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Book three is coming to Kindle and Audible. And paperback, if you want a copy you can still read after the high-protein yoghurt apocalypse has taken out the electrical grid. Just keep it somewhere dry.

Unfortunately, this means that the chapters from that book will be coming down from  online serialisation platforms. That's Royal Road, Scribblehub and here. This will be taking place at some point on Monday the 23rd of August, Australian time. I'm not sure of the exact time it'll be; that depends on when I remember to yell at my assistant. Fortunately, this is a small operation, so I'm also the HR manager and can rule with an iron fist.

The affected chapters are 190-266. This constitutes the end of volume one, plus the interval chapters leading into volume two. The PDF bundle for these chapters will also be going away, so grab it while you can. Note that the PDF bundle is the unedited version, with all the messy typos I'm famously bad at cleaning up. We edit for the Amazon version so that Heath doesn't stop mid-sentence while recording the audiobook to say rude things about my quality control. As much.



Amazing work Shirtaloon! My parents are waiting on the books, while my brothers and I jump ahead of them with Patreon. Please keep up the amazing work!


Can’t wait to listen! About to reread books1-2 on Kindle Unlimited.


Can't wait to get this in physical form. One of my favorite series I've ever read!

Heath Miller

Oh I don’t curse you out publicly or privately I just put a dollar in the ‘Oops’ jar & when the whole saga is complete I will buy you a small present with the amassed funds. Like a matchbox car. Or an actual full size sedan, only time will tell.


Gotta say, it was your amazing voice work that really got me into this series! I've already pre-ordered the next audiobook because you do such a fantastic job!


Congratulations! Not to mention happy days for your fans!


I found the first book on audible a week ago, and was stunned at the quality in every aspect. Bought your second and pre-ordered your third book the same day. Just wanted to say good work


I actually looked this morning to get them. I was a month early


Love the audio books, Heath does a amazing job bring the characters to life.


Me: you’ve read it already Also me: get the kindle and the audible versions you don’t want an incomplete set

Heath Miller

Thanks! I am very fond of the characters by this point, I must say.

Randall Randall

Same. Don't, uh, buy the Kindle version while the KU version is still on your device, if that's how you read.


Congrats, I have the audible and kindle books and pre ordered the third book. So keen to see how Heath transforms the third book by his amazing narration :) Am so glad I stumbled upon this series


Already on preorder... I found your stuff on Amazon first, read and bought and preordered II and then III. A quick Google to see if you had anything else lead me to Royal Road and then back to Amazon to buy a few other authors kindle versions. Thanks for your work on this! I eagerly hit Patreon every weekday now.

Andrew Reise

Congrats on the new launch, Shirt!

Shakango Resident

High protein yogurt apocalypse say what now?


going to buy the audiobook, big part of me liking Clive, Garry and Thalia mercer so much is definitely their voices in the audiobook

Heath Miller

Thanks for listening, Jona! (I want Gary & Clive & Thalia to come around and play boardgames or something so you aren’t alone there…)