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Chapter 454 concludes volume 2. For silver-rank and above patrons, volume 3 will begin on June 1st in my local time in Australia, with the usual Two/three/four week delays for bronze/iron/free readers. Until then, there will be weekly interval chapters on the day the last chapter of the week would normally come out, whenever that may be for your timezone.

For those who will will be leaving us during the semi-hiatus, I thank you for the support and I look forward to seeing you again for volume 3. For those sticking around, the first interval chapter will be a Thadwick flashback!

EDIT: My assistant has informed me that we don't want absolutely everyone to drop the Patreon, so the first interval chapter now focuses on Gary.



Yes! I missed the other world!

Gabe Canada

I'm dropping but because I'm broke not for any other reason. Your awesome shirt!


Do one focused on stash too!

Enzo Elacqua

Good to hear there will still be content


so is there like a chapter of Grey a week or somthing along those lines?

Jachin Nelson

A good, if almost depressing volume over all with how much was gained and then snatched away


Gary? Sign me up


You damn well better figure out a way for Moppet to come to Palimustus and be the best damn ritualists in the universe alongside her uncle, Shirt! You don't really owe us anything except more chapters of course, but still. I also agree with Vlad. Stash chapter would be epically hilarious. Thanks for the volume, looking forward to the interim chapters, and I hope your Spring (Fall? Southern hemisphere weirdness) is going great!

Josh Teague

Lmfao that edit. Love it.

Josh Teague

Yes a stash chapter would be awesome.

Nathan Emerson

I was really hoping at least one person would go back with him.

Gnothi Seauton

Wait, you can do interval chapters of HWFWM: I'M THE WORST. Featuring Thadwick Mercer, Lucian Lamprey, Killian Laurent, and Landemere Vane!


Your assistant deserves a raise 😂


You're forgetting the worst of them all, the most vile, a betrayer of not just friends but of family.....none other than Bert the Bookie!


Yeah, not punching out here Shirt. I'm gonna stick around and see what you have in store for us all.

Bobby B.

Wow, he sacrificed his humanity to save the world


Book 1 felt like Star Wars while Book 2 felt like Empire Strikes Back. I'm hoping book 3 is the rise of asano like if you're punny


Every Jason needs a good assistant, looks like you have one too haha.


I'm curious who your assistant is lol

Steven McNeeley

Damn, does that mean we won't get a new chapter tommorow? I also can't wait to hear about what everyone else was up to while Jason was away.


I'm curious why his assistant doesn't proofread the chapters.


Don't worry, even if you took a break for a year ( though I'm not saying you should) I would still stay patreon


Was a long and nice ride, I can't wait for the book 3! I'll come back in June! La bise


The ending of this chapter is so goddamn sad man


Saw this video and thought of Jason


I am the sovereign of people with bad financial decisionmaking; I think I'll stay subscribed. Time to continue reading The Wandering Inn. Maybe at some point I'll read as much a day as priateaba writes, and actually start closing the distance in chapters between by bookmark and the latest chapter.


I actually dropped that story years back when it stopped for a bit, is it worth picking it back up?

Luke Scheffe

Anyone else come and check because that was the thing to do at this time on weekdays?

Joel Sasmad

I'd actually kinda like either a Thadwick flashback that fleshes out why he was such a peice of garbage or something checking in on the creature running around in his body.


Don't think there is any great revelation to be had on why thadwhick was thadwhick. Where the gellers saw duty that came with their station. The mercers saw they were entitled because of their station.

Alexander Doran

Ngl I'm drunk and semi pissed tht the day i signed up for 28 days of new content I only got to finish the book but eh, what else can I ask for. I paid for what I paid for anywho hope everyone who has seen this gets hugs n love for whatever they need it for. Life is bad and living is even worse so anyone who reads this hugs and love you cute bastards.


at this point ill take anything

Robert Amundson

Might be back some day will see if this gets less grim.


Hmm, I did the exact opposite thing and joined now. I must have a bit of Jason in me :)


When will we get the Volume 2 pdf ch 268-454


Not gonna lie, I would be interested in a chapter of what happened to Thadwick and his party in the astral space.

Eric Martin

Is Jason the only one in his party other than Clive that’s silver ranked how is that dynamic going to be if he is significantly stronger then his party

John Trombley

I would be interested in what Vampire Thadwick was up to. He seemed to have a complete personality change along with the rest of him when he became a Vampire. Dealing heavily with cultural hatred toward his kind, how will he adapt, as his previous life lacked the skills to avoid attention.