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Jason stood on the patio, looking out at the yard. He sensed her approach but didn’t turn around.

“I wasn’t sure it was really you,” Amy said, talking to his back. “The others don’t realise how different you are, yet. There’s the physical stuff. The chin, obviously, but the beard hides that a little. The scars. You’re a little taller. But that’s not all. You move differently. Sit differently. You don’t watch your surroundings the same way. It used to be with curiosity but now it’s something else. Wariness? At first I thought you might be some kind of impostor, trying to scam the family for money.”

“But now you know it’s me.” Jason said.


Jason turned to face her.

“What clinched it?” he asked.

“You’re hurt and angry. You can talk about letting it go and moving on, and you’re trying. It’s not so easy, though, is it?”

“No,” Jason said.

“I am sorry I hurt you Jason.”

“I’m sorry you hurt me too. It’s one of those things, isn’t it? You don’t want to but you’re just so damn good at it.”

“I know you had Erika in Melbourne, but did you have anyone for support while you were away? You don’t do so well all on your own, Jason.”

“I have friends. Good friends. I had to leave them behind, though. I came back as unexpectedly as I left.”

“You never did explain that properly,” Amy said. “Or at all. You’re lying about Africa.”

“Everything I said is accurate.”

“That’s not the same as telling the truth.”

“No it’s not,” he agreed.

She sighed.

“You know, you weren’t the only one to lose the most important relationship in your life.”

“I wasn’t the one who destroyed it,” he said.

“You did your part,” she countered. “You’re too smart and introspective to not have figured that out by now.”

“Leaving me I understand,” he said. “But the way you did it? You knew me better than anyone. You had the knowledge and the tools to hurt me more than anyone else could. And you did.”

“I told myself it had to be a clean cut,” she said. “That if I didn’t put a thorough end to it, then there would always be something there.”

“It wasn’t clean,” Jason said. “And there will always be something there.”

“I know,” she said. “We both hurt one another when that was the opposite of what we wanted. After you died, Kaito and I had a lot of talks about what we did. To you.”

“I wasn’t just hurt, Amy. Take it from some who’s been destroyed more than once; if you wanted thorough, you got exactly what you were after.”

“What happened to you, Jason?”

“You did, remember?”

“I didn’t pay for that crazy car in the drive. Where do you make that kind of money?”

“I’ve been working.”

“As a private security contractor, you said. Did you find some gold out in the desert or something?”

“Actually, yes.”

“You never used to lie to me.”

“I still haven’t.”

“Then why are you still holding back? You can talk about reconciliation all you like, but I see the anger behind those eyes. You’re seething with it.”

Jason turned away again.

“My anger can hurt people, Amy.”

“Really? You’re the Incredible Hulk, now?”

Jason had excellent aura control. There was only one person who could make him lose it enough that it flared out, sending Amy staggering back. He quickly restrained it, knowing he should feel sorrier than he was. He turned to see her looking at him fearfully.

“What was that?” she asked

“I told you my anger can hurt people. Not a metaphor, Amy.”

He strode into the house.


Keith knocked on the open door as he appeared in the doorway of Annabeth’s office.

“What did I tell you?” he asked.

“They went for it?” Annabeth asked, getting up from behind her desk.

“The committee has tentatively approved opening preliminary negotiations with Asano.”

“Tentative, preliminary negotiations?” Annabeth asked. “You don’t want to qualify that some more?”

“Seriously, Anna,” Keith said with a voice full of weariness. “Learn to take a win.”

“What about Miranda?” Annabeth asked.

“She was a loud voice, but also a solitary one. There’s a reason that no one else spoke up at that meeting.”

“Yeah, because hedging your bets is always a sign of decisive leadership.”

“Good job on the biker spin,” Keith said, firmly changing the subject. “Getting the State Police Commissioner to start talking up a drugs crackdown was a solid move. ‘Drug-fuelled biker frenzy’ is a nice sound bite.”

“Riling up reactionary sentiment about drug use may not be great for society,” Annabeth said, “but it sure helps us right now. The Cabal stepped up on this one and largely cleaned up their own mess. Craig Vermillion really has them convinced that Asano represents an opportunity and they know that their relationship with Asano goes out the window if we set him on a war footing.”

“I think the opportunity he represents is what got us over the top,” Keith said. “When you look at what he did to our French guest, it’s clear that putting him down would cost us. Inversely, that means he’s potentially a treasure-trove.”

“How are things going with the Lyon branch?” Annabeth asked.

“Slowly. They haven’t gone much past admitting they have someone, somewhere in custody. They refuse to say who or why, despite the fact that we know. Did you get anything from the Frenchman?”

“He’s not talking. No surprises there.”

“Can you go harder?” Keith asked.

“I don’t need the International Committee strictures to know not to torture people, Keith. Interrogation works; it just takes time. Right now he’s still waiting for his branch to get him back. Once he realises that we’re not giving him back any time soon, the doubt will start to seep in. When we get him to engage, we’re on the path. We’re not giving him back any time soon, right?”

“Definitely not. We’re milking this debacle for everything we can get. The Lyon branch is actually offering some generous concessions; they really want us to stop asking about their prisoner.”

“Please tell me that the committee isn’t going to give him up without pushing the Lyon branch on their outworlder.”

“They won’t. They’ve realised how important the outworlders are.”

“I’m not sure that they have. That any of us have for that matter. I had my team put together a dossier on everything we have on outworlders. I’ll forward it to you, but the gist is that the Network may be about to go through the largest change since the manifestations started escalating more than a century ago.”

“It’s already happening,” Keith said. “We have kept the lid on this incident, but sooner or later, the secret will break. Once we revealed ourselves to the governments, it was only a matter of time.”

“What happens when it really breaks?” Annabeth asked. “I know there are plans in place.”

“Yes, but you know what they say about plans,” Keith said. “I’m not allowed to share them below the committee level, anyway. That’s true for every branch.”

“You think Miranda is adhering to that?”

“That’s her mistake to make,” Keith said. “You need to focus on cracking the Frenchman and making some kind of agreement with Asano. Obviously he won’t be joining the fold, after what happened.”

“Maybe we can mash our problems together” Annabeth said. “I’m willing to bet that Asano left quite an impression.”

“Does he know Asano got away from his men?” Keith asked.


“So, if Asano walked in on him, apropos of nothing…”

“It might give him a jolt we can use,” Anna said. “We just have to convince Asano that he can walk in here without us closing a net on him. So, who’s is going to do the negotiating?”

“You and me, plus a government liaison.”

Anna groaned.

“I know,” Keith said.

“They’ve been pressuring us to send the Frenchman back home. I hate this government so much. There isn’t a foreign interest they don’t fall over themselves to capitulate to. If they saw a rerun of ’Allo ’Allo they’d try to smuggle secret plans to the French hidden in a sausage.”

“A rerun of what?” Keith asked.

“Never mind.”

“Also, Gladys,” Keith said. “She pushed her way into it and the committee isn’t willing to push back. They know the Brisbane branch has been trying to poach her again.”

“When are we meeting with Asano, then?” Annabeth asked.

“I’ve already contacted Vermillion,” Keith said. “He’s going to set up a time for us, then we’ll go up the coast.”

“We’re giving him home ground advantage?” Annabeth asked.

“Unless you want to meet him in your kitchen again.”


Ian and Erika watched out the window as Jason pulled his absurd black sports car into the driveway.

“That’s his car?” Ian asked as the gull wing door on the driver’s side opened vertically and Jason stepped out.

“He’s too young for a mid-life crisis,” Erika said.

“How much do you think it cost?”

“No idea.”

“And he’s a private security contractor?” Ian asked. “I guess shooting brown people for Americans is lucrative. It seems weird. Jason was always so progressive.”

“He was also poor,” Erika said. “I love the boy, but he was always better at holding ideals than living up to them.”

They met Jason at the door and let him in.

“How did you afford that car?” Erika asked without preamble.

“Shooting brown people for Americans,” he said, stepping into the foyer. “Don’t you remember how poor I used be?”

Erika and Ian shared a surprised glace as they went inside. They made their way into the kitchen where Ian started brewing some tea.

“You’re on time,” Erika said to Jason. “Emi isn’t home yet.”

“I know,” Jason said.

“Oh, you do, do you?” Erika asked. “How is that, exactly?”

“Mysteriously,” Jason said. “I’m very mysterious now.”

“Is that so?” Erika asked.

“You think I’m not?”

“I think you should tell us what you were up to all this time,” Erika said. “You have no idea what I went through when I thought you died. People were clearly lying and there was some kind of crazy conspiracy theory cover up. I thought I was going crazy.”

“It did seem like she was going crazy,” Ian agreed.

“You don’t have to worry about that any more,” Jason said. “Now that I’m back, I won’t let anyone treat you that way.”

“I don’t want you’re protection, Jason,” Erika said. “I want to know what’s going on so I can protect my family for myself.”

“You will,” Jason said. “Consider this a warning, though; once I tell you, there’s no going back.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that when I tell you everything, everything changes. It will upend your most fundamental understandings of the world you live in.”

Erika narrowed her eyes at Jason.

“Did you join a cult?” she asked.

“Of course not.”

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“I didn’t join a cult, Erika.”

“You are talking a little like someone who joined a cult,” Ian said. “It would make sense that you were gone for so long. Cults like to isolate people from their support networks while the indoctrination takes place.”

“I did not join a cult,” Jason insisted.

“So, you’re still an atheist, then?” Erika asked.

“Not as such,” Jason admitted.

“You joined a cult,” Erika said.

“I didn’t join a cult!”

“It really sounds like you joined a cult,” Erika said.

“I did not join a cult. I’m not an atheist because I met a…”

Jason cut himself off, letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Look, set aside a day,” he said. “Make sure Emi is taken care of and you have no other commitments. I’ll tell you everything. It’ll take some time to go through it and even more to process it. I’m not kidding, Erika. This will change your life.”

“Are you going to explain why you were talking about that starlight person on the news?” Erika asked.

“Yes,” Jason said. “I’ll explain it all. Answer every question.”

“Will your cultist friends be there?”

“I should have thrown away that stupid token,” Jason said.


Erika and Ian watched through the window as Emi was dropped off by her friend’s mother. She eyed off the black car in the driveway, walking all the way around it before making her way up to the door.

“Whose car is that?” she asked her parents.

“We have something to talk to you about,” Ian told her and the family made their way into the lounge. They sat on the couch, Emi in the middle with a parent on either side.

“You two are acting weird,” Emi said. “This is how you told me about Uncle Jason. Did someone die?”

“No,” Ian said with a chuckle. “Nothing like that.”

“Actually, it’s kind of the opposite,” Erika said.

“Someone came back to life?” Emi asked.

“Still sharp as a tack,” Jason said, appearing in the lounge room doorway. Emi went dead still, staring at him for several seconds. Then she burst forward like she was fired from a rocket, Jason crouching to catch her in a huge hug.

“Hey, moppet,” he said. It was a long time before she let him go, after which she stepped back to critically looked him over, while holding both of his hands in hers.

“You look different,” she said.

“I am different.”

“Did you get some work done?” she asked, letting go of a hand to experimentally poke his chin.

“I did not have any work done,” came his indignant answer.

“Must be an optical illusion with the beard,” she said. “Where did the scars come from?”

“I did some things that certain people didn’t like,” Jason said. “They did some things that I didn’t like.”

“They hurt you?”


“Did you hurt them back?”

“They got caught and punished by the local authorities,” Jason said.

“Is that your car outside?”

“Would you like a ride? If your parents say it’s alright.”

Emi turned to look at her parents, who glanced at each other before nodding.

“Not too long,” Erika said. “Back in time for dinner.”


Sean Wilner

Thanks Shirt 🥳


ahh, its 1:00 AM and a new chapter is up. thats how i want to go to bed every day :D

Alexander Dupree

I want like 3000 pages of this but only tomorrow then more action right after.


Sadly, while I and many others don’t want Kaito, Amy, or Jason’s mother to be forgiven, or given essences, it seems that’s the route this story is going down. I hope if that is the case, the author can make it slightly more bearable for us at least. Them getting off scot free would leave a bad taste in people’s mouths, especially considering how Kaito and Amy have not really been properly apologising, but instead making excuses and shifting blame to Jason.

Alexander Dupree

Forgiveness can come after reconciliation. Amy and Kaito could decide not to be total assholes anymore and actually apologize.


All aboard the "Kaito, Amy, and Jason's mom are undiagnosed narcissists" train. Not seeing any empathy worth the name.


If someone asked me what the exact opposite of a person dying was, I would say someone being born. I don’t have a child’s imagination, I guess


Wow, I hate Amy too. Maybe a little less than Kaito though


I see Amy decided to go the whole "We both hurt each other" route. Fuck off, Amy. Also, while this is going to sound ungrateful, the chapters are seeming shorter and shorter all the time. Maybe not in raw word count, but this chapter consisted of 3 short conversations, with Jason yet again dancing around actually explaining anything. It feels like I've read the same reworded conversation at least a dozen times now. Please tell me this isn't going to go on for much longer. Because it's wearing quite thin now.


wew, thats a lotta movin'. I'm *really* glad the conversation with his ex didn't drag-on for the entire chapter. Stuff definitely needed to happen there, considering all that was built up/aluded to (although I'd still argue he was pretty wet noodle on Kaito but thats my own anecdotes colouring my opinion). I'd be annoyed at the constant "contractor in africa" bit but it seems like its about to be done with anyway so *shrug*. I wonder if the Network meeting Asano will somehow factor into his 'proof' of things when he explains it. Hrm, if a Gov't person wants to be involved and there's a Mayor related to him...might be a nice 2-for-1 for Jason/The Network. An off-hand mention of Miranda by his sister might also be interesting- I wonder when that little detail will bubble to the surface for actioning/reactioning. (Inb4 I'm mixing up his sister and his neice- blood and ashes am I shit with keeping names straight) If he ends up making a psuedo-party with the people here I kind of hope his sister joins him. She gives some good 'frontline/investigating' vibes, and if *anyone* is going to ascend I would assume its her since she had a epilogue/prologue/inter-book-lude chasing down leads making her slightly more relevent/invested than other potential people. Vermillion + Jason + Sister + + Dawn(?) seems lilke it would be a solid party. Or perhaps Dawn is just the quest giver and there's a different fifth- hell, lets get Taiko in. I'm a sucker for a badass Maori honestman who is just chill about all the stuff goin' on.


Wow. I was already expecting Amy to be all self-righteous but this was even beyond my expectations. Even Erika making comments about Jason when we know that he stuck to his ideals so much that he literally died for the people he cared about. I seriously sincerely hope that Jason does not actually give essences to these people.


kaito pretty much spilled the beans that he is scared Jason could take her from him. Not much more he can do but let Kaito fester thinking about that.


It's actually quite hilarious that the criminal uncle is the least toxic member of his family.


Get that girl some essence, she's a terrifying child already


Hoboy... Looks like Jason is going to get some time alone with the Frenchman and he's got a lot of anger to work through, almost feel bad for the guy.


To be fair, Jason hasn't been diagnosed yet, either (as far as we know.)


"You thought what I did to you last time hurt? Then you don't want to find out what I can do to your soul. Tell me about the captive now, or tell me anyway after I flay your soul. Your choice." - Jason in full Edgelord mode


I really don't like Kaito and Amy. Right now I think it's that they don't understand how much Jason coming back to reconcile is saving their asses from the fire. We all know that Jason is seriously going above and beyond for people who have not proven they deserve it. But the only gratitude they show is for the chance of forgiveness to ease their conscious, not for having him back in their lives. I am positive that when Jason reunites with his friends in the other world that the reception will be much better. Though Sophie is def going to punch him.


Jason *was* literally reborn (in the manner in which outworlders are "born" as outworlders, which is similar to how monsters manifest.)


Giving that kind of power to a child who has spent their entire life in a safe first-world society would be incredibly irresponsible, tbh. A lot of people in "western" nations often have no reason to actually grow up until they're in their mid twenties. Society treats them like overgrown children, and thus they act like it. Handing a child who has never known any kind of real struggle or responsibility superhuman abilities would end VERY badly in the vast majority of cases.

Corwin Amber

'who’s is going' -> 'who’s going'


They *did* both hurt each other. Not equally, but, although he *will* always be important to her, their relationship was somewhat psychologically toxic for her.


Loved his interaction with Amy. Kinda hoping she realizes Jason is now everything she actually really wanted when she went for Kaito,, makes a move on him and he rejects her hard realizing how much he misses Sophie. Even better if Kaito catches it happening. Revenge and catharsis against two selfish garbage people.


Honestly, I've been seeing hints of a potential Farrah romance. Sophie seems like she's been well and truly friend-zoned.


I feel this chapter missed the mark a bit. The convo with Amy may have aimed for messy and emotional but it really just feels disjointed like you wanted to get some points across but it just doesn't flow.


I think it comes down to her either not understanding what she did to him, or no longer caring enough about him as a person. When people do bad things (that they recognize as bad), they do their best to rationalize the situation to move on. The problem is, no one is unbiased and amy has been talking about this with kaito for years without ever seeing Jason, to understand how broken he really is. Not to mention that she has been rationalizing it with kaito, who's main difference with Jason is that Jason cares about doing what is right (usually for it's own sake), whereas kaito cares more for what is right for him. The defining trait of family is to sacrifice in order to help each other when need be, and I don't think kaito has ever cared for Jason, or maybe even anyone, enough to do that. I really hope that Jason recognizes this and will no longer consider kaito family, because keeping someone like that in your orbit will only hurt the other people around you that you really care about. That is of course if Amy ever truly loved him. I'm not convinced that she ever did. clearly whatever love was there was not enough compared to her infatuation over kaito.


Shirt said that I can badmouth his writing. I think that he trying to explain Amy and Kaito situation, but did that in the wrong way, talking with Jason, when this make their apology hypocritical.


Lotta people who have clearly never been in a relationship before up in these comments. I thought the Amy section was well handled. There is a lot that can be going wrong in a relationship other than cheating, and the cheater is not always unequivocally the bad actor. Obviously the way that Amy and Kaito handled their relationship was incredibly shitty, but we don’t have any idea what she was going through while together with Jason, especially if he was more invested in the relationship than her. She isn’t “victim blaming” Jason because the whole point is that she was a victim too.


For those complaining about him sticking to his africa story. Consider this the uncle, who has had at least a week to get use to magic, still thinks africa is more believable to the truth.


You are a victim only certain levels of response. I disliked her in this chapter, but I think that is more of a bad writing than a character being this bad.


Yes you can absolutely badmouth my writing. As long as you don't attack fellow readers, you can go ham. I, in turn, have the right to agree or disagree. I'm not doing a lot of responding to the opinions being voiced here, because every reader's interpretation is valid. I don't think attempting to come in and tell people what to think by author fiat is a right I have, and would be doomed to failure in any case.

Ya Boi

thank you for the chapter! MAN it is really hard to like amy and kaito. I was hoping the talk with amy would go well but she immediately pulled the "I went through a lot too". HAVE YOU FOUGHT A GOD THO. Ugh man my boi jason has bad luck with women. Im secretly hoping farah comes back for numerous reasons.

Ya Boi

Im sure the relationship had its own issues but frankly its hard to care about her feelings when jasons been through hell and back just to make it home and i guess i just dont like her im biased sue me.

Tycho Green

I myself don’t believe I would have such a hard time coming to terms with it after Jason shows me some proof. I think some other readers feel the same and for this reason it’s not so easy for them that Jason drags it out like that.

Micah Rutledge

Man you have a lot of committed fans. Not sure if anyone will see this, but it was a very cute chapter! Can't wait for some action tho


There are always parts of a story I'll just outright skip through while in a book. The Kaito/Amy stuff is turning into that. But that's fine because the other 99.9% of the story is damn good. I am actually more looking forward to when he starts giving out stones to folks to see what happens.

Stephan Bucher

So I've seen a lot of bashing Amy in this chapter, as well as a few people supporting her. I think he got across that she feels shitty, but like most people that end a relationship in a horrific way she's justifying it to not have it weigh heavily on her mind. It's probably a defense mechanism she used, directly after she broke up with him and got with his brother. It doesn't help that Jasons own mother fed into it, all told it seems like a flawed human doing something for her own sanity. It's not wrong, it just shows she's incredibly flawed. Honeatly Jason is going above and beyond here, making peace with his brother and Amy. Honestly though people seem to be missing that he's not forgiving them, he's making peace. Jason is being the bigger person, accepting that they did him dirty and there is no getting past that. He'll always hate them for it, but he has to move on to continue growing into the better person he's slowly becoming. I look forward to more, though I say I do hope he doesn't bring Amy and Kaito into the world of essence users. I don't think they deserve it, to be entirely honest. I also don't think it would make sense for him to bring them in either.


Honest question here, is it them infuriating you as characters or frustration with the writing/storytelling?


Finally decided on becoming a patron. Do not regret it at all! Just caught up today with all the chapters. Keep it up! This is defintely one of my favorite stories that I follow! Thank you!


Wait, positivity? Did you not read the chapter yet? You're meant to be complaining that Jason didn't burn Amy at the stake while screaming "this is proportional to that time when we were teenagers that you hurt my feelings really, really badly!" Welcome to the Patreon, by the way.


Just please god don't give them essences.

Victor Mijares

"It's not that you cheated on me that hurts. It's that you know me so well and what it would do to me, and still did it that hurt's." The vibe I'm getting from Jason


so... are there any comment(er)s in here that do not want to claim the moral high ground by dragging some imaginary girl down? i enjoy reading about flawed characters, anything else is bland. also, reactions based on emotions (and your ex miraculously coming back to life plus that backstory is bound to be emotional) tend to be less than ideal.


He probably will. Eventually. But he'll be kind of a dick about it.


Well done with the ex reunion. The cult discussion was so realistic that I could practically hear it.


Thanks for the chapter!

Alexander Dupree

Maybe but it feels like every conversation I've had with my ex over the last few months. I believe it.

Tristan A

So, since I haven't commented and a while and it seems that now we've moved into mob mode it's a great time to comment. Thank you Shirt for the amazing story! So, my personal opinion is that in the circumstance that Jason decides to give everyone abilities and bring them in the loop, it is completely justified and reasonable. Since we want to talk about morality and stuff let's talk about it. Let's say I have a cache of guns and I have insider info that aliens are about to attack. Now my family has been at times shitty to me, not outright abusive or completely toxic but we've had our rough patches. Am I right to withhold these weapons from them and allow them to die? Personally, no. I would feel terrible. But it could still be debated. Taking out the idea that blood relation somehow means you owe someone anything, then these people are just people who have been shitty to me. So I would probably go find people who are more friendly to me and give them the weapons. But that is assuming I don't have the obligation of power. What I mean by this is that whether people want to admit it or not the scale of morality and responsibility changes depending on your relative power, influence and wealth in a world, or at least optimally it should change. If I am the President, billionaire, or a socially affluent individual I would have to be a little bit more objective in my decision making. I can't just allow people to die, starve or live ignorantly because I do not like them as a person. Only if they have exhibited traits that without a doubt tell me that it will be a great harm or waste to help them. Now Jason is a little different. He has actual power. Not granted power, not power that comes from other people that implies an obligation to them, he isn't well known or affluent. He is just a guy who can kill dozens with the snap of his finger and can heal those for whom medication doesn't exist. He has with him the knowledge of a whole other reality and it's impending influence on Earth. So, considering this doesn't he have a responsibility to help those he can. He doesn't have to coddle all of his family and spend every day training them, or share all of his wealth, or spend every waking moment protecting them, but how cruel would it be that he didn't even give them the tools to survive. The chance to survive just because his family can be shit heads. I mean they didn't beat Jason when he was kid, or steal all his money, or constantly back stab him. And I understand that people might be upset still if he gives Kaito and Amy powers but Shirt doesn't need to pander or change that outcome for people's revenge fantasies. It's solid writing and the logic behind it makes sense and is reasonable for any human to do. So once again Shirt thank you for the chapter and also if anybody would actually like to discuss sincerely why they think Jason giving his family powers is a bad choice or just the general concept of morality and how being in a position of power can change what is right and wrong for you to do, I would love to.(Not in a joking or sarcastic way, I really wouldn't mind to hear others opinions.)


I think this is a well thought out response, but it would really benefit from some paragraph breaks. You can do that by hitting Shift+Enter (which jumps to the next line) twice. Not sure about on a phone, though.


Im hoping Emi meets Shade next chapter, the interaction would be priceless. Also Jason's sister and her family are well written and my personal favorite of the earth folks, also Tiaka ( Hiro's assistant). Digging the story keep it up sir.

Kendelle Trotter

Just want to clarify for Shirt that I'm in love with this novel and enjoy his writing immensely. There's a lot of vitriol against Amy right now (including from me except I don't want her in a woodchipper) and I don't want that to distract from the fact that Shirt is a master of getting us invested in his characters and has created an intricate and enrapturing story that I very much look forward to reading more of.


Trying to look from Jason's more ruthless perspective, he may not give them essences. One lesson he learned the hard way was the old adage of 'mercy to one's enemies is cruelty to self'. He no longer trusts them, so how could he not expect them to stab him in the back again? Giving them essences also gives them weapons against him. Of course, he may give them shitty combinations that could threaten him very little but still used to protect themselves. That seems plausible.


Satisfying on the Amy front (though I haven’t read all the comments so I don’t know how others feel about it). I mean you can tell from the writing that Jason and Amy were always heading towards a very bad tv drama style breakup but Kaito and Amy went about it in the absolute worst possible way. Which is why there is such (justifiable) vitriol regarding them as characters in the story. We don’t know details which creates a certain amount of speculation regarding exactly how it happened and how deliberate everything that went on was. Jason was burned horribly by his family and it is an important distinction that he isn’t forgiving anyone merely making peace. If it wasn’t for everything he’s been through Jason definitely wouldn’t even be doing that. All in all I think Amy deserves scorn but not death threats for the way everything went down and Kaito deserves a good punch in the face. Still wondering how it’s going to go down with Jason’s mom though.


I am curious though on how Jason’s going to do the big reveal. Just use Shade or Gordon? Use the crystal projector? Bending a steel bar with his hands? Teleporting everyone to someplace? I also can’t wait to see the interrogation scene with the French agent though I do worry about Jason doing some psychological backsliding in regards his journey towards a healthier mind state.

Salty Waters

I'll be honest here, this Earth arc is the most character development, and the most fun, I've had since the cannibal cultist arc. Jason is becoming a human being again. I'd like to see him stay that way.


I am also part of the hate Amy bandwagon but think it's kinda funny how strongly everyone feels about Jason's love interests. Amy = Monster, burn at the stake. Sophie = Ungrateful thief, toss back on the street. Farrah = OTP, their love will transcend death.


Taika is the man. I hope he gets some awesome Essences.


I'd prefer Jason and Farrah to be platonic, personally. I'm not much for romance. All it usually does it make everything shitty and melodramatic. People spend way too much of their lives obsessing over base animal breeding instincts.


It's a bit conspicuous that we haven't seen the mom yet. Wondering if she is associated with the EoA/Builder faction and been given essences. Not that she knows about Jason but just that Shirtaloon wants to keep their confrontation (an essence user will recognize another) till after all the rest of the family is "reconciled". Side note “I don’t want you’re protection, Jason,” Erika said.” should be "your" instead of "you're"


Hey Shirt, thanks for the chapter. I’m not gunna get into the relationship stuff as that has been pretty well covered. I will say that I enjoy your dialogue, though. Some people think that Jason shouldn’t give everyone Essences, but it’s hard to imagine him leaving members of his family vulnerable. Instead he could get some petty revenge by giving them a funny Essence. Rufus told us that even essences like Duck are powerful, so Jason wouldn’t really be hurting their potential, just making a joke. Them: “What do you mean Fish Essence?” Jason: “Listen, I’m kinda an expert and this is the optimal build for you.” Them: “This is weak!” Jason: *looks into the distance with a haunted expression* “We got this Essence from a silver rank monster. After 4 days and many fatalities we finally defeated the legendary.... Magikarp”


She could have magical powers. Essence only with the Network.


I can see T taking that essence and launching into a redition of under the sea.


master chef esssence or something like that is not out of the realm of possibility?


first out of her mouth in the car "you're the starlight rider"

Matthew A Baker

Jason brings the mana lamps in the house for the rituals and awakening stones of the feast manifest.


Corrections: So, ['who's' > who] is going to do the negotiating? Don't you remember how poor I used [to] be? I don't want ['you're' > your] protection, Jason...  ...after which she stepped back to critically ['looked' > look] him over...


Not sure why bother writing corrections when the author doesn't care about correcting errors.


If you look back over the latest few advance chapters, you'll find Elmhedera's catches have been corrected (thank you, by the way). I did get sloppy about it at the end of volume one, but that was pure tiredness. Now that volume II is in swing, I'm trying to keep up with them better. The only thing I would say is that if you're on the discord, there is a dedicated report-typos channel there.


Oh, didn't know you had a discord for that. Guess I'll have to dig up my log in info for my account again


Thanks for the chapter Shirt! It was an interesting read and really got thinking. So many people in the comments refer to Jason and Amy relationship as toxic but was it? There is a huge difference between a toxic relationship and a bad one. Even if the it was toxic and actively harmful to Amy's psyche cpuld she not have tried to taking Jason and change things? After all he lived her deeply and they supposedly never lied to each other back then. The only way I can condone the tone in which Amy and Keito deal with Jason is if he was intentionally malicious to Amy while they were together. It seems that without more information on their entanglement it is hard to say Jason is anything but in the right. His mother's treatment of him for being a nuanced person rather than the stereotpyical asian son she wanted is pretty the final nail in the coffin of the whole affair.


It was uncomfortable to read the non-resolution that Jason, Katio, and Amy came to in this chapter. It did not go the way any of them would have wanted and in particular I do not think either Jason or Amy lived up to who they want to be in their calmer moments. I enjoyed reading it though and want to have more insight in the characters to know how they ended up in this position. I can extrapolate enough so I can image different puzzle pieces to fit what I am seeing in this chapter, but which ones are right? I think Jason's personality and character before this adventure started will be one of those puzzle pieces and this chapter hints at that up coming revel and I am looking forward to it.

Tyler S.

Most commented chapter since the start of vol 2..