. Carlos himself had encountered others with an innate power to use their auras in such a way, but they weren’t essence users.

“Through here, Priest Quilido,” Shade said, standing beside a door that opened on its own.

Having the train of thought he was distracting himself with broken, Carlos moved through the door. Part of his unease in being in the cloud pagoda was that his gold-rank magical senses, normally so powerful, failed to extend further than he could see, and even across a room his ability to sense auras and unseen magic grew fuzzy.

The room was a sitting room open to a balcony instead of having a back wall. Two occupied armchairs had their backs to the panoramic ocean view, while the only other object in the room was a third chair, facing them. Jason was in one of the chairs, as expected. The other occupant was unnerving, as they had never met but Carlos recognised her by description.

The local celestines came in various ethnicities, but none of them combined alabaster skin with ruby eyes and hair. That didn’t mean there was no one else matching that description in Rimaros, but even with his senses dimmed, Carlos was completely arrested by the woman whose presence dominated the room.

There was no doubt she was unsheathing her full aura on him, even with his senses heavily dulled. If they weren’t, he’d probably have a headache already. If she wandered around like this the whole time, then the people around her would just bleed out their eyes and die. Normal people, maybe even lower-ranked essence users, too. She was revealing her full power here to make a point, and the fact that Jason was sitting next to her, unfazed, reiterated how bizarre he was as well.

Carlos had met his share of diamond rankers, but even compared to them the woman in front of him was on a different level. He had been sceptical about some of the things he had heard about her, but now he fully believed them. Hers was a power that did not belong to the world in which he lived.

The things Carlos had heard about Dawn were as intimidating as they were vague. The idea of meeting Soramir Rimaros, founder of one of the most prestigious nations in the world, was a daunting prospect. Hearing of someone roaming around that he was scared of was a terrifying prospect. As for specifics he had heard little; mostly unreliable information about her relationships with Soramir, the Adventure Society, the royal family and, more recently, Jason.

What should have been the most reliable piece of information he’d been given was also the one he’d had the hardest time believing. Somehow, she had single-handedly eliminated one of the Builder’s fortress cities, along with every diamond-rank threat it contained. The details around it were less certain, but one thing he had heard was that her power was so vast that forces of the greater cosmos had decreed she was only allowed to act once as her power was too great to be let roam free in their world. It had seemed utterly absurd when he heard it, but now face to face, it seemed a lot more plausible.

“I think you’re scaring him,” Jason said with a slight smile. “It might be best if you left Carlos and I alone.”

Dawn looked Carlos up and down, her face unreadable. Her aura withdrew and Carlos let out a breath he didn’t need or even realise he’d been holding. Her simple presence was enough that he reflexively turned to physiological responses his magical body had left behind decades ago.

Dawn stood up and moved next to Jason’s chair.

“Still having lunch with Sophie, Belinda and Farrah?” Jason asked her.

“And Taika.”

“Taika? I thought it was just going to be the girls.”

“He’s very gossipy.”

“Are any of the rest of you?”

“Belinda said that’s why we need him.”

“I see,” Jason said, clearly lying. “It’ll do them some good to relax between contracts. Rimaros is such a nice place, but they can’t afford to freely explore because they’re caught up in my nonsense. Again. Look out for them, yeah?”

“Of course.”

Despite being thrown by the incongruity of going from being washed in Dawn’s power to seeing her have an ordinary conversation, Carlos noted her fingers subtly brushing Jason’s forearm as she left. She moved to the balcony where flaming wings appeared behind her and she flew off. As Carlos stared at the place she had taken off from, her chair dissolved into the floor and Jason’s moved to position him directly opposite the remaining empty seat.

“Do sit down, Carlos.”

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Thanks for the chapter. Side node: i think the notes on gold rankers felt a bit lengthy, but might just be me

Thomas Todd

Dawn and Jason definitely are more than friends, that brush of fingers on his arm is more telling than any of the insinuations from all the other chapters

Alexander Dupree

Well quite a bit of information there. I'm personally really interested in information dumps. Interesting to learn about how things change the higher up you go.


I do agree. I understand that some exposition is necessary, but this chapter was basically all exposition, no content. I think tightening it up a bit, especially the gold ranker lore dump, and adding bit more actual content would make it more interesting to read. Thanks for chapter though :)


Thanks for the chapter!!


Does Shirt use an editor before the chapters make it to print? Just curious.


I'm speechless...well not really but almost.....This chapter was like a mumble rap...lots of words but I only understood 5%...😅😭😭😭


uhhh.... is it just me or was that basically 5 pages of regurgitating the same information and only 1 page of any semblance of new content? Personally, I've never skipped so many lines when reading a chapter.


Interesting information, but it was really meandering and just circled the concepts instead of giving us a look inside. Could have condensed and then given us some meat with a conversing between Jason and Carlos. Not a great transition chapter


I think if it as more of Carlos's personal thoughts as he is trying to steady himself for walking into a situation that could be very bad. The going in circles with his thoughts to reassure himself.


Nice chap! I enjoy these slow world building chaps every now and then. They help deepen the understanding of the world and characters. As Jason would say it "Im setting a scene here"


I guess dawn could be considered a naughty genius lol.


I thought Carlos was a gold ranker-- why is he holding his breath as a stress reaction?


That answered quite a few of my questions.


Jason got an almighty watch dog! And what an exit.


Well, she wasn't at first, but Jason is a bad influence lol


Thanks for the chapter :)

Fervent Fiend

So is this information dump foreshadowing on Jason’s previous threat that if people in power won’t tell him gold rank secrets then they can nut up and save the damned world themselves?


Thanks for the chapter! This is the beginning of another volume correct? As such, there is usually repetition of already known information for new readers, as well as extra exposition for said readers. Nice foundation chapter.

Scott Way

I was wondering that as well. Maybe he breathes as habit since he's around low rankers so often that it helps them relax?

Scott Way

Oooo I think I guessed right on dawn and Jason having a thing developing.... don't kill her off please. Jason's been through enough

Alan Fernando Elías Etcheverria

Too many people complaining about information walls. Without these, you would have to search all 600 chapters or so again to remember some important points, like when they introduced the builder cultists and pretty much no one remembered that Landamere Vane was a Builder Cultist


Not true. A glossaries are a thing. E.g., The Wheel of Time or the Stormlight Archives. It saves time and permits more plot progression.


Hmm I think this chapter is fantastic for what it is; a recap of some subjects and explanation of others that have been hinted at. The only issue is that this information was kinda random and without context, and could have easily been given out more sparingly and at the right moments- instead of a in a single chapter of internal musing. For instance, why is knowing about the adventurer society's information restriction relevant right now? That could have been explained in a chapter where we get restricted information and the secrets of Gold Rank. I have NO DOUBT that the entire explanation will be given again at that time, so why now? For those that'll argue that it's relevant because Jason is dealing with things that are restricted by the adventurer society... he's been doing that literally the entire series. The same could be said about most of the info given in this chapter. It would all have been better given at other more relevant moments. So yeah, great info dump chapter. But if feels hard to care when there are so many other (and imo far more interesting) plot progressions and storylines that are being delayed.


I used to hope that Jason would end up with Sophie and when that didn't happen it hurt, but now seeing Jason together with Dawn I am so happy nothing happened with Sophie. Jason and Dawn is am much better ship and I am all aboard. Let's just hope this ship isn't called the Titanic

Robert Nugent

“The last time Carlos had seen him, Jason had barely the strength to lift his own head. Even so, he had tapped into the building’s power to make it his own, throwing the gold-rank Carlos across the room like a toy. What’s more, he did it with raw aura manipulation. While there were essence users whose aura abilities offered telekinetic power, this was not the case for Jason. It wasn’t in his power set.” The force is strong with this one.


I have no problem with the fact that there's a bit of a recap or that we get an info dump on what information is restricted and why. I have complaints about how that information is presented in this chapter, there seems to be quite a bit of repetition of points already made within this chapter. We're told twice that Carlos knows of such things because of his work as a healer, three times that this information is restricted to prevent people from being experimented upon, etc. Unless this chapter is meant to be meandering and repetitive because of Carlos' emotional state, I think the information contained within needs to be trimmed down.

Jonathan Walker

Am I the only not entirely sure if they are fucking or not? Cause like the hints make it seem that way and then sometimes it seems like they aren't


Remember the talk with Carmen. Dawn will have to give up mortal thing when she transcends in a decade or so. Carmen's comment about Jason being chosen for her may have something involved in her transcending makes me curious.


With the implications and casual touching, I'd say the chances are pretty good. They both know that Dawn is about to leave for a significant amount of time, so a relationship isn't in the cards. (For now)


This happens quite often if you pay attention. I just chalked it up as the price payed for the frequency of updates.


It is hard not to be negative about this chapter, though the last part of it was pretty good, actually. Carlos meeting Dawn, Jason and Dawn chatting, and a hint on an intimate relationship are all exceptionally written. However, was it really necessary to use the rest of the chapter to convey only one paragraph on information that we already knew? We knew about suppression of information, we knew that higher tiers are fundamentally different, we knew that Jason’s aura is exceptional. Heck, it’s sad to see that even people who liked it call the chapter “info dump” and try to justify it by imagining some future relevance to the exact way of how adventure society punishes info spread. Hope I’m wrong and all this inner-monologuing turns out to be actually relevant. But right now the chapter just feels underwhelming.

Matt Hosking

Solid. I actually liked the context behind the information that is kept from people at lower ranks. It's been hinted about and even openly discussed a little bit but this is good to know more solidly. It also helps to explain some of what must be going through carlos's head at this point. Great read


My hunch is that the thing she has coming up “soon” (by her standards, anyway) is becoming a goddess in some world somewhere. Some kind of ascension from not quite a god to full-blown godhood. Which would likely make a further relationship between her and Jason impossible.


Thanks for the info dump. I know some people don’t like them, but I enjoy being reminded of things I had almost forgotten, as well as a more in depth peek behind the curtain.

Droxs 魔

A relationship between dawn and Jason? Very interesting, I mean the age gap, experience, rank gap, the possibility of it lasting literally forever and her traveling the cosmos doing things he isn't allowed to know. Very interesting indeed


He's not interested in gold rank anything. He doesn't want the secrets he has, let alone more.


Man, I seriously reached the point where I do not feel like reading any comments anymore for all the whining people I see every single day.

James Oliger

Not every chapter is a banger. You need exposition and moments in another characters view to see yhe characters from a different point of view, I find it helps deepen the story to have these moments.

James Oliger

Bro chill out, some chapters are what they are, not every chapter is crazy insane, I find a lot of the scenes on earth this way but it doesn't mean I judge the chapter as a single versus the book as a whole, chill out and let the man write his story

Robert Phipps Jr (Perren d'Wolff)

I look at the repeated Info dumps this way. We are still In the early chapters of a new volume/book. As annoying as it may be, recap's are crucial to continuing stories with books which may be separated by months or even years. I can't count the number of time a new book in a series came out and I was lost without a reread or good recap.

Hayden Leech

She has a decade before she fundamentally changes into something incomprehensible. Ascending remember?

Andrew Miller

I enjoyed the revisit to information censorship for the recap and the pensive buildup for Carlos and Jason's conversation but I hoped the chapter would have extended through that point. I'm not critical about this since this is pre edit.

Lucas Gulick

This is true, and in the novel itll be great to have. In the web serial its incredibly frustrating to spend all day waiting to see the convo between jason and the priest only to have it not happen


Lot of hate in the comments. I think people need to understand that they are getting daily chapters for a novel. This shit gets published and he needs to figure that out and write appropriately. I mean repeat or clarified info dumps happen in every novel that has more than 1 book I've ever read. These things happen. Not necessarily the best chapter you can read while reading this fucking masterpiece daily bit still useful when rereading the books later or for people who only read the Amazon books. Simmer some of your asses down a bit and enjoy the ride. Not every chapter is some rollercoaster masterpiece. This recap will most likely play a roll in tomorrow chapter and when you read it you'll perhaps be grateful for the recap.


This chapter was a build up for the absolute flex Jason drops on Carlos at the end.


I enjoyed the chapter, good build up, but it feels like you repeated yourself in the “Carlos has permission to study the soul” thing. It just disrupted the flow. The information was good. I can’t wait to see how the talk goes

Melchisedec Bailey

YA'LL A BUNCHA GREEDY ASS MF'ERS MK. Lemme splain sumthin to ya. THIS IS A NEW BOOK. BOOKS HAVE EXPOSITION IN THEM. This is like the 89th book in the HWFWM series at this point. (I'm exaggerating but not by much). Not everyone that reads Shirt's stuff literally JUST finished binging the entire series yesterday. SOME PEOPLE MIGHT NEED A QUICK REFRESH. THIS CHAPTER WAS THAT REFRESH. Your new plot and story or whatever will be there WHEN we get there. Shirt knows what he's doing. Let him tell the story.


It was heavy handed and repetitive. Regardless if you just finished a reread/binge the beginning repeats not only what we knew from previous volumes, but information given in this very chapter. Pointing out that it should be trimmed up before a book release isn't greedy.

Daniel Heritage

So Dawn and Jason are a thing, only hints and allusions right now but damn do I ship them ^^

Daniel Heritage

Also the information given in the first half was interesting and a nice reminder, sadly some people keep moaning and that. Not every chapter is about banter, fights and sandwich galore...


Jason is smashing a demi god


can Taika throw hands with Gary

Daniel Heritage

Probably and I'm disappointed by the lack of details regarding there romance (hopefully there will be more soon or we'll have to wait until Jason's a diamond ranker and they meet again in the cosmos city, dawn has said multiple times that she's looking forwards to them meeting again there later on when he'll be a diamond ranker so there is hope for this ship :)


Wow. People need to chill. I love info dumps like this.

Avi Singh

Loved the chapter! And the little playful hints at Dawn and Jason’s relationship that has been growing over the last few chapters are just delightful.


Too good