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The Network team from the Potsdam branch reached the aperture on Babelsberg Park and found it already open. The residue of the ritual used to open it was on the ground and in front of it was a Japanese woman with a category three aura, meditating with her eyes closed.

As trucks and helicopters arrived she gave no reaction, remaining cross-legged on the grass until the Operations Commander approached her and she opened her eyes, dexterously rising to her feet by uncrossing her legs.

“Who are you?” the commander asked.

“Asano Akari.”

“Asano? As in…?”

“Yes. He asked me to stay here to prevent children from wandering in. I’m sure you can take care of that, now.”

She turned to enter the aperture but the commander called out to her.

“Miss Asano.”

She turned back.

“Our people are tracking you by the proto-spaces you’re visiting. There are a lot of Americans and International Committee people around, talking to our high-ups. I don’t know what they have planned, but tell him.”

“Why tell me this?” she asked.

“There are people that don’t like the way the Network has treated him. A lot of people. I was sent to Makassar, both times. I saw him going places no one else could go, saving people we had all written off. Days of it. Never stopping, never resting. He drives himself like a workhorse and then we turn on him? A lot of us think that isn’t right.”

Akari stared at the man and then gave a slight nod.

“I will relay your words to him. I know they will mean a lot.”

Akari moved to the aperture and stepped through.


Cleary and Jack Gerling were in a hospitality suite at the Network’s Berlin branch.

“You’ve reviewed the briefing materials on what we know of Asano’s abilities?” Cleary asked.

“Such as they are,” Gerling said. “Too many holes, damn stealth types. He’s got a lot of escape options. You have no idea what that power where he turns into a bird is about?”

“We don’t. We anticipate that you will be able to handle most of his methods through simple power disparity.”

“His aura is really as strong as all that?”

“We estimate its strength to be somewhere in the range of what would normally be the zenith of category three. Added to his superior control, we strongly recommend against aura conflict. You should focus on areas in which your superiority is clear. Power, speed, strength. Direct confrontation. The two largest threats to that are if he escapes through ordinary evasion or his portal ability.”

“You have countermeasures?” Gerling asked.

“We do, and we plan to catch him coming out of a dimensional space. We’ve been tracking his patterns. He’s been going into a series of incursion spaces, using his team to keep monsters clear of his location while he conducts a large ritual in each.”

“What’s he doing?”

“We think he is trying to stop the transformation events.”

“I want to see one,” Gerling said. “People turning into elves and rock people and whatever. Can you get me an elf?”

“Yes,” Cleary said. “Just one?”

Gerling laughed.

“One will do for now. Can’t get too distracted on the job.”

“I appreciate that. Asano’s pattern is to enter multiple incursion spaces, perform his ritual and then move on. First Austria, then Switzerland and now Germany,” Cleary said. “He’s been responding quickly, entering spaces before our people get there, in most cases.”

“Why don’t our people stop him?”

"He and his companion, Farrah Hurin, have a lot of goodwill amongst the rank and file. They're role models to our younger people. Asano has used interviews to characterise himself as a symbol and credit our personnel as the true protectors of the planet. Given the way that the upper echelons of the Network have been pushing the lower over the last year, it inclines them to give Asano leeway."

“Meaning they won’t stop him unless we ride them.”

“There have been some who diligently attempted to stop him. After a series of brief altercations with Farrah Hurin, no one else made the attempt.”

“Not Asano himself?”

“Asano claims that he is unable to stop his powers once they affect a person. It could be a lie and he doesn’t attack our people to maintain it. It could be genuinely true and he wants to avoid killing our people to maintain their goodwill.”

“I have trouble believing that one woman could beat a whole section of category threes.”

"I believe it was more that she made some quick examples and the rest were reluctant, given that she was just one of four category-threes in their group. The Japanese sisters are largely unknown but all our people have seen what Jason Asano does to the things he fights. The news played the footage of him killing that category four monster in Makassar on a loop. The most powerful monster ever to set foot on Earth and it looked like he tossed it through a wood-chipper. No one wants to end up like that.”

“That was when Asano used that power to turn into some kind of magic bird,” Gerling said. “The briefing notes had nothing about what that power was.”

“We don’t know,” Cleary said. “There are too many unknowns about him, which is why we brought you here. Nothing solves a problem as well as true power.”


Having finally isolated what they hoped was the first node Jason needed to modify to repair the link, Jason and his team returned to Austria. Kaito’s helicopter set down in the Ziller Valley, in an isolated and open space close to the river. Accompanying Jason was the whole group; Dawn, Farrah and the Asano sisters, along with Greg, Asya, Itsuki and Kaito.

Kaito left his helicopter parked on the grass, ready for everyone to jump in at need. The others would remain while Jason entered alone, for the simple reason that only he could enter the space where the node could be modified. He had experimented with node spaces in preparation, opening the door to acclimatise to the conditions without making any changes.

Only Jason and Farrah were able to enter a node space once Jason opened the door. This was a result of their astral affinity, the mechanism preventing non-outworlders from using the door. Farrah could only withstand conditions within the node space for a limited time due to the corrosive aura it contained. Jason was able to withstand it but Farrah’s aura was ground down, after which the space started to have a deleterious effect on her body. For this reason, only Jason was going to go in, while the others would wait outside.

“It will take you time to understand what you are seeing in there,” Dawn advised Jason. “I have pushed as much theory into your head as I can but knowing the theory is not the same as applying it. Take as long as you need to be certain of every change you make. What you are about to do is outside even my experience.”

Jason solemnly nodded and began opening the portal. He ran a hand over the ground and a line of silver light appeared running along it. From the line rose an arch of smoky glass with blue, silver and gold light twinkling within, the new material from which his portal arches were made. Instead of filling with the familiar dark void, though, it filled with a sheet of silver light. A powerful aura spilled from it and, except for Dawn and Farrah, Jason's companions all took an involuntary step back.

"See you soon," Jason said and then stepped through the door.


“What kind of anomaly?” Cleary asked. He was in the Berlin branch’s grid monitoring station, hovering over the chair of an operator.

“At first I thought it was the start of a transformation event,” the operator explained nervously. “Then I realised it was too small. Much too small, as in, not much bigger than a person.”

“Where a normal transformation event is the size of a city,” Cleary said and patted the operator on the shoulder. “You did well to bring this to my attention quickly.”

Cleary left the monitoring centre, just one small part of the Berlin branch’s extensive complex. Waiting outside were Cleary’s functionaries, who trailed him as he strode away.

“Prep helicopters and a full operations team,” Cleary instructed.

“We’ll have to use the locals,” Cleary’s assistant said. “Our own forces are still being cleared.”

“They haven’t been cleared yet?”

“They’re a heavily armed contingent of non-governmental soldiers with magical abilities, sir. The German government, the Berlin steering committee and the International Committee are dragging their feet. They’re trying to dig up our objective and you said secrecy is paramount so I chose discretion over applying pressure.”

Cleary nodded.

“It was the right choice but now we have a window of unknown duration. Use the local teams and prep them for departure.”


“The Ziller Valley.”

“Austria?” the assistant asked. “That will add complications.”

“Handle them. Speed over everything.”

“I’ll make sure any complications are dealt with by the time you’re in the air, sir.”

“Where is Gerling?”

“The spa facility, sir. Would you like me to send someone?”

“I’ll go,” Cleary said. “Get going; I want wheels up in ten.”


The landscape Jason found himself in was an alien reimagining of the space by the river he had just left. Like the space in which he claimed the door, it was washed into monochrome by the light than shone with no apparent source. In this case, the light was silver instead of amber, giving everything a blank metallic sheen.

The surroundings looked vaguely natural at a distance, but up close it was clear that everything was composed of tiny cubes, as if the entire landscape had been built from tiny, silver Lego bricks.

Jason felt the aura of the place trying to suppress his own, giving him the unusual sensation of feeling feeble before an overwhelming power. It had only been a couple of years since Jason was freshly-arrived in the other world, feeling vulnerable and exposed every day. In this place, that feeling came back. It was as if he were standing before the full vastness of the cosmos and being shown his tiny, irrelevant place in it.

Shaking off the sensation, Jason extended his aura out, pushing back against the oppressive force to expand his senses. The first thing he detected was points of power, buried everywhere under the landscape. Unlike the transformation events that revealed only a single reality core with each event, the doorway gave Jason ready access to a treasure trove. He left them where they were as he started to move.

Exploring the space with his senses, he walked slowly, trying to understand the complexities of the world around him. He slowly began to marry what he was perceiving with the theory he had learned but it was slow going. He took his time, examining tiny aspects of the magic flowing through the place like duelling orchestras.

When he finally managed to truly grasp the nature of just one tiny aspect, fitting it to the theory Dawn had been stuffing into his head, it felt like a triumph. It was a first step, allowing him to move onto the next.


Kaito’s drones were the first to detect the approaching helicopters and he warned the others. Farrah looked unhappily at the door standing out in the open. Jason’s party interface had terminated the moment he entered, leaving no way to communicate with him.

“We can’t let him walk out of there not knowing,” Farrah said.

“His freedom is paramount,” Dawn agreed. “The question is how powerful the forces approaching are. If they aren’t too…”

Farrah looked at Dawn, who had trailed off, wide-eyed.

“What is it?” Farrah asked.

“Gold ranker,” Dawn whispered.

Farrah froze for a moment and then turned to the others.

“Everyone into the helicopter!” she yelled, shoving Dawn in the direction of the vehicle. “Get in it and go, all of you! As quick as you can!”

“What about you?” Kaito asked.

“I’ll get Jason and we’ll portal back to the cloud house,” Farrah said. “Rendezvous there, no more questions. As fast as you can go, gods dammit!”

Without another word, Farrah plunged into the portal. Dawn hurried toward the helicopter.

“Move!” she ordered. “We may already be moving too late!”

They clambered into the side door of the helicopter and it lifted into the air, even before Kaito slid into the pilot seat. Using every power at his disposal, Kaito accelerated the vehicle, sending it firing through the air faster than any ordinary helicopter could match.

“What is happening?” Akari asked.

“There’s a gold-rank essence user on one of those helicopters,” Dawn said.

"A category-four?" Akari asked, her face turning pale. "Since when do they even exist?"

“China and the United States both had people reach gold-rank several years ago,” Dawn explained. “They have been keeping them in magical stasis since then.”

“It’s true, then,” Asya said. “They really do have them.”

“Yes,” Dawn said. “Now that they are operating openly, I am more free to speak on it.”

“Why weren’t you before?” Greg asked.

“There are rules by which I am required to operate,” Dawn explained. “They are a frustrating but necessary restriction for someone like me to intervene in the affairs of your world.”

“They must be using reality cores to sustain the category four,” Asya reasoned.

“It seems likely,” Dawn said.

“How many are we dealing with?” Itsuki asked.

“One,” Dawn said. “One is all it takes.”

She bowed her head, crestfallen.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“For not telling us earlier?” Asya asked. “You told us what you could on the way to Makassar.”

“No,” Dawn said. “I’m sorry for what is about to happen. The gold-ranker has left his helicopter. Everyone get out the gold spirit coins that Jason gave you and eat them when I say.”


Gerling hurtled through the air, periodic explosions throwing him onward, faster and faster. For all its speed, Kaito’s bronze-rank helicopter, even with Kaito using every power at his disposal, could not match the crude explosion-flight of the gold ranker. The helicopter opened up with weapons and deployed drones to intercept but Gerling went through them as if they were a light pattering of rain. When Gerling struck the helicopter, it exploded in a burst of force and fire, tiny pieces scattering across the sky.



The fight has begun!


Jason come out and wreck shit...go straight for leadership, they will never expect that as he hasn't dont anything so reckless up till now....murder hobo activate....


Everytime you write in Americans I end up sheepishly looking around and going, "are we the baddies?"

Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the chapter. Glad they're all carrying gold coins.

Lictor Magnus

Now it's time for Otherworldly Lava girl and Australian Batman to fight American Bakugo!


Oh well the Network just declared war on Jason. Gonna be interesting to see him on the warpath


So he chose death.


Itll be interesting to see what Dawn does. The "im sorry" makes me think they'll potentially be captured or that Dawn will temporarily rank up from normal to gold/diamond and kick some ass. Definitely interested in tomorrow's chapter... what happens when you take a coin 2 levels higher again?

Adrian Gorgey

Ah fuck. Hopefully he doesn't kill any of them. If he does... Well, I don't think Jason could beat a Gold Rank, not unless he killed himself chugging diamond rank spirit coins, but I wouldn't want to be the Network's higher ups if he manages to escape. He might not be able to beat a Gold Ranker, but he could sure as hell assassinate a bunch of high ranking officials. Maybe that would make them rethink their priorities. Oh wait, holy shit. If he could somehow trick the Gold Ranker into entering that space, then close the door behind him... That just might do it. It's a long shot. But doable.


Thanks for the chapter :) Can't wait to see what happens next!

Henri Black

Depends on your rank, an Iron could down a Gold coin and feel much less backlash than a Silver would.


oblivious that the gold ranker can’t have much experience using his gold ranking power. Earth couldn’t support them, and there can’t be may gold coins going around, so he would never had the time to grow into his skills and powers.


This is the cliffhanger from hell. I just know some people are going to die and Jason is going to loose it. I hope this Gold Ranker meets a end that only Jason can give him.


Giving missing scattering of bodies and body parts after the Gold Ranker smashed the helicopter could Dawn have taken them away somewhere close with some kind of power? It makes little sense to point out tiny pieces without mentioning body parts or blood or something in that direction. Or was it such an powerfull explosion that nothing remains? Then it would have been better to unsummon the helicopter before the Gold Ranker would have impacted it.


Well looks like the Cabal are getting enough reality cores to kill the network and EOA.


I had to quit My Hero because of how much I loathe Bakugo. It wouldn't have been nearly so bad, if not for Midoriya's perverse, masochistic, borderline homoerotic obsession with being the violent little psychopaths friend. It also wouldn't have been so bad if it was an actual masochistic homoerotic fixation, which would at least make some kind of sense.


Would probably be the best for all the new magical races as well if they come out on top at the end.


Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter. I hope the Gold Rank f*cks inevitable death is excruciatingly slow, agonizing, and humiliating. I also hope this acts as the final nail in the American branches coffin, at least as far as their leadership goes. Jason systematically hunting them down and exterminating them would be cathartic after all the sh*t they've pulled, not just against Jason, but their manipulation of the other branches to switch to the use of Cores, which ultimately crippled them, which was the American and Chinese branches intent.


With as many Shades as he has now - I wonder where they are all are? I would bet he has some tagged in the shadows of the leadership that are soon going to regret their decisions.


I find it hard to believe that word wouldn’t get out that the Americans have gold rankers for years and now there active on foreign soil..:that’s going to give all the supernatural factions a push to go after the network to protect themselves


I'm starting to get put off by the Americans being comic book level villains while actually evil communist countries are being given the "bad but honorable" cliche. There's only so much I'm willing to lend to the "power corrupts" cliche before it become eye-rollingly anti-American. Still a good chapter <_<

Kyle Aretae

Some idiot attacked Jason's family. This is a bad plan.


They don't know how many coins jason has, gold and diamond if i remember right.

Anthony Arredondo

That doesn't negate the skills he developed at bronze or silver. US knew about natural power gains without coins so he could just be a gold ranked power with silver rank skills.

Daniel is ŁØNE

They hurt his family and friends, RIP Gerling


"can you get me an elf" 🤢 already want him dead sounds like the sex slave type. Even if Jason can't take down the gold ranker if they harm his friends and family he should cut loose. Turn the cabal on them and assassinate some of these "tru powa har de har" idiots

Philip Pleiss

Not sure which thing this dude is gonna regret more. Going up against a bunch of traditionally trained essence users armed with Gold spirit coins and coordinated by the projection of a diamond ranker? Injuring or possibly killing Jason's family, when Jason has a supply of Diamond spirit coins leftover from that time he gave Dawn an extreme nose job? The Americasaka corporation is going to regret wasting Jack "Adam Smasher" Gerling in this fight.

Nick Rodriquez

Dumb speculation on my part but wouldn't being surrounded by enough energy to sustain a gold ranker leave him with some kind of advantage? We've seen advancement through soul torture before. Personally I'm hoping the Network played their hand too soon and Jason gives up trying to play softball with those upper echelon lunatics.

Luke Scheffe

When are we going to get any more details about the [Soul Imprinting Triune]? It's been nearly twenty chapters since this seemingly important thing was added to his inventory, and we still haven't even seen its status. He hasn't done anything about it, and I'm really getting curious as to what it's purpose is.


Have we actually seen a gold in action before? The difference between ranks increases the higher you get right?


We have. Rufus' parents and their teammates are gold. They fought on that island sheltering purity clergy and builder cultists.

Chad Hagner

Those idiots were warned to leave Jason's family alone. Jason better show them his threat was real when he told them not to touch them


So only Jason and Farrah can enter that space on their own, but I wonder if Jason might not be able to forcefully drag someone in there. That would be a great way of dealing with the Gold Ranker. Also Cleary really messed up there by using local personnel after that talk of the rank-and-file siding with Jason. Once that Gold Ranker is taken care of, there will no longer be anyone to "ride herd" over them, and they'll probably just leave and spread the word. Afterwards, all of Network people will know that their leadership attacked Jason. Imagine what it will do to the Network morale when they find out that they have Gold Rankers around but none were deployed to help deal with the monster surges, especially the worst cases, but that apparently they can be spared to attack Jason. That Jason who in contrast was there during the worst of the monster surges.


i imagine that these American network people are from old families and with there life spans there only 3 or 4 generation's from being slave owners and all that stuff influencing the society never mind the modern day power mad stuff.


I never intended this to be anti-American propaganda. There is no inherent factor that makes the US worse than anywhere else. Look at the way Australia has treated Timor-Leste or immigrants or our indigenous population. The Japanese occupation of Korea. Pretty much anything related to the British Empire. The problem isn't any given country. It's the kind of people who use their power to exploit others.


It is as you said, practically every country has in it‘s history done some reprehensible things. In this story we have a supranational organization which is being controlled by an overly strong member (USA) and used for it‘s own purposes. You don‘t think that Monaco would be controlling all of the Network and being the bad guy now would you. Pointing out bad things one country has done/does, will not automatically make other countries better, it just makes this country the focus of the story. Shirt can‘t very well start comparing all the bad every country does 😂


Ooooooo baby 😳

Bobby B.

Kinda curious why kaito didnt eat his gold coin to jump to gold rank travel speed on a speed based power

R2k Thief

Book has turned into a political pat on the back, from the great fantasy novel it was...... lost this supporter.


They have a lot of trump cards they don't put into play sometimes because, well, plot? I never liked the coin mechanic to temp boost. Always felt like the clutch thing that happens all the time when the MC or someone is screwed.


Agreed. That and the bad dad jokes have made this a dumpster fire. The author is not nearly as clever as they want to be unfortunately.


I have no idea what these people are complaining about.


Ah, so this is the moment Jason becomes Vegeta

Bert Babb

Dont know that even gold spirit coins are gonna help. This is gonna hurt.

Bert Babb

Bronze rankers in an exploding chopper that was attacked by a gold ranker! not gonna be pretty! This #*^&$#@ network assassin!

Bert Babb

@Idle TheoryCrafter l too hope that Gerling suffers greatly before being introduced to Shade's dad. While Jason will find out who sent Gerling, its unlikely that he will be able to find those responsible and introduce them to Collin. Life's not fair... deal with it!

Bert Babb

People today are too thin skinned and looking for their "safe space" while their mommy kisses their boo-boos. Cowboy up people! Go watch some you-tube videos of predatory animals attacking their prey for a reality check on "real" life.