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My publisher reminded me that nominations for the fan-voted Dragons Awards are about to close (I honestly forgot it was a thing) so I looked up the link in case anyone felt like voting for me in the fantasy book category:

Dragon Awards 

In a point I surprisingly need to make, voting for me in every category is flatteringly enthusiastic but perhaps a bit overzealous. On top of being inappropriate - I'm proud of my story but not even I think it's the best sci-fi mobile game - anyone putting the same thing in multiple categories will have their vote discounted as invalid.

So, if things like this are your cup of tea, please sling me a vote. If you're reading this and thinking "nah, that sounds annoying" then - well, my publisher will get cranky if I said that's what I would do, so let me assert that I would be very diligent in voting. I definitely wouldn't forget about it entirely and start rewatching The Expanse on my VR helmet in my hammock. Hypothetically.


Alexander Dupree

Oh no is this the grammies do we need to wear something fancy?


Not so fast, you mentioned that most of the other worlds are technologically more advanced, that is an in for sci-fi! About Mobil game... let Discord short it out!

Mason Sudul

So my vote for something will be invalid if I put the same thing in every category but what if I just only vote for you to be the best sci-fi mobile game?


Then you might as well live under a bridge and wait for a goat to kick you.


Will you give us 2 xtra chapters for a week if u win? We love your story and all but... incentives :)


Ah chilling in a hammock is gert lush, way to bury the lead dude! Though in my experience, those things can also be death traps 😂


You have my vote!


You have to avoid the resort-style spreader bars and go for the traditional style. There's something like a hundred million people in the world who use them instead of beds, but not many of them live where I do. It's more of a tropics thing than a city known for Antarctic research, but I'm happy with it.


Jebus !! I can watch Expanse in VR !? Well I guess I'm off to "vote" for a few hours in my comfy chair.


Already voted. Shritaloon for Prime Minister....er no that's not right. Shirtaloon for President........damn not that either. Shirtaloon for something.....okay I can't remember the category but I did vote for you.

Ken Ridley

Shirt for "Shameless Promoter" yeah!

Alexander Casey Donnell

I am under the impression that voting more than once invalidates previous votes, is this a new poll or the same as previously posted?


You got my vote!

Prinny Knight

Only if you give Jason a love interest that’s worth a damn

Azuolas Korsakas

Thats like spoiling the end. Do we give a damn if he saves the two worlds. Phuck no. Will he bang Dawn. Possibly. Will he ever get a proper wifu for the rest of his journey. We will never know.


So long as you're not slingin' wang in your hammock. It's actually quite difficult. Unless you've had a lot of practice, as a certain dragon man would say.


dude i'm like at bose noise cancellation and a ipad