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The cloud house was in a vacant lot of an abandoned Austrian town. Inside, Farrah, Itsuki and the Asano sisters waited anxiously. The portal had closed right behind them and Jason’s fate was unknown. Farrah had taken out some suppression collar skeleton keys she had made herself after seeing the crude ones Jason had made. She unlocked the collars around the necks of the others, then magically examined them for tracking magic. The cloud house should be more than capable of blocking it but she wanted to be careful.

Ten minutes after they arrived, the portal reappeared and Jason stumbled through, the portal sinking into the floor immediately after. Farrah immediately wrapped him in a fierce hug. Once she let him go, Jason opened his spirit vault, concerned about whether his mental state, the suppression collar or both had affected his family within.

Heading into the vault, he immediately spotted the differences. The colour seemed washed out of everything, from the drab flowers to the grey sky. Rain was falling, which was not something he had seen before in his spirit vault. As soon as he emerged from the portal in the central pavilion, his family rushed up to him from where they had been clustered together in a small sitting area, under the pavilion.

“Jason, what happened?” Erika asked.

“Come out into the cloud house,” he said. “We need to talk.”


“What in the god damn hell?” Cleary asked angrily, sitting in the transport helicopter as it approached the Berlin Network headquarters. “Our own people betrayed us and let Asano get away.”

“No, they didn't," Gerling said. "They let his companions get away but we got Asano. Him getting loose was on us. He clearly had some means to disable a suppression collar."

“He was searched,” Cleary said. “Thoroughly. If he had a magic key jammed up his ass, our sensors would have found it when we checked him.”

“Lack of intel, then,” Gerling said. “It must be some ability.”

“To ignore a suppression collar?”

"Who knows what abilities he learned in the other world? His aura was like nothing I've ever seen, both in power and control. Based on the aura surge I felt when he was escaping, it's probably related to that."

“How can you be calm?” Cleary asked. “He got away.”

“My job was to catch him and I caught him,” Gerling said. “Containment was your area and I’m the talent, which means your head is the one on the block.”

“I’m going to kill those traitorous bastards,” Cleary spat.

“No you’re not,” Gerling said.

“Excuse me?”

“You shanghaied a bunch of the Berlin branch’s tac-teams, got half of them killed and sent the other half to die. Are you that surprised they screwed you? I would have. Now you want to what? Take them back to their branch and execute them in front of the rest? They will string you up.”

“Not with you there.”

“If you want to go after them, that’s all you,” Gerling said. “They’ve already demonstrated what they’ll do when you push them hard enough, even when I am right there. Frankly, I admire them for having the sack to go for it.”

Cleary scowled unhappily but fell silent, calming himself with deep breaths. Only once the helicopter was about to land did he speak again, the tense rage in his voice replaced with weariness.

“Did I hear you call yourself the talent?”

“I regretted it immediately,” Gerling admitted.


In the cloud house, Jason’s family and other companions sat in morose silence. Emi was curled up against her uncle, clutching onto him.

“What about the bodies?” Ian asked.

“I’ll make sure they’re sent home, with respect,” Jason said.

In the frenzy of the moment, Jason had been moving too fast for the horror of what had happened to catch him. Now that he’d stopped still, it came on in force. The image of the dead bodies at the man’s feet was seared into his brain. He lost track of them in the fight, unsure even how intact they were after all the area attacks being thrown around.

“What about Dawn?” Akari asked.

“What was with us wasn’t really her,” Farrah said. “I don’t know how long it will take but she will be back.”

“Isn’t there something you can do?” Erika asked. “You came back from…”

She struggled to say the words.

“…Farrah came back. Isn’t there some way for Kai to come back too?”

“I’m sorry, Eri,” Jason said.

“The circumstances were very specific,” Farrah added and the group fell silent again.

“What do we do now?” Akari asked.

“First thing is we lay low,” Jason said. “That gold-ranker is still out there and the resources the Americans have at their disposal are not to be underestimated. We have to be extremely careful.”

He winced, his expression filled with sorrow and self-recrimination.

“The way we should have been already,” he said. “I should never have let you all participate.”

“It was our choice,” Akari said. “You think you are the only one with the right to fight for their world? That only you are doing this for the right reasons? Kaito, Asya and Greg weren’t just doing this to help you with a personal project, Asano. We all came into this understanding what was at stake and the price we might have to pay.”

Jason stared at her with a deer in headlights stare, then gave the faintest of acknowledging nods.


Things had not gone well at the Berlin branch, forcing the American contingent to hurriedly board their transport plane and decamp for the Ramstein Air Base in Germany's south-west. Despite Gerling's warning, Cleary had been startled at the Berlin branch’s fury. If not for the presence of the gold-ranker, he realised that they may not have been allowed to leave at all.

“It’s time to regroup anyway,” Gerling told him. “Asano is not going to continue his current approach. We need to consolidate our resources here in Europe before we get the whole continent up in arms because of how we’re riding roughshod over their branches.”

"They'll do what they're told,” Cleary said.

“I think that you’re overestimating how much crap people are willing to eat,” Gerling said. “You think most of the Network cares about reality cores that the vast majority of them will never so much as lay eyes on? That’s the obsession of the few who will actually get to reap that power. Maybe you can’t see it because you’ve been living through it, but those monster waves and these transformation events are terrifying to the people who don’t have the power to fight against them. That’s what the actual people who make up the Network care about, not which branch has the most category-fours for some pissing match.”

“Are you questioning our purpose here?” Cleary asked him.

“No,” Gerling said. “I’m just pointing out that it’s our purpose. I hate to break it to you, Cleary, but however we end up spinning it, we’re the bad guys. I’m on board with that and you need to be as well.”


In Sydney, the steering committee of the local Network branch ended their meeting. All but one of the members shuffled out of the conference room, leaving Annabeth Tilden alone to exhaustedly rub her temples. Her brother, Terrance, came in after the committee members had left.

“Well?” he asked.

“We confirmed Asano escaped,” Anna. “He’s probably going to go on some kind of rampage.”

“I hope not. He’ll die, and if what he’s doing is important as he claims…”

“Yeah,” Anna said. “Ketevan has already made a formal request to Berlin for the return of the bodies to Australia. The bastards killed Asya.”

“What is our stance going to be?”

“Our steering committee is adopting a wait-and-see approach.”

“Meaning they’re going to chicken out until they find a bandwagon to jump on,” Terrance said. “Our people aren’t going to like that. Do you know how many of them have fought alongside Jason? Worked with Farrah on restoring the grid? Flew with Kaito or got a medivac to the Asano compound? If we lay down on this, we may have a rebellion on our hands.”

“You think I don’t know this?” Anna asked. “What do you think I’ve been trying to hammer into the heads of the steering committee?”

“Maybe you shouldn’t bother,” Terrance said.

“What are you saying?”

“The Network is fracturing, Anna. Maybe it’s time for a management restructure.”

“I’m hearing similar talk out of Europe,” Anna said. “The Berlin branch is furious about the International Committee forcing them to help the Americans and getting a bunch of their people killed. A lot of other branches are up in arms over the allocation of resources to fighting over reality cores instead of monster wave recovery. Now that we can monitor the oceans with the grid, there’s a lot of call for shifting priorities back to our traditional role.”

“That’s not going to happen. We’re out in the open, now. The leadership has been hiding their power and now they’re looking to flex in front of the whole world. They don’t care about stopping monsters as much as accruing political power.”

“That’s what worries me,” Anna said. “There’s talk of pressuring the International Committee to censure the US and China and force them to go back to the old priorities. That would be great except that neither one is going to roll over and show their stomach.”

“No, they won't. From their perspective, the International Committee serves them, not the other way around. It's just always been easier for them not to make a point of it. If the IC actually pushes it, the Network will fracture back into factions.”

“That may be inevitable. There has always been a disconnect between the leadership and the bulk of the Network’s personnel, but now the leadership is throwing its authority around like never before. This couldn’t have come at a worse possible time.”

There was a hard knock on the door and Michael Aram opened it and came in before waiting for a response.

“Anna, I’ve been contacted by Craig Vermillion.”

“We aren’t exactly on the best terms with the Cabal right now,” Terrance said.

“He knows,” Aram said. “He knew you would trust me and asked me to set up a discreet meeting. I think you’ll want to hear what he has to say.”


Gerling had been assigned a pair of assistants to see to his needs. They were both young Network functionaries, iron-rank admin staff with no tactical training. One was David, a man who Gerling disliked for his annoyingly transparent ambition, but was enthusiastic about meeting Gerling’s requests. Fiona was a plain but highly competent woman that Gerling appreciated for her ability to know when to be around and when not to be, compared to the stifling David.

Gerling was walking through an aircraft hanger to meet Cleary when his assistants approached him.

“We’ve found an elf for you, sir,” Fiona told Gerling.

“We have?” David asked.

“It turns out that one of the early reactions of people transforming into strange new species is–”

“Rich people paying to have sex with them,” Gerling realised.

“Precisely,” Fiona said. “Brothels are opening up like mushrooms after rain in the transformation zones and we have contracted someone who has quickly come into high demand, despite her considerable rates.”

“Excellent work.”

“Contracted?” David asked. “I thought we were just going to grab some elf.”

Gerling and Fiona both turned on him with disdain.

“Do you think I’m a rapist?” Gerling asked.

“You kill a lot of people,” David said uncertainly. “I thought you did what you wanted. Isn’t that what power is for?”

“And you think what I want is to rape people? Fiona, get this guy replaced.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You just said that you wanted us to get you an elf!” David whined.

“I assumed not raping people went without saying,” Gerling said. “Fiona, make sure the next guy understands that.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Oh, and how did you go with getting the people I asked to have sent from the States?”

Fiona checked her watch.

“They should be wheels down in about seven hours, sir.”

“Thank you.”

“Sir…” David said.

“Make sure the next person isn’t like this idiot,” Gerling said to Fiona, gesturing at David. “Is he someone’s nephew or something?”

“His father is the Director of Tactical Operations in New York.”

“Ah. Probably just fire him, then, rather than fire him out of a cannon.”

“We don’t have a cannon, sir,” Fiona said. “I can probably find someone who can conjure one.”

“What?” David asked as Gerling chuckled.

“That’s fine,” Gerling said. “Just reassign him to someone who’ll appreciate a sycophant.”

“Very well, sir,” Fiona said. “Is there anything else?”

“Not unless you have anything else for me,” Gerling said.

Fiona waved her hand and a portal appeared. She reached in and pulled out a can of beer. Gerling laughed as he took it.

“You want to come work for me permanently, Fiona?”

“I would very much like that, sir.”

“Oh, come on,” David complained.

Gerling left his assistant and former assistant behind as he made his way to the office that Cleary had appropriated in the hangar. Cleary was standing over a desk with a monitor set into it, poring over a map on which transformation zones were marked. He looked up as Gerling came in without bothering to knock.

“You requested a training team be sent here from the US?” Cleary asked.

“That’s right.”

“You asked specifically for people that trained with Asano and Hurin in Australia. You want to learn more about them from people who know them?”

“No,” Gerling said. “Those people learned the techniques taught by Hurin and Asano and then brought them home. I want to learn about how they fight and how to fight like them.”

“You beat them both.”

“I should have annihilated them both. You don’t understand how much more powerful than them I am. My old instructor always said that I was coasting on the power of my attacks but I never listened and now Asano and Hurin made me look like a fool. Feel like a fool. You concentrate on finding them; you don’t need my help for that. I need to prepare for the rematch.”


“Interesting choice of venue,” Anna said. She was in the townhouse that was previously the home of Jason’s Uncle Hiro, now apparently owned by the vampire, Craig Vermillion.

“After the EOA purchased all of Hiro’s assets, I quietly picked this up off them through an appropriate series of cut-outs,” Craig said. “I like to have an off-the-books spot with the little comforts.”

They sat down in the lounge.

“Before we begin,” Craig asked, “is it true about Asya?”


Craig bowed his head.

“These are dark times, Anna.”

“What do you want, Craig? I have enough on my plate to be going on with.”

“Oh, it’s worse than you think. You are aware that the Cabal has been coming out on top in the contest for the reality cores.”

“I genuinely don’t care.”

“You should. The Network is not the only one threatening to fracture over the behaviour of its most powerful members.”


“Do you know how vampires grow more powerful, Anna?”

“Time, right? But then you get too powerful and the ambient magic can’t sustain you.”

“Yes,” Craig said. “The old ones have all been slumbering since they reached what you call category four.”

Anna’s eyes went wide.

“Reality cores,” she whispered in horrified realisation.

“Exactly,” Craig said. “It’s not as simple as handing over a core but some of the Cabal’s upper echelons are working on imbuing blood with that power, which should be able to start waking them up. I’ve heard the rumours of the Chinese and Americans having people of that level and they’re probably stronger than an equivalent vampire. How many do they have, though? Two? Three? Five? I promise you that we have more.”

“How many more?”

“I’m not sure any one person knows,” Craig said. “The Cabal is a nest of secrets.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Anna asked. “You’re Cabal. You’re a vampire.”

“And I like the world the way it is. Was, before the damn EOA messed everything up. Even as bad as things have gotten, do you think I want the planet ruled by people with eight-century-old social values and a thirst for human blood?”



Craig is a cool guy. Thank you for writing a badass vampire. I needed that.


Lots of setup in this chapter. Hope it all pays off!


I am glad Jason just did not charge out - and you gave us a chapter with some closure and time to breath.

Tim Johnson

Fuck Gerling is actually smart and not a dumb brute.... this will make the rematch interesting to say the least.

Alex I

SO Gerling is suddenly an intellectual? And that bit with David and the elf seems to have been shoehorned in to make him seem less irredeemable and to address all the comments about him being a rapist on top of being a complete psychopathic murderer.


Thank you!


poor David has to suffer because of our comments XD


I am so ready for this rematch. Thanks for the chapter, Shirt!


Thanks for the chapter. So, Gerilng isn't a One-Dimensional Bastard, he's at least a Two-Dimensional Bastard, who knows and acknowledges that they're the Bad Guys, and is otherwise reasonably intelligent. Which is more than can be said of Cleary. Still want them to die horribly, along with the leadership of the whole American branch, but at least he's an actual Villain, rather than a loathsome caricature. Like Cleary.


When you want to kill the Gold ranker and don't have the power to do it, you don't fight him, especially when you have multiple teleportation-type powers. You steal a nuke or suitably large amount of explosives and you blow their ass up.


Biggest bummer is Greg dying. I would have like the see the life long nerdy character develop and maybe even get to go to the other country.


True. When the OP Psychopathic Murderous Brute says "get me an elf", most will come to the same conclusion as David, which is immediately assuming sex slave, not prostitute.

The 49th Khan

I'll admit, I totally forgot about the Cabal


I am still trying to get over these deaths with that being said I think it is needed. You can't go through saving the world without loosing loved ones along the way. I can imagine it is hard for Shirtaloon to kill off someone that he spent a good deal of time creating. I think that's what makes the story great and brings Jason's journey to life. Shirt please don't go full George RR Martin and start murdering everyone. I don't think my heart could handle it.


Thanks for the chapter :) Is a rematch really necessary? What purpose does it serve? They already failed at killing him, it would stand to reason that they've got better things to do with their time than try again. With the resources required to sustain a Gold ranker, I can't imagine HQ is exactly pleased with the results.

Danielle Warvel

Why are you telling me this?” Anna asked. “You’re Cabal. You’re a vampire.” “And I like the world the way it is. Was, before the damn EOA messed everything up. Even as bad as things have gotten, do you think I want the planet ruled by people with eight-century-old social values and a thirst for human blood?” Okay, Craig is officially my new favorite side character 😊

Tycho Green

After the spirit coin nerf, Gerling got nerfed as well. A most unexpected development, but I ain’t complaining.


Yeah I actually hope he ends up coming back to balldirt/pallimustus - I feel like he'd like it there better than he would however earth ends up turning out, at least for the next few centuries while everything is stabilizing


I agree, he was living the dream damnit! Sadly, he died because of it. 🥺


I don't know why so many hate Cleary, he's nothing more than a cog in the machine, he's not even worth mentioning, let alone hating. It's the leadership, the people that give the orders that Jason should direct his wrath towards.

Sam Baker

Asya forever!


To be honest, I think these deaths were really poorly handled. I genuinely wasn't sure if they were actually dead, since we still haven't gotten a reaction from Jason about his brother, best friend, and lover all dying. Definitely could use some serious work, because as it stands I didn't feel a thing, despite really liking Asya. She might as well have just stepped out of the room for all the difference it would make.

Anthony Arredondo

Well I guess we're going to see the birth of an Adventure Society.


I like the divide we're seeing in the cabal and network. Making the faction wars old money and values minority vs the new generation.


I love how you handled the elf. lol, I kept quiet when the arguments were going on. When I was in the Army one of the guys talked about an overseas tour and a 4 day pass to France with a third generation Courtesan.


forgot about the cabal. also i think jason is a bad influence because i had an idea for a sitcom called Golden Guys w/ Mr. North, Gerling, and whatever 8th Century Warlord the Cabal wakes up.


I hope Gerling won't suddenly change his fighting style to be in line with the other world's Adventurers, just because he got to spend a little time with people trained by Jason and Farrah. He spent his entire Network career developing his own fighting style. You can't just change that on a whim. Not that it should matter. Last time he had the chance to prepare an ambush on Jason. This time it will be the other way around. I'm hoping that it will actually be a very anticlimactic end to Gerling. No prolonged fight or anything. Just Jason making his move and Gerling dropping dead a moment later. I'm hoping we'll just get over the Gerling situation quickly so we can get to the actually interesting stuff that's brewing. Which is a fracturing of the Network and Cabal, as the divide between the rank-and-file and the upper leadership grows. Would be interesting to see the lower ranks of Network and Cabal instead coming together and forming their own organization along the lines of an adventurers society. Meanwhile the remnants of the old Network and Cabal fracture into even smaller groups, each centered around one or more of their category 4's.


I figured the obvious smart play was to snag some of those abundant Reality Cores in that rift and upgrade some willing silver rank allies. Gerling ain't gonna be the only gold rank threat coming at them after all. But oh well.

Jack Trowell

I think is that am when Dawn told them all to take a gold coin and then nothing more was mentioned, that we are all thinking that she probably did something, like making making fake bodies like her own to cover an escape, or maybe taking their souls with her so she could later build them new bodies


I bet that Gerling and Jason have an alliance of convenience to fight some champ-pires.


Please don't use Asya's death to make Jason and Sophie's relationship seem deeper later on.......That'd really suck. Like Jason has issues because his girlfriend got killed "Because of him" and now he's afraid to connect or something like that. Also got a bit of whiplash on that Gerling change.

Scott Frederiksen

It didn't seem so much a change just that he's aware enough to see why they're the bad guys but that didn't charge his bottom line. Even criminals have loved ones and friendships. In sure the gold attributes have a play on your ability to think out situations to a dredge.

Micah Rutledge

I just wanted to say, that while i personally have never payed to play, i loved the dialog about contacting an elf. It really humanized the gold. They know they are the bad guys but they aren't bad guys(if you have seen wreck it Ralph)

Michael Hughes

I upped my sub and just read 15 chapters. Should have waited just a little longer because now I have to wait 55 minutes for the next one. Sad about the deaths. I misread and thought that the brother survived and their was only 3 bodies. Now you know Jason's ex is going to blame him and possibly turn against him along with the mother. I know that Jason will want to kill Gerling for this but I find myself strangely liking the guy. That has always been a mark of good writing for me when you can understand and even like an enemy character instead of having them be 2 dimensional caricatures. Great work. See you in an hour.


I would like to believe that Dawn somehow saved the three, but I guess we'll see


I'm eager to see what those old vampires are like.