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Happy with his service to date, Soramir had Trenchant Moore assigned full-time to assist Liara and himself. While Trench could and would also assist Vesper, she remained a silver ranker and could not be given authority over a gold, even if she was a princess and he a royal guard. It was part of the complex hierarchical interplay between the royal family and their guard force of elite adventurers.

In the office he had been assigned, Moore was going over the reports of Asano’s expedition. The expedition leader who made the report was unclear on how Asano turned the Builder’s forces against themselves, while being very clear on the inadequacy of Asano’s explanation.

“What does ‘gots to get funky’ mean?” he murmured to himself as he read.

It was yet another mystery surrounding the man. His connection to the diamond-ranker that even Soramir was deferential to was still unknown, as was his repeated returns from the grave, according to the church of Death. Soramir had told him it had something to do with a rival entity to the Builder and the unusual nature of the current monster surge. Their current best guess was that it was related to Asano’s original world, which had been how someone of such low rank had been caught up in cosmic events.

Soramir had postulated that Asano had been caught up in events from the moment he arrived in their world the first time. Trenchant didn’t envy Asano becoming entangled in the agenda of such powerful forces before he was even an iron ranker. Fighting through death over and over, facing down beings from beyond reality. And that was ignoring the relatively normal messes that surrounded him as an adventurer and an outworlder. He could see how someone wouldn’t find a gold-ranker intimidating after all that, and even become quite unhinged.

It was clear that Asano had been profoundly affected by the forces pressuring him. Trenchant was still a little unnerved by Asano’s cloud house. It reminded him of a still lake with a monster slumbering somewhere in the depths. He had no reason to feel that way yet he became more certain the more he thought about it.

Asano’s aura was monstrous and Trenchant knew full well the kind of suffering it took to do that to a soul, as well as the time and struggle to recover from it. He was curious as to what his friend Amos would make of Asano, and he would find out soon enough. Trenchant had been directed, once Asano’s team was registered for local activity, to deliver the team an invitation to a social event.

The idea of having a ball amidst a monster surge did not sit well with Trenchant but he understood the necessity. The wealthy and noble houses of Rimaros were an intricately threaded tapestry on which the Storm Kingdom rested. There could be no worse time for that tapestry to fray or develop holes.

There was also a more personal element to it that left Trenchant uncertain. Farrah Hurin was a fierce, passionate and courageous woman he had found immediately compelling, although there were many reasons not to pursue it. Her connection to Asano was certainly one and she had her own mysteries. She was also young, which would not matter at silver rank if she was forty or fifty, but she was twenty-seven. Twenty-six, discounting the year she had been dead, which would put her at less than a quarter of Trenchant's own age.

“You’re aura is a little turbulent, Commander Moore.”

Trenchant Moore's senses were sharp and his aura control was impeccable. It was not enough to prevent Soramir from seeing through him, however, or from entering his office unnoticed.

“I’ve been dwelling on Asano’s cloud house,” Trenchant said. He had been dealing with people stronger than him for decades and was an old hand at not revealing everything, even when his aura was being read. He knew well that saying true things was not the same as speaking the truth.

“Asano’s cloud house is a curiosity,” Soramir said. “If I hadn’t seen its connection to him in his aura, I would have believed it belonged to someone else.”


“Commander Moore, you have already encountered something similar, many times. The comparison has simply not occurred to you because it’s a little outrageous.”

“What do you mean?”

“How often do you think my senses encounter a location into which they are utterly unable to penetrate?”

“Very rarely. My understanding is that even the defences of the royal sky island are unable to block your perception.”

“On the contrary, Commander, it is something my senses pass over every day, as do yours. Our city has many of them. Every major city does.”

Trenchant frowned as his mind ticked over. What could shut out a perception as powerful as…

“Temples,” he realised.

"Exactly," Soramir said. "The innermost thresholds of temples – their most sacred locations – are impervious to my senses. And I can tell that the rest could be as well, if the forces behind those temples wished it, but they do not obstruct their visitors. Only the most sacred locations are completely hidden away."

“You’re saying Asano’s cloud house is a temple?”

“The way it blocks senses is the same.”

“You think his cloud house is empowered by this great astral being? The World-Phoenix?”

"It was my first thought, but I dismissed it immediately. I've seen the depths of Asano's soul reflected in his aura. While I don't understand or recognise everything I saw inside it, he could not hide anything from me. If there was a star seed of the World-Phoenix inside Asano, I would have seen it. In fact, he cannot be implanted with a star seed at all."

“Because he is a gestalt being, Trenchant surmised.

“You noticed.”

“I have encountered a true messenger in the past, not just a summon. I know the feeling of an aura that feels almost physically substantial because the soul that projecting it is.”

“Where did you encounter a true messenger?” Soramir asked.

“Heartsilver Mountain.”

“Ah. You’re a survivor of the Celestial Sword.”

“Yes, sir.”

Soramir paused to look over Trenchant with freshly assessing eyes.

“What are you doing, serving my family, Trenchant Moore?”

“My duty, sir. As my family has done since you founded this kingdom.”

“Since the beginning? I’m sorry, Commander Moore, but I don’t remember your ancestor.”

“We were only a minor family in your service, Ancestral Majesty.”

“But a loyal one, it would seem.”

“We do our best. If this World-Phoenix is not responsible for the properties of Asano’s cloud house, what is?”

“That is what troubles me,” Soramir said. “I can’t examine the cloud house, but I tell from Asano that it truly is bonded to him. Since he is not a vessel for the World-Phoenix’s power, that means Asano himself is responsible.”

“Unless it is a property of the house and not Asano.”

"It is not. I contacted the woman who crafted it and she confirmed that the original item was an ordinary device,  - if you can say that about any cloud flask. There is nothing you could feed it that would produce this effect except, perhaps, at diamond rank. She was certain that any effect on that level has to come from the person bonded to it and would require a deeper bond that was ordinary for the item.”

“Then, either Asano or this great astral being has modified it, but the properties it exhibits somehow come from Asano.”

“As I said, I have observed the depths of his aura thoroughly enough to examine his soul. He has magical bonds with some of his items, but also with some things not with him. I could not determine what, but I think that is where the secret lies."

“And what course of action will you be taking?” Trenchant asked.

Soramir didn’t answer immediately, taking a piece of fruit from the dimensional pouch at his waist and biting into it. Trenchant waited for Soramir to unhurriedly chew and swallow.

“I’ve known from the beginning that Asano was unusual,” Soramir eventually said. “The way he arrived in the Storm Kingdom made that clear enough. I was already investigating him when Liara and Vesper came looking for a diamond-ranker to examine his aura. I decided to take a closer look and test how strong his senses were. He sensed me much earlier than I anticipated.”

“You did reveal yourself on purpose, then?”

“Yes. From everything I’ve managed to learn about Asano, he needs to be handled delicately. Too many mysteries and powerful forces orbit around him. The day will come when he is no longer outmatched by those forces and I don’t want the Storm Kingdom to be on the list of his enemies due a reckoning when he hits gold and diamond.”

“You think he will?”

"Oh, yes. There are two kinds of adventurers, Commander Moore. You are the first type: reliable, efficient and supremely capable. You advanced because of the way you conduct yourself. You are the kind of adventurer that everyone wants to work with. Asano is the other kind. Wild, erratic, improvisational. These are not the people you want to work with, but they are the ones who become legends. Usually by repeatedly surviving the kind of challenges that adventurers like you avoided in the first place.”

“You think he’ll reach diamond. If he lives long enough.”

“Which is why I want to establish good relations now, but that’s tricky with a man like him. He is highly averse to any kind of institutional power, so impressing him with our authority doesn’t help. Nor can we be generous and accommodating because he wouldn’t trust it. Vesper is excellent because her hostility meets his expectations and I can stop her from going too far. Ironically, the pathway to the trust of a man like Jason Asano is to be self-serving, because it’s what he expects. So long as we make the deal clear, he’ll work with us.”

“I’ve never cared for mind games of this kind,” Trenchant said.

“Fortunately, that is not your role,” Soramir told him. “You’re our good example. A man of integrity outside of our political plots and schemes. Asano will respect that.”

“Is this all really necessary just for some political problems with the Irios family?”

“That is important, but no. Asano's importance is unclear to me, but I don't think it lies with the Builder and what comes after. Not any more than tangentially, at least. The World-Phoenix wouldn’t send us a silver-ranker to fight the Builder and what comes after.”


"The church of Knowledge has been building up fighting forces around the globe. Slowly but steadily, over the last fifteen years or so."

“The church of Knowledge? Why a military force?”

"The thing about the goddess of Knowledge," Soramir said, "is that she always knows something that you don't. The other churches weren't going to sit by while a bunch of librarians established a large military force. War and his subordinate gods have established response forces in those same regions, in anticipation of what Knowledge is up to.”

“And what is she up to?”

"No one knows, for certain," Soramir said. "Not even the church of Knowledge's own people. But now we have a suspicion about the church of Purity and more grand summonings. Wouldn't it be a funny thing if all these messengers popped out to find the holy warriors of Knowledge, War, Soldier, Champion and Warrior all waiting for them, all over the world?"

"Wouldn't the Purity adherents move once they knew the churches were in the vicinity?”

“Some of the infrastructure in place that fuelled the one summoning we’ve seen was built into that dam at the time of its construction. This has been planned for a very long time and these undertakings are massive and not easily shifted. Doing so unnoticed would be impossible.”

“Do you have any idea of Asano’s role in all this?” Trenchant asked.

“I believe the Purity church is out there, preparing a messenger invasion to follow up once the Builder calls its forces back to the astral, at the end of the monster surge. The summoning event we’ve seen was premature and halted, but what if it wasn’t? What if those things could just keep coming through? What we will need is someone to shut the gate, and the World-Phoenix is the one in charge of closing that kind of gate. And what it sent us was Jason Asano.”


Jason didn’t end up being the one who took Travis to see the church of Knowledge. Farrah volunteered for that role while Jason led his team to the Adventure Society to register locally for monster surge duty. Neil and Belinda grumbled about going back to work the day after they arrived but Humphrey gave a speech about not shirking and the need to learn how to work together all over again until Neil got up and set out just so Humphrey would stop talking.

The Adventure Society administration building didn’t have people lined up outside the doors this time but was still incredibly busy. They were forced into one of several queues inching towards the front. Finally, they reached the front where the reception staff were rushing people through as quickly as they could. The functionary they met at the front of the queue quickly scribbled down their details, a pencil in one hand and a large stamp in the other.

“Does your team have an operational name?” she asked.

“Team Biscuit!” Humphrey said cheerfully.

“No!” Another Humphrey said as he grabbed the moustachioed first one by the collar. The first Humphrey turned into a puppy dangling from the scruff of its neck, adorably waving helpless paws.

“That’s not our team name,” Humphrey told the functionary.

“Paperwork’s been stamped, so it is now,” she said, handing him the document. “Maybe next time get your familiar under control. Now, please clear the line. You can take this to the jobs hall.”

A dismayed Humphrey looked at the documentation in one hand and the puppy in the other as he let Jason push him out of the way.




Yay! The best part about Mondays!


Thanks Shirt!


You really went with team biscuit


biscuit gang rise up!


Team biscuit is go!

Hayden Leech

An excellent way to make team biscuit official.


Humphrey's out here acting like he had a better name in the works when we all know if he held a brainstorming session it'd quickly be named Team Hump


Someday, far in the future, a disgruntled Necromancer, Cultist, or general BBEG, is going to be thwarted by an intrepid team of adventurers. And on that day, they are going to shake their fists at the heavens and roar, "TEAM BISCUIT!!!"


love it.... Stash is a legend!!!!!!!


Pretty sure I already read that in the discord. Love the fan service shirt is providing ❤️


Or possibly, "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for Team Biscuit!"


OMG I was howling with laughter. That was AWESOME!!!


I KNEW IT! Team Biscuit and it was going to be Statch doing the name! Shirt I love it!


Oh Stash. I missed all of them. Man am I glad we are back with the team


Go Team Biscuit!


Thanks for the chapter :)


Best team name ever. <3




I stand for Team Biscuit 🍪




I want a team biscuit t-shirt now!


Trench is a much more dynamic character than anticipated, I like him


Team Biscuit rides again! Just not on a two-headed, not-a-horse, freaky thing that should be avoided at all costs.

Hayden Leech

I hope Zara is at this party.

Hayden Leech

Agreed, I basically had him written off as “cliche perfect soldier” but it’s good he has some depth.

Robert Nugent

Team Biscuit. Damn! I was all in for the Biscuiteers.


Attaboy, Stash! Represent!!

Robert Nugent

Clive is going to have to jump in quick before #Far/Moore sets sail.


As Shirt has declared the name, I will declare the war over. There are no winners or losers for we both enjoy the story.

Robert Nugent

So we got some solid info dump from Soramir. Clearly we’re going to be teased some more by Knowledge since Jason isn’t visiting.

Hayden Leech

Btw I’m ruthlessly ignoring that Shirt all but said Jason can’t handle a relationship right now. It feels like the story is really missing that element.

Josh Teague

Team biscuit, I love it

Greg Lambert

Yes. I liked the complexity of Moore and Soromir in this chapter. Soromir shows more respect for Jason and while he just still wants to manipulate him instead of dealing with him more straightforward, I like where the family is going.

Robert Nugent

“What does ‘gots to get funky’ mean?” he murmured to himself as he read. - This why the Third Party views of Jason’s battles are the best.

Victor Mijares

So taika and the rest came over because their body's got wiped out and their souls sent into the Astral. Then a summoning spell latched onto them and brought them over. Does that mean the necromancer and gold ranker from earth have a strong chance of being pulled over? I mean, some of the people that got sent into the Astral because of the factions were days apart and still got summoned.


I am so happy that the team is back together. It's been such a long time coming, I had forgotten the joy that their dynamic brings.

James Faulkner

I guess it’s considered bad manners for a nascent deity to enter the domain of another deity 😂

Tomas Wood

Lol Biscuit indeed! Is stash a blue heeler shirtaloon?


Soramir is playing for the game after the game...I seriously can't wait till purity is completely demolished...that jerk is a donkey ass raping, shit fucking son of a maggot infested zombie whore.


I didn’t forget the joy, but I was eagerly awaiting the reunion! Absolutely PERFECT team name. It’s going to drive future admin and gold-rank crazy when a team named biscuit starts making waves on leaderboards. I generally don’t care for lemming conversations in a lot of stories, but I have to read the one when team biscuit jumps the rankings ahead of guild teams in the future.


Stash is officially a national treasure. Love the team name.


Stash is truly Jason's first disciple.


So we're just going to ignore Clive's wife in all of this?!


Name of the chapter should have been “paperwork has been stamped” or something.

Hunter Vook

Ah team biscuit.

Jonathan Walker

Lmao team biscuit that is great lmao


I've had a theory for a while that Jason might end up as one of Earth's first deities. I think it was mentioned that Earth didn't have them because there wasn't enough magic, but that was changed recently. Now he's got a domain that mimics the Gods' and a large territory on earth that's part of it.


Does the attendant at the desk not care, or does she just think it's funny they watched a sparrow turn into a mustachioed doppelganger of the man she's talking to and then choose the name of his adventuring team? Whoever yells out a name quickest gets naming rights, sorry no take backs? Isn't everyone supposed to be super professional, specialized and rule oriented around here?


Ugh, too brutal Shirt... This was a one convo chapter with a little bit added on at the end so that it didn't seem that way.


It's head canon now. Stache is an blue aussie cattle dog.

Hayden Leech

I wonder if Jason’s cloud house would eat Vesper. Probably.

Leonard Marchant

Lots of characters keep talking about what kind of person Jason is, like it's black and white. And I'm starting to believe them that he's a prick. So now my investment in the story is fading away, I mean it has been for a while, because I find it hard to root for team Jason.


Yeah that and next builder have both been going around. Not sure if being bound to a single plane fits Jason's narrative though which is why god is not necessarily the end point. But yeah presumably some kind of transcendent being.


Huh. I think they have been aknowledging plenty of good points, just that they are open about the flaws and friction. But yeah Jason is flawed. Is part of why him still trying to do good is engaging.


Jason Asano, Gatekeeper to the Astral. Sounds neat. As does: Jason Asano, World repairs Inc.


Team biscuit! 😆 This lifted my spirit during my morning commute to work

Jeff Scott

What a cock block, delaying the Knowledge-Jason reunion. At least we got a canon Team Buscuit.

Tycho Green

What in the narcissistic fantasy. Why are there always these „deep dives“ into Jason’s psyche and personality. Someone isolate all the parts where there is talk about Jason, especially with assumptions that are presented as facts. Oh, and the parts where the readers are told how we are supposed to perceive Jason. „There are two kinds of adv..“ - Cooool, walk the walk, other characters don’t need to talk the talk then.


I'm kinda lost on how Soramir came to the conclusion this was a good way to handle Jason... I'm guessing that was the intention


Team Biscuit! Hahahaha 🤣 Oh that’s a good one.


Jason is a pain for someone like Soramir to deal with. Jason has trust issues in general and a distrust of authority figures in particular. If people with power approach Jason, even in a completely earnest manner, he's going to assume that they're up to something. Any authority figure that doesn't accommodate for that inherent distrust won't be able to work with Jason except forcibly, which is a Very Bad Idea. The whole thing just becomes tricky because Jason is so prickly and gun shy.


So Hes a god now?

Danielle Warvel

Huzzah to Team Biscuit! Actually not that bad of a name considering some of the atrocities I’ve heard


The gods here are just transcendental beings, a step or two up from diamond rank. Probably below Dawn, if you were to rank them. Jason has a toe in that doorway, but that's about it. I'm waiting for the cities he "owns" to suddenly get summoned, then things get real! Whole cities that no one can see into, because they're linked to Jason


"Paper is stamped"...hey wait, wasn't that written in pencil? What they don't something like a magical eraser?


Go team Venture... I mean Biscuit

Jeff Taylor

I think it was also very interesting that Knowledge has been building an army for the last 15 years. It makes more sense now why she was pushing so hard to have Jason on her team. She knew what Purity was up to and also knew how important Jason would be to stopping him.


Sometimes the low hanging fruit are the best fruit. This chapter should have been titled Team Biscuit


that’s great, team biscuit


Borrowing from Dungeon Crawler Carl, “Gods dammit, biscuit!”


Now we need a T-shirt "Go Team Biscuit!"


I had idly wondered if Trenchant Moore was a deep cover double agent. His conversation with Soramir in this chapter did quite a bit to increase that probably in my mind. Notice how his answers and accompanying aura reaction can also work perfectly well if he's not acting solely to further the interests of the Rimaros family? Hmm

Nicholas Grey

I'd be making a formal complaint. This is *malicious* unprofessionalism - If she's taking down details, she's taking them from Humpfrey - she has NO business taking an interjection from someone else for an *irrevocable* decision without getting confirmation from the person she's talking to. She has taken an action that will permanently negatively affect their professional image, explicitly for the petty purpose of punishing him for "not controlling his familiar".