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G'day all. Shirt here with the long-awaited volume 2 PDF bundles. My assistant and I have been working on these for some time, because these are the error-corrected versions based on all the comments left in the typos channel on discord. I wanted to get these out earlier but with the Amazon launch and other things piling up, it took longer than I would have liked.

My assistant specifically asked me to thank everyone who has posted into the discord typos channel for their amazingly useful contributions. It was their efforts that made this possible, so thank you from both of us.

There are some things I'd like to get out there, just so people know where we are with the PDFs and what we'll be doing to make things better going forward:

  • The PDF bundles are error-corrected based on posts in the discord typos channel. While we do pick up on some of the corrections posted in the comments, to be seen reliably they need to be on the discord.
  • These are still pre-edit, compared to the professionally edited versions that will appear in the Amazon releases.
  • With the last chapter each week, that week's PDF bundle will be included, along with the individual chapter PDF.
  • The bundles are collected into bulk bundles, as well as smaller bundles for those whose devices don't handle large PDF files too well.
  • One more large bundle will be posted for volume 2 just before volume 3 begins.
  • The updated chapters will be reposted here, on Scribblehub and on Royal Road over time. The outdated PDFs will be removed. This will be a large project for my assistant so won't be done in one day.


Corwin Amber

I'm curious, does it benefit you/your assistant to make note of errors in the comments under the chapter(s)? IF I list them that is where I do it, so I just wonder if those are looked at, or do you focus on the discord specifically?


Either way, I expect the Discord channel is still the preferred place to report typos. There are often over 50 comments on a single chapter, and sorting through them all just in case there's a correction that wasn't also posted in the Discord channel is stupid busywork that shouldn't be necessary.

Steven Thompsen

Congratulations man I saw your books being released on Amazon good for you you have an amazing story I'm happy more people can read it


Pre-ordered Release day delivery: Tuesday, 18 May 2021 He Who Fights with Monsters 2: A LitRPG Adventure Shirtaloon Kindle Edition Pre-ordered :)


Remember, once it's out on amazon unlimited Shirt will be contractually obligated to take down all other copies. So grab it while you can.


Does that imply, that we'll see volume III in the near future? Will we just fluently transition to volume III, or will you take a break after the story line of volume II is concluded?

Gnothi Seauton

Is this missing 291 - 300, or do I just not see it for some reason?