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This is related to an award, so I really tried to give this post a title of cringe-inducing self-aggrandisement but apparently - unlike Jason - there is a level of shamelessness beyond which I won't sink. Who knew. Anyway, my Kindle publisher, Aethon Books, is doing bit of an awards push. They're hoping to get some of their titles into contention for the Dragon Awards, my own little tale included.

These are public-driven awards, so they asked me to share this little announcement from them. If you do feel like voting for my story, you can do so here. Other than that, here is the announcement from my publisher:

As  you may have seen, the Dragon Awards are open for nominations again!  This is a reader-generated award, so we encourage all readers to vote.  Our goal this year isn't just a nomination, but a win!
Because  of that, below we will also post a list of the eligible books in each  category that we believe have the best chance at winning. That doesn't  mean you need to vote for these, but if you aren't sure what to put  down, please consider.
The eligible Aethon titles we believe have the best chance in 2021:
-- Best Science Fiction Novel:
The Salvage Crew, by Yudhanjaya Wijeratne
Vicarious, by Rhett C. Bruno
-- Best Fantasy Novel (Including Paranormal):
He Who Fights With Monsters, by Shirtaloon (this one is me!)
Best Young Adult/Middle-Grade Novel:
The Tinderbox: Soldier of Indira, by Lou Diamond Phillips
Best Military Science Fiction or Fantasy Novel:
Direct Fire (Drop Trooper Book 4), by Rick Partlow
Best Alternate History Novel:
The Luna Missile Crisis, by Rhett C. Bruno & Jaime Castle
Nominate here: Dragon Awards 2021
Again,  we'll stress that there is absolutely no requirement or expectation  that you'll vote for the above. These are simply the titles we believe  have the best chance in each category we publish in.


Zuzana Toulcová

Well years later, but it's annual, so I did today :D


Would say grats but we all saw it coming :)

Alexander Dupree

As long as you aren't talking about EXPRESS VPN THE NEWEST MOST SECURE VPN!

Azuolas Korsakas

Aight i just got my vote confirmed.


Just voted, you got this!


Voted, but I feel as if the award should have been a Hugo.

Sam Baker

Shameless plug worked - well played


wouldnt this rather be a shameful plug instead of a shameless one with how its worded?

Tycho Green

Fyi the one written by Shirt is the one where it says (this one is me!) after :)

Anthony Arredondo

Okay but where's your promo code for Raid: Shadows legends?


Damn straight I'll vote for you (just did)

Cameron C

Very cool

Corwin Amber

I hope you win. Also you should tell your publisher to go get First Contact (by Ralts Bloodthorne) to publish with them for sci fi stories :)


I'm sure you can definitely count on the majority of us for a solid vote Shirt :D


Good luck!


I don't know. Lou Diamond Phillips is writing YA novels. I may have to vote for him. Who doesn't love Lou Diamond lol.


voted :) --- and purchased!


Lucky Mr Phillips is in another category...


I put you for Sci Fi, Fantasy, and alternate history. Now....Gimme Chapter. Neeeeeeed Chapters https://media1.tenor.com/images/33024c8b82ca4925ac51594545700b22/tenor.gif?itemid=5295943


There is no other fantasy book which comes close to yours! You deserve all the recognition and praise that you can receive. Thanks for working so hard! I wish I could vote over and over again for you.


The rules say you can’t put him in for multiple categories or it won’t count. The other categories are only listed to give the other authors with the same publisher a leg up since they’re like in the same publishing family. Those fans are probably getting the same message which supports Shirt to capitalize on the larger audience base to benefit all.


Done! I hope you win Shirt, you deserve it :)


That would be awesome but fantasy is highly competitive category full of fantastic writers. Even landing a nomination would be amazing.


Done ✌️