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Here are the links to all currently available chapters. Please report any incorrect links to the report typos channel on the discord. For looking for the discord, you can find it right here.

Book 11 (791 - 882)

Chapter 791

Chapter 792

Chapter 793

Chapter 794

Chapter 795

Chapter 796

Chapter 797

Chapter 798

Chapter 799

Chapter 800

Chapter 801

Chapter 802

Chapter 803

Chapter 804

Chapter 805

Chapter 806

Chapter 807

Chapter 808

Chapter 809

Chapter 810

Chapter 811

Chapter 812

Chapter 813

Chapter 814

Chapter 815

Chapter 816

Chapter 817

Chapter 818

Chapter 819

Chapter 820

Chapter 821

Chapter 822

Chapter 823

Chapter 824

Chapter 825

Chapter 826

Chapter 827

Chapter 828

Chapter 829

Chapter 830

Chapter 831

Chapter 832

Chapter 833

Chapter 834

Chapter 835

Chapter 836

Chapter 837

Chapter 838

Chapter 839

Chapter 840

Chapter 841

Chapter 842

Chapter 843

Chapter 844

Chapter 845

Chapter 846

Chapter 847

Chapter 848

Chapter 849

Chapter 850

Chapter 851

Chapter 852

Chapter 853

Chapter 854

Chapter 855

Chapter 856 

Chapter 857 

Chapter 858 

Chapter 859 

Chapter 860 

Chapter 861 

Chapter 862 

Chapter 863 

Chapter 864 

Chapter 865 

Chapter 866 

Chapter 867 

Chapter 868 

Chapter 869 

Chapter 870 

Chapter 871 

Chapter 872 

Chapter 873 

Chapter 874 

Chapter 875 

Chapter 876 

Chapter 877 

Chapter 878 

Chapter 879 

Chapter 880 

Chapter 881 

Chapter 882

Book 12 (883 - ???)

Chapter 883: Why He Hasn't

Chapter 884: If We Can't Change For The Better

Chapter 885: We're All Stuck in a Hole

Chapter 886: A Silent City

Chapter 887: The Fundamental Things

Chapter 888: You Don't Want Glory

Chapter 889: The Power Looming Over Us All

Chapter 890: The Topic of Pants

Chapter 891: Butchery

Chapter 892: Just Some Guy

Chapter 893: On a Whim

Chapter 894: Mandatory Team Activity

Chapter 895: Try Not to Bring Down Civilisation

Chapter 896: We Have Forever

Chapter 897: Like an Adventurer

Chapter 898: People Think You're Blowing Up Cities

Chapter 899: We Need to Put a Stop to It

Chapter 900: A Lunatic's Nightmare

Chapter 901: When People See My Powers

Chapter 902: Listening For Whispers

Chapter 903: Defier

Chapter 904: Vast Cosmic Power Types

Chapter 905: Objectives

Chapter 906: Protection of a Dictator

Chapter 907: You Want Your Adventurers Happy

Chapter 908: Making Things Worse

Chapter 909: Sometimes We Need Scars

Chapter 910: That's What Adventurers Do

Chapter 911: A Matter of Mindset

Chapter 912: Posturing Children

Chapter 913: This is Not a Cliff

Chapter 914: Cook the Crap Out of Some Toast

Chapter 915: The Benevolence of a Nightmare God

Chapter 916: Pretext

Chapter 917: Eternity Awaits Us



The new chapter email was a dirty lie!!

Robert Nicklin

I gasped out loud when I saw the email… only to realise it was likely a scheduling mix up! 😭

Matthew J Hogan

I was so excited when I got the email that I reread the previous two chapters to refresh my memory...should have clicked the email link first, ...whoops! Hope you're doing well and that your are having a good break, Shirt! I'm looking forward to what you have in store! :)

John Findlay

Chill out guys... Shirt send the flare that he is back. Let his web page person catch up.


And that is what I like to call a intellectual blueball

Matthew Bernardin

Ohh my, I've been stockpiling chappies and now I am digging in to gorge myself :)


I'm re-reading the series for the 100th time - and now I want a re-appearance of Valdis. He saw something dark in Jason back at Iron-rank, I want to see their reunion now!

Lucas Gulick

Yeah that would be pretty awesome, but I bet we won't get it till they hit gold

Jason Brown

I agree this is a great thing. But I hope he doesn't get more over powered as we have to see the mirror kingdom.


More than losing an hour of sleep, I hate DST for pushing the chapter release further into my workday 😮‍💨. Stupid daylight savings time.....

Sean C Jackson

He isn't really OP. Yes he is pretty strong for his rank and he has some extra abilities that can sometimes give him an advantage, but until he actually reaches Diamond rank they don't help much.

Le Frog

dude if someone trys to 1v1 jason he can just 1 shot soul attack like he did to the famous defence specialist in rimouros, only teams and gold rankers can reliably take him down

Jason D

Just came from finishing the ninth book. Whats the best way to contact Shirt? Does he have a book Editor?

Daniel McAndrew

Gods willing I hope to read/Listen to these books in for so long that we see Jason hit diamond rank. Love this series each time I get my book from audible it's like Xmas. Thank you for sharing your talent with us all.

Sean C Jackson

it's Wednesday, so where is 777?

Chris Ikeda

Anyone know how many books Shirts planning to write for the main storyline?

Twilight Knights Cosplay (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-05 17:57:37 Originally he'd said 12 but in the recent Q & A he said that he doesn't think he can fit the story into 12 books so he just said "as many as it'll take" which is awesome.
2023-05-04 18:12:21 Originally he'd said 12 but in the recent Q & A he said that he doesn't think he can fit the story into 12 books so he just said "as many as it'll take" which is awesome.

Originally he'd said 12 but in the recent Q & A he said that he doesn't think he can fit the story into 12 books so he just said "as many as it'll take" which is awesome.


Hopefully many more. I enjoy the thought and development of evolving threats that we are finding in his universe.

Brian Beverley

To be fair, shirts writing a cultivation story. As long as he finishes it with less than 6000 chapters it'll be short than you expect from the Genre.

Chris Ikeda

Thanks, lol I'm just trying to wait for the next one to be published before starting it from the beginning again... 😅 🙂

Havics Child

No kidding Brian, one series I was read has the power ranked from F as normal to S as peak universe bending power. I made it to book 10 and the guy was mid D and not rising quickly at all. That portion of reality apparently only had people up to peak C/ bottom B and he didn't even have hints at getting away from it to the places where his power could flourish.

Havics Child

Btw, just joined your patreon a couple days ago and was a bit confused by the volume 10 stuff being marked as volume 9

Gavin Wayne Pitcher

volumes I think is how he groups books together, there's four volumes (current is IV or 4) Current book in progress is 10


will we be getting a book 10 bundle?

David Wild

I hope so. I preordered book 10 on amazon, but that release date isnt until November.

John Records

I too am hoping for the book 10 bundle



David Wild

Please don't forget about the book 10 pdf as you're unlocking stuff. I much prefer the single pdf than the separate chapters. I've been looking forward to reading it since shortly after book 9 was finished.




Thanks, this helps plenty😀😀😀


Me checking back to see if there's a new chapter and everytime there is not saying, "Biscuits!"

Morgan Amacosmos

Can we have chapter names along with chpter numbers for the links? Trying to go back to find a specific chapter is pretty hard rn.




Shirt can we look forward to a consolidated book 11 before the April break?

Spencer Honald

He Who Fights with Monsters Arcuz Chpt 1-3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SNbDhdDCER9lHsXkPmeKuDxOhJmZBxwp/view?usp=sharing


I really like the ways you’ve organized the chapters - very easy to access what I want. Thanks Shirtaloon! Also, I hope you’ve enjoyed your vacation! I’m looking forward to more frequent chapters but I’m glad you could take a break, I understand the value of that!


Wish we could access the Audio book in advance too. (If we can then I am just bad at finding it and please help)


Same. I would pay extra for a Travis/Heath audiobook patreon


I would love to know if there're any plans of releasing hardcover books in the future? I'm planning of buying the physical copies since I love the series so much. Just wondering if I should wait or buy the paperback.

Troy Daniels

I'd love it if Shirt would guest star in his own book and do a voice. :-D

Havics Child

Not gonna happen, contracts with audible by both Heath and Travis, but it would be great to get early.


Heath Does his recordings live on TikTok and Discord username: vhealthmiller

Kent Harris

I asked Shirtaloon this very question on if Hard Copies would be available here was his reply..... Shirtaloon (Travis Deverell) No, sorry.

Kent Harris

I asked Shirtaloon this very question on if Hard Copies would be available here was his reply..... Shirtaloon (Travis Deverell) No, sorry.

Lightning Society

Has anyone made a single pdf or digital document of all the chapters combined?


Yep, all the 905 chapters result in a 16MB PDF file


Is there an ETA for when the PDF for book 11 will be released for Iron or Bronze rank members?


Probably not a good idea to post that unless you get a copyright license from Shirtaloon.


goto chapter 882, scroll down, you'll see a post with book 11 in 2 different backgrounds


I thought it was Monday night and did a happy dance, then realized it was only Sunday night and my brain had Betrayed me. Boohoo! BUT! Will there be some major revision and editing/condensing of material before publishing into books? Some of these chapters that are mostly expositional review could really use some parring down. More “present tense” action. I know it’s hard to cut out hard-worked product but it can really improve the overall product.

Josh Teague

You are amazing. Thank you so much this is awesome.


Thanks for this, but is there an update on the Volume 2 PDF Bundle?


This update is part of an ongoing process of updates and revisions to the chapters and how they are organised. The revised vol. 2 bundles are getting close to ready but I've been very busy and they aren't as a high a priority as getting manuscripts to the publisher so they can gear up for the editing, audiobook recording, etc. My goal is for within 2 weeks.




We are so close to June that I can't wait! Managed to do some odd jobs just so I can pay to read this story! Thank Shirtaloon for giving me something to look forward to!


I just wanted to say thank you so much for an amazing story. I was referred to your story last week and have been reading it whenever I had free time. First the two e-books, then Royal Road and now Patreon. I love the characters and I am looking forward to seeing how part 3 develops.


I decided that my next tattoo will be related to this story :)


There are three books in Volume One. Book 1 has 113 chapters (originally numbered 1 - 113). Book 2 has 76 chapters (originally numbered 114 - 189). Book 3 starts with chapter 190. I think it should end with chapter 266, which would include the interval chapters (259 - 266) that are between the end of book 3 and the start of Volume 2 (i.e. books 4 -6).

Paul S.

Awesome! I also came here to find this. I just finished "book 2" on my Kindle and figured there must be more online somewhere (the writing style is clearly that of a web novel, after all), so here I am.

Malte Keden

NGL this shit makes me lose sleep. i read almost the entire earth arc withput sleep because ii just couldnt stop


Get some rest, mate. I don't get enough sleep because of this thing too, but at least I'm getting paid.


I am having the same problem…just can’t put it down!

Bert Babb

I highly and sincerely recommend a re-read of the entire series. Im up to chapt 266 at the end of Vol 1 and the last 5-10 chapters has given me so much better insight into whats going on. Im also reading all of the comments and its fascinating to see the diversity... who loves this or who despises that! Also, who predicted this vs who completely missed the mark when Shirt threw a curve-ball. This re-read is helping me stay sane while anxiously waiting for the daily chapter updates. FOrtunately l’ve got the time since l’m recovering from fractured limbs and couldnt get access to healing potions and had to rely on mere 20th century surgery.

Gabriel Drew

Sent himself the familiars back in time through Great Astral Being Shenanigans.


Where can I buy a team Colin T-shirt. Also I got my mom addicted to your audio books haha

Jason Hammond

What he said ^^, a T-shirt or T-shirt’s would be excellent !! How many books can we expect to see as well? Never want Jason’s adventure to come to an end. Love the audiobooks btw. Heath does a fantastic job.


Sad. All the links for chapters 190-266 are dead but book 3 isn't out yet. I guess I joined at the wrong time.

Robert Nugent

Aaargh. Just reread the no drop on Monday or Tuesday. I was all fired up for today's update.

rene kaminawash (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-01 13:16:39 Next q&a say they all die at the end :p jk just found out you had this page I had to support
2021-09-19 22:13:26 Next q&a say they all die at the end :p jk just found out you had this page I had to support

Next q&a say they all die at the end :p jk just found out you had this page I had to support

Tyler S.

So i started listening to the first 2 books on audible before the 3rd dropped, then i spent a full week binge reading all the way up to the current releases. Its a really good story

Robert Nugent

That was frustratingly transitional.

Tyler S.

I feel like The magical world's name doesn't get said enough in vol 2. Does anyone else think the same?

Jeff Taylor

Maybe this isn't the right place to ask this but, what ever happened to the item Jason got that could rank any item up from bronze to silver? The last I remember it being mentioned was when his bronze rank armor was destroyed after the first Makassar incident.


How often do you say earth in regular conversation? Realistically it would only really be said when someone is telling an outworlder what the planets name is.


I think it would be a really cool reference if we could have a link to each characters power set and description in the table of contents. like a quick-reference guide. the in-chapter ones are great but I find it hard to find that one power that updated or ranked up in the middle of text from 3-10 chapters ago (like right before jason ranked up to silver, and all his abilities were gaining new effects every couple chapters)

Lucas Gulick

I agree, the problem is that with as busy as shirt is it would have to be a fan project




Bump to reduce scroll distance.


Great Idee!


Wanted to drop this link, I hope I'm not offending anyone but I think the regulars might want to take a little read of this https://ellegriffin.medium.com/shirtaloon-makes-20-000-month-writing-litrpg-on-patreon-7612c976a446 I found Shirts timeline of how he developed HWHM educational and make sure you grab his .pdf at the bottom.


Welp, yay, trying to figure out release times due to daylight savings...

Robert Nugent

Effing daylight savings time.


I know that last summer, new chapters came out around 7 PM eastern time, but I think that the time change for Australia is a little different than in the U.S. I am expecting 6 PM until Shirt has his time change, and then back to 7 PM.


Anyone else unable to access any of the chapters?

Michael Yamamoto

OK thought it was just me lol yes cannot access any chapters


I also cannot access chapters 😭


Yes, there is a problem with Patreon that needs to be fixed. Existing patrons can access chapters or, apparently, receive emails. It's frustrating but I can't do anything more until Patreon gets back to me.

Zach West

Chapter 545 does not load. My 1st and only problem loading chapters so far...

Tony Moore

Did book 6 get taken off?

Robert Nicklin

Yep - there was an email notification the other day to say book 6 would be coming down in anticipation for the Amazon launch - Shirt normally gives 2 or 3 days notice to allow folks to grab a copy if they want it


I really like re-reading favorite chapters but it can be difficult to find them just by number. Any chance we could get chapter names next to the link?


I introduced this series to a friend of mine and he made a meme but idk how to post the photo. If anyone could please let me know that would be awesome. 😊




You probably can't, bit if you have the link for it from a trusted site, like imgur, you can share the link in here.

Fletcher Schweppe

Yeah I think we all just want to see the team at gold rank now so we can see even cooler fights haha

David Wild

Out of curiosity, when does the Book 9 PDF bundle unlock? I've had all the chapters unlocked for a while, but I find it's more convenient to download the pdf and read it that way on my tablet.

David Wild

Thank you sir, I've been looking forward to getting mostly caught up again :)


Hey bro.... I have another writer creator that I follow whose name is Warden. He publishes three times a week without fail. I think if you publish three times a week you'll be able to maintain your sanity.


Five times a week is a lot to deal with I think you're pushing yourself more than you need to.


Holy shi very helpful never noticed this and it's been a while since I've read anything of yours.


The complete pre edit bundle for book 9 is returning a 404 error