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A couple of announcements, but just a quick explanation before we start: The online chapters are divided into volumes, while the Amazon releases are divided into books. The volumes are much longer, with volume 1 comprising books 1, 2 & 3. So when I'm discussing book 2, that means the Amazon release of older chapters (114-189), after a professional edit. When I'm talking about volume 2, that means chapters 267-present.

On the 18th of May, book 2 will arrive on Amazon. As with book 1, it will be available in ebook, audiobook and paperback editions. This means that, as required by Kindle Unlimited, the chapters for book 2 will be coming down from other online venues.

The chapters will come down at the end of the month, so be sure to grab the PDF this week while it's still available. Note that the PDF is the unedited edition (same as the chapters on Patreon), compared to the improved Amazon edition.

The next piece of news is that volume 2, wholly separate from book 2, will be reaching it's conclusion for silver rank and higher patrons, also at the end of the month. During May I will be on break, which means the story will be on semi-hiatus, releasing one chapter per week.

Patrons who were around at the end of volume I will be familiar, although the break will be much shorter than that between volumes 1 & 2. Volume 3 will begin for silver+ patrons at the start of June, at which point the normal five chapter per week schedule will resume. For other tiers, the usual delay will be in effect.

I understand that some of you may wish to bow out for the month and (hopefully) come back for the start of volume 3. That's perfectly understandable and I hope to see you again in June.

In the meantime, I'm going to take a much-needed rest. Thank you all for supporting the story; it really does mean the world to me.



Kenneth Darlin

We’re here for the long run!


Noice. Good! Rest up and blast us away hopefully into Pallimustus.

Lictor Magnus

Take some time off. I’ll still be supporting ya.


Mate, this whole post was unnecessary....I'm buying it all regardless lol :) Have a good break! Look forward to future stuff.


No worries man, enjoy your holidays! Your output and consistent quality puts you solidly at the top of my list of Creators so don't worry at all about time off!


There was never a situation where I wasn't going to buy the whole set :)


I love how professional this is. 👏🏿 👏🏿👏🏿


Thanks for the update, looking forward to how Vol 2 will end.


When I saw it was an audio book, I had to get it and share it. I burst out laughing since I forgot the entire series starts off with " Jason woke up naked." My mother heard my dad start the audio book and yelled "Did you get your father a porn book!?" Please keep up the great work!


Have a good rest!

The Lost Pages

I actually re-subbed to Audible when I realized there was an audio book. Well worth the listen. Great job with book 1 too.


Really looking forward to seeing what is happening back in Pallimustus and what the rest of the team is up to. Plus, the world transition sequences are my favorite part of this series, and now there will (I hope!) be a whole family of Asanos to experience the transition!


Looking forward to season 3. Enjoy your break!


Enjoy your break!


I know we're sometimes a rather critical audience, but we're also very much grateful for all your hard work. Enjoy the well deserved rest!


Enjoy the break and thank you for the stories!!


All I can say is thank you for such an awesome book so far


The PDFs have disappeared on even your newer chapters (e.g. 436), is that also because of Amazon?


That's because all the volume 2 chapters recently went through an error-corrections pass based on the errors reported in the discord typos channel. Since the updates versions are in the bundles, I didn't force my assistant to make a new PDF for every single chapter. New chapters come with individual PDFs and weekly bundles now go out with every end of week chapter.


Got it, I'll look for the bundles then. Thanks!


If you check the tag categories at the top of the main page, you'll be able to filter for the bundles there.


Hey Shirt, what day of the week are you planning on releasing the weekly chapters?


I haven't decided yet. Last time it was my Friday, meaning Thursday night in the US. It depends on how much rest I get this week, which thus far is bugger all. I'm meant to be on holiday but I keep having to deal with aggravating nonsense.


I JUST found this series on amazon with book 1. Couldn’t put it down. Only to find out that I am becoming a silver Patreon 5 days too late to continue from chapter 114?!! Bugger all. Now I have to wait until the 18th for amazon to release book 2 before I can catch up to chapter 190.. grrr.

Silver Wave

Yeah same- LOL couldn’t wait 2 days, - oh well it was worth the punt for £1. Back to Audible in 2 days heh! BTW blown away by the business model. ✊

Edwin Auer

book 1 and 2 were terrific! can't wait for book 3, so glad I found this to continue 👍