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Unlike most of the temples in Rimaros, the city’s main temple of Knowledge was not to be found in the temple district on the island of Livaros. Instead, it could be found on the second-largest of the city’s sky islands, one of the few which could be accessed by the public. The island was primarily known for being the location of the Rimaros Magic Society campus, which held ownership and control of the island.

In a major city like Rimaros, the temple of Knowledge was an important resource for the many magical researchers and had a symbiotic relationship with the Magic Society branch. Within the temple was a chamber specifically for incoming portals. A portal appeared and two people emerged before it closed behind them.

“This had best be as important as you claim,” Rufus Remore said darkly. “I have my own concerns.”

Rufus was tall and lean, with dark skin and a bald head. He was wearing loose clothes, having come from the humid Mistrun Delta in Greenstone.

“I am a priestess of the goddess of Knowledge,” Gabrielle Pellin told him. “I am fully aware of your concerns. You used to be more polite, Mr Remore.”

Gabrielle was no longer the teenage iron-ranker that had been Humphrey’s girlfriend. With age and rank, her already impressive looks had blossomed into dangerous beauty, with olive skin, chocolate hair and graceful poise.

She led Rufus forward, out of the chamber and into the larger temple. It was mostly comprised of a vast library covering multiple wings, each with multiple storeys.

“How long have you known they were alive?” Rufus asked.

“When Jason Asano both died and came back to life, Mr Remore, he was beyond the vision of this world’s gods.”

“But you knew.”

“I serve the goddess of Knowledge, Mr Remore, not the goddess of assumptions. If I told you that Jason Asano was alive and I was wrong, how would you feel about that? And as for Miss Hurin, that came as a surprise to even the goddess.”

“Are you saying they are already here?”

“As we speak, a local Adventure Society official is directing them to the island of Livaros.”

“We’re in Rimaros?”

“We are. I imagine you will wish to greet them on their arrival at port.”

Rufus frowned.

“I apologise, Priestess Pellin. You have done me a service, only to receive discourtesy in return.”

“The last member of my church you spoke with, you slapped in the face,” she said, her voice tinged with amusement. “I consider discourtesy a welcome step in the right direction.”



  • Contact [Rufus Remore] has entered communication range.
  • Contact [Gabrielle Pellin] has entered communication range.


The personal watercraft Shade had taken the form of all but flew over the water. Only magic kept the ultralight vehicle from flipping over. Jason was an experienced jet ski rider and this strange bamboo variant wasn’t that different. He was in a half-crouch as it skimmed over the water, moving between larger boats as he made his way into port.

Jason homed in on the familiar aura like a beacon until he spotted a bald, black head on the busy dockside. He conjured his cloak and launched himself into the air, then glided down to land in front of his friend. As the cloak dissolved around him, he flashed the stunned-looking Rufus a huge grin.

“G’day, bloke.”

Rufus looked Jason over. The strange eyes, the aura that had yet again gone through massive changes. Now they were equal rank, Rufus had a new appreciation for its oppressiveness. As Jason’s aura withdrew to a discrete state, Rufus realised Jason had unveiled it so that Rufus would sense the personal crest marked upon it.

“Farrah thought I was a shape-shifter or something,” Jason said.

Rufus clasped Jason in a fierce hug.

“Crikey,” Jason croaked. “It’s good to see you mate, but it feels like you’re trying to juice me.”

“Farrah,” Rufus said, not letting Jason go.

“Look behind me, mate.”

Rufus released Jason and looked out at the water. Farrah was just rising from her own watercraft on wings of fire, swiftly joining them on the dock. She and Rufus joined in a wordless hug.

As they did, Jason turned to the priestess.

“Gabrielle,” he greeted.

“You were quite correct, Mr Asano. She is not the goddess of Solid Deductions Made on the Basis of Reasonable Evidence.”

Jason chuckled.

“Still don’t like me much, do you?” he asked.

“I am glad that you are no longer dead.”

“That's still goodwill, so I'll take it. I assume that your boss is responsible for getting Rufus here?”

“There was a brief window before the Adventure Society starts claiming the time of every portal user, including those belonging to the church. Even my trip here will last until the monster surge is done. My Lady sent Rufus Remore here as a gesture, having not let your companions know of your likely resurrection. Your other companions are currently indisposed and by the time they reach Vitesse, it will be too late to bring them here immediately. They will need to make their own way to you.”

“They’re all alright, then?”

“They are well and together.”

Jason gave Gabrielle a bow of gratitude, startling her.

“Even though she already knows my gratitude, please convey my thanks to your goddess, Priestess Pellin.”

“I will do so, Mr Asano.”

“Why did she send you too?” Jason asked. “To keep an eye on me?”

“You have an important task to complete, Mr Asano.”

“And what do you know of that?”

“My goddess only told me that it is your secret to share or – and she wished to voice her strong preference on this – not to share.”

Rufus and Farrah came up behind him, Rufus’ arm slung over Farrah’s shoulder. If the smile on his face was any wider, the top half of his head would have fallen off. He clasped a hand on Jason’s shoulder.

“You have to tell me everything,” he said. “Everything.”


The trio got some directions from the Adventure Society port office and started making their way through the city. There was a lot of personal transportation magic on display in boulevards and avenues thick with essence users. Some rode mounts, others magical carriages. Personal float disks were the most common, although there were some interesting variations. Jason was particularly taken with the ones that produced a mist that made it seem like the rider was drifting about on a cloud.

“Can you do a cloud thing?” Jason asked Shade.

“I can do a black cloud,” Shade said.

“Never mind.”

“Jason,” Farrah said, “this is not the time to be playing Monkey Magic.”

“What’s monkey magic?” Rufus asked.

“She’s talking about Sun Wukong,” Jason said. “It’s a legend from my world.”

“No,” Farrah said, “I’m talking about the old Monkey TV show, as you well know.”

“That’s not what I was thinking,” Jason said.

“Are you going to stand there and tell me the theme song isn’t playing through your head right now?”

“Fine,” Jason admitted. Rufus was looking at them in horror.

“Jason… what did you do to Farrah?” he asked.

“It’s fine,” Jason said. “Shade, some horses, please.”

“Horses,” Farrah said as three dark horses with glowing white manes and hooves were formed out of Jason’s shadow.

“What’s wrong with horses?” Jason asked.

“I thought the reason you couldn't have Shade turn into a heidel in the other world was that your world didn't have heidels,” Farrah said.

“Sounds about right,” Jason said.

“Our world doesn’t have horses.”

“You probably just haven’t seen them,” Jason said.

“Shade?” Farrah asked.

“I am merely the vessel, Miss Farrah. The actual power belongs to Mr Asano, and any limitations he has, or chooses to impose, are his own.”

“Come on,” Jason said hastily as he mounted one of the horses. “Can’t hang about all day.”


On the upstairs balcony of a café, just outside the Livaros temple district, a table was covered in plates.

“This is fantastic,” Jason mumbled happily around a forkful of food. “I’ve been living almost entirely on spirit coins for the last couple of years.”

“Because of the food shortages you mentioned,” Rufus said and Jason nodded.

“His world was never equipped for monsters,” Farrah said. “Once the concentrated, localised monster surges started happening, much of the trade and transport infrastructure collapsed.”

“It sounds like your world saw some dark days,” Rufus said solemnly.

“We’ll explain more once we’re a little more secluded,” Farrah said.

Jason mumbled his agreement.

“Let’s just focus on the happy stuff for now,” he said. “Are there any more of those dumplings?”

“What we should focus on is getting ourselves organised,” Farrah said. “As it stands, we don’t have any place to stay and we remain, so far as I’m aware, dead. As far as any records are concerned, anyway.”

“We need to update your status with the Adventure Society,” Rufus said. “The others will be looking for that.”

“So, you met Dawn,” Jason said to Rufus. “How’s she doing?”

“She seemed normal,” Rufus said. “Whatever that means for a diamond-ranker. They appear how they want to appear.”

“Dawn took a little while to loosen up, but she got there,” Jason said. “Mostly. I think it was her boss’ idea. Wanted her to reconnect with her mortality.”

“You’re about as mortal as it gets,” Farrah told Jason. “Which is odd for a man who keeps coming back from the dead.”


“I was expecting something more ominous,” Jason said. “Skull motif, lots of black.”

“No,” Farrah said, “That’s more you and the god of Undeath.”

Rufus, Farrah and Jason were standing outside of what looked like a rather nice memorial centre with lots of tasteful white stone and neatly manicured gardens. It was a long way from what Jason expected from the temple of Death. The trio stepped onto the grounds to start making their way through the pleasant garden pathways to the main building. As soon as he set foot on the path, Jason froze.


  • You have entered a spirit domain.
  • You may not claim this territory as a spirit domain unless it is surrendered to you.


Jason cautiously probed with his aura but got no negative reactions.

“What’s wrong?” Rufus asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” Jason said. “It’s fine.”

“Are these gardens laid out as an array?” Jason asked.

“Good eye,” Farrah said. “The dead are stored in temples of Death, so they all have arrays of ritual formations to protect against any necromantic power, be it inadvertent or deliberate.”

“You can get accidental zombies?” Jason asked.

“It’s magic,” Rufus said. “You can get anything.”

“So, does the god of Undeath get a temple?” Jason asked. “It’d be more of a secret thing that people try and wipe out as soon as they find it, right?”

“Yes,” Rufus said. “It’s the same for most of the purely harmful gods, although Undeath is one of the worst. They have to hide them because the Adventure Society, the churches and any local authorities will raze them to the ground. Unless the local authorities are in league with them, which is a complete mess.”

“That was actually how Rufus, Gary and I met,” Farrah said. “We’ve told you about the zombie plague we all ended up fighting together. There was a temple of Undeath at the heart of it all. The local mayor was the high priest; it was a huge mess.”

“I’ve never seen that many undead,” Rufus said.

“I wish I could say the same,” Farrah said, Jason nodding his agreement. Rufus gave them both a worried look.


The main building of Death’s temple proved oddly pleasant, with clergy wandering around in white robes, open space and plenty of light.

“This is not a place for the dead,” an acolyte explained as he led Jason and Farrah through the halls while Rufus waited in the lobby. “The dead have already passed on and their sacred remains are respectfully prepared for their ultimate disposition in the deep places of the temple. This place is truly for those who remain. A place to come together and celebrate their lost love ones and the life that remains.”

“Death care is really exploitative where I come from,” Jason said. “Your goddess probably stops that kind of thing from happening here, right?”

“My goddess stops it from happening everywhere,” the acolyte said.

“Our definition of everywhere,” Farrah said, “is more expansive than what you're thinking of.”

They were shown into an office where a bronze-rank priest got up from his chair to meet them. His hair and eyes were a matching sea-green colour and he had an easy smile. He appeared to be in his thirties, which meant closer to fifty for a bronze-ranker. Jason and Farrah shared a look.

“I think I’m going insane,” Jason said. “People keep wondering and now it’s finally happened.”

“I’m sorry?” the priest asked.

“Your name isn't Al by any chance, is it?” Farrah asked.

“Ah,” the priest said. “You must have met one of my brothers.”

“It’s happening again,” Jason muttered.

“I’m Aldrich Albericci,” the priest introduced himself. “But everyone calls me Al.”

“You don’t happen to have seven brothers do you, Al?” Farrah asked.

“I do,” Aldrich said. “Alvin, Alexander, Alan, Albert, Alistair, Alfred and…”

Aldrich rolled his eyes.

“…Alejandro. He’s the sexy one.”

“You aren’t all identical?” Farrah asked.

“No, we are,” Aldrich said. “Mr Asano, Miss Hurin, please do sit.”

Jason was shaking his head as he sat down across the desk from the priest.

“Is he alright?” Aldrich asked. “He didn’t come back from the dead a bit funny did he? We get that sometimes.”

“You know who we are,” Farrah said. “You know why we’re here, then.”

“I do,” Aldrich said. He took an envelope from his desk drawer and placed it on the table. “Identity certifications for you both. It's quite unusual for people to both die and come back from the dead outside of our goddess' gaze. She is, however, still the goddess of Death. She knows of each time you have fallen and each time you have returned. She gave me specific instruction to ask you to be more careful, Mr Asano. She may not know the details, but she is aware that death is becoming an unfortunate habit for you.”

“Yeah,” Jason said wanly. “Coming back from the dead is kind of my thing.”

“She would rather it wasn't, so please do her a favour and stop dying in the first place.”

“Thank you for this,” Farrah said, taking the envelope.

“Helping the living with the affairs of the dead is why we are here,” Aldrich said. “It's just that when the living and the dead are the same person, there's more paperwork.”

As they were about to leave, something occurred to Jason and he turned around in the door.

“Al,” he said. “I don’t suppose one of your brothers is a tailor?”





Nice Chapter!


Thanks for the chapter


"It's just that when the living and the dead are the same person, there's more paperwork.” I love it :)


oh boy... that notification raises and answers some questions


Now that is a damn good way to reunite the friends, and to shock a Priestess.


Of course Alejandro is the sexy one.

David Fletcher

Best chapter of the week so far. I wonder how Rufus feels about Jason’s aura or Farah’s changes. Other than happy they’re back I mean.


We now have the Al's. Wait till the Berts hear about this. Maybe they are related


FINALLY!!! a REALLY good chapter. The plot moved forward, we got some new things to think about, and the bloody cliffhanger wasn't a heart stopping affair.

Lictor Magnus

I hope there is a group of seven brothers in every city.

Dion Crump

I wanna know who would win in an all out fight between the Berts and the Als

Henri Black

We need a chapter detailing the Al's meeting the Bert's.

Literally Goose

Great chapter Shirt - I liked the ‘soft landing’ for making a start getting the team back together. Rufus was a good choice to ease us in emotionally.


Love it especially the last bit god damm hilarious


throwing this out there - this chapter should've kicked things off on Jun 1. Thoughts?

Tijay Arnie

Is there a twin essence or something?


Thanks for the chapter :)


We need the Berts and Als to meet up during the serge at some point!

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

Given that we have met the Als later in the series they would probably win because of power creep, and this is an area with higher magic I think

Seppo Marx

I’m just glad that Jason didn’t grow up with crappy American Saturday morning cartoons, otherwise we’d be hearing something like: “Wonder Shade Twins form of…”


Fertility can be a bit whimsical at times…


Waiting for the eventual Team Al vs Team Bert Their battle will be legendary


This may be a stupid question, but...do we know what Jason's task is? Is this referring to setting up the bridge between their two worlds?


It’s the other half of the reality resetting with the door. The bridge is a personal thing as peace offering/thanks, presumably a paltry offering for the unknown sacrifice and disaster looming after this volume is done.


fucking called it with the als being the new thing

Russell Widger

So the spirit domain thing semi confirmed Jason is a pre-god?

James Faulkner

Looks like we got confirmation that spirit domains are usually reserved for transcendent beings. And not half-transcendent like Dawn either since we’ve never seen proof she has any. The irony of Jason disliking gods only to become one is great 😂

Chioke Nelson

Am I the only one who reads this with the accent from the audiobook?


Okay so this confirms spirit domains are a god thing. If Jason eventually defeats that fruitloop Purity, I wonder if he’ll get their domains. It’d be a super-cheat that sends him straight into godhood.


It's been indirectly implied that gods can't enter another god's spirit domain. (Mr. North's speech about gods while in Jason's domain) So if anything, this kind of shows he's not a god, at least not yet. Or that he's stronger than gods, one of the two. :)

Joel Sasmad

We need to see if there is a sister in either family so we can combine them.

Joel Sasmad

I think Purity actually kinda fits as a domain representing Jason who's powers are all about judgement and punishment, and would fit the promised motif of the hero becoming the monster he's fighting against in a way that I would be happy with.


Also, I see Jason’s getting some ideas about how he could use the mist/cloud construct powers he got from his Cloud Flask when he used the Trirune. Been wondering when he’ll start making use of that!

Bobby B.


Mark Thorne

Why not? There is a God of fertility as was mentioned in a previous chapter:)

Jack Trowell

I wonder 8f there is some kind of secret god of the seven brothers or something.


Al's and Bert's should definitely meet. I'm waiting for the girl version also


To be fair Dawn left before he could talk to her about it. Maybe she does have one and we don't know about it. Only SHADE has hinted about what spirit domains truly are but won't go further into details


Was Farrah talking about Dragonball when she mentioned the monkey TV show please tell me I'm right Shirtaloon


No. There was an old tv show (from the 80’s) based on the traditional tale of Sun Wu Kong called monkey magic. Since Jason is obsessed with old tv shows this tracks. Though he needs to mention magnum pi more often in my opinion (Tom selleck is awesome)


Got misty eyed at their reunion. Thanks for the chapter Shirt, when Jason eventually finds his old team I’m gonna bawl my eyes out


Why is Jason not portalling to places he has been before?!

James Faulkner

Probably an issue of range. His portal power is still silver-ranked, and it took Emir’s staff member until her ability hit gold to portal halfway across the world

Seppo Marx

“Jason... what did you do to Farrah?” he asked.“ Farrah’s eyes became wet and unfocused; “He showed me things I can’t unsee. He made me watch something called ‘Full Metal Alchemist’ so that I would, and I quote “understand Nina Tucker memes.” Farrah sobbed. “Ed Waaaard!”


Hey Al youou xD Its the Society of the Seven Brothers, a ancien hidden power, they are everywhere, in every big city Aaaaand its happen, Knowledge begin already to scheme and do her stuff, i was really hoping the change Jason have (soul/spiritual domain/builder item in his soul and etc) get him the ability, to say "fuck off, you dont go in my head now and do your thing, to bad its paintfull for you to not know and try your shit with me, ah get this in the face for once! :) Because really if you think about it he have some big big big infos who mean a lot and implied a tons of shit, and with gods who interfere in the world and scheme and etc well Knowledge just have gotten a tons shit of thing she can use (and some directly i think can mean a lot for god entity) Im not sure but i think when people get to diamant rank, Gods influence like Knowledge ability get blocked out and told to fuck off Its still not sure 100% but i hope Knowledge dont just get it all (that massive new infos she can use served in a gold plate by Jason) (Because i guess except for some outworlder low level, she cant get juicy infos by the travelling diamant rank in the multiverse, so she "blind" and limited on a lot of thing she dont know)


These chapters feel like a really slow start to a volume. I don’t mean in a “hurry up and get them back together” way, more a no action during the process to start a volume. None of the three groups ran into trouble, some idiot didn’t realize Dawns strength, the builder didn’t leave a final dumb guard dog, no one wanted revenge on Sophie and Belinda for thefts … I like the set up and details, the questions, reunions ect..ect. Just a thought

Nicholas Grey

Why is everyone saying referring to "the seven brothers"? The one talking HAS seven brothers, meaning the total is eight, just as it was in Greenstone.

Robert Nugent

So Temples are just spirit domains? God of delicious sandwiches here I come.