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There was something of an editing goof where some of the instructions for the narrator weren't removed before uploading to Amazon. That has been fixed, so if you re-download the story you'll get the corrected version.



Oddly enough, I hope to see them now. I'm kinda curious. (Still relistening to book 2 🤭)


I'd like to thank the great blokes at Aethon for jumping all over this to get it fixed as quickly as possible. They are even going ahead and working through the mess of publication and editing rights to get a cleaner version out as soon as it can be done.

Tanner Lovelace

I haven’t seen any of this yet, so maybe I downloaded the book late enough. What I have seen, though, is several obvious typos. Should I just report those in the appropriate Discord channel or do you have a better place to do that?

Tanner Lovelace

And, by several, I mean I’m only through chapter 5 and already found 3 typos.


Has anyone else been unable to purchase the 3rd book on Amazon because it is under review?


Yeah, there were significant problems with the launch, which I have been fuc... quite cranky about. It should be up and available now.

Edwin Auer

I bought the ebook (I read books, don't listen to them ;-) but just for being a completionist... as Patreon is further.