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The now-familiar sound of grinding stone echoed through the cell block. The first time, it had been small holes in the walls and ceiling. The second, large holes in the floor. The group looked around for the new source of the grating noise.

“It’s coming from the cells,” Humphrey said. “All the cells.”

The team looked through the rusty bars and spotted apertures that had appeared in the floor behind them.

“How many cells are there?” Sophie asked.

“Twelve cells to a side, per level; two levels to each side,” Belinda said. “Almost fifty, all up.”

“How can stuff rise up from the floors of the upper cells?” Neil asked. “They’d just come from the ones below, right?”

“Dimensional spaces,” Belinda said. “Like the powers you and I got from the Reaper stones, Neil.”

In each cell, a large glass box rose up from the floor. All of them were filled with a sickly yellow fog, from which the team could sense the auras within, currently in a dormant state.

“Those are bronze-rank auras,” Sophie said. “Are we ready for that?”

“We have to be,” Humphrey said. “So, yes.”

Blood red light shone over their feet and they turned to see it was shining under the large doors they had used to trigger the room’s defences in the first place. It seemed to be a trigger for whatever was inside the glass cases as the team felt the auras within them surge into wakefulness.

“Time to even out the numbers a little,” Humphrey said, producing a bag of chalk dust and hurriedly pouring out a circle. He took out his summoner’s die and rolled it on the floor, the face up rune glowing as it came to a stop.

“Oh no,” Humphrey said as five large fish made of carved bone were summoned into being and started, flopping helplessly on the floor.

“The fish again?” Jason said. “Maybe you shouldn’t be rolling the dice on the important fights. Literally and figuratively.”

“It’s a one in twelve chance,” Humphrey said. Rather than have his helpless summons underfoot he dismissed them and they vanished. Neil’s summon was still present, the crystalline golem maintaining its more advanced, post-chrysalis form. Leaner and more agile than its basic shape, it had four arms ending in fists capable of powerful vibration attacks.

“Do we go smash those glass cases?” Neil asked. “We’d have to kick our way through the bars, right?”

“I suspect whatever is in there will come to us,” Jason said. “If you want to go into a prison cell where some unknown creature is about to burst out, though, be my guest. Actually, you’re the healer. You have to stay here.”

The sound of shattering glass signalled that their thus-far unknown enemies were about to make an appearance. The sickly-looking smoke that had been in the glass boxes came pouring out through the cell bars. The volume of it suggested that either the fog had been incredibly compressed in the glass cases or it was being continually fed through wherever the glass cases had arisen from. It obscured the team’s vision of the cell interiors as they heard the bars start to swing open with reluctant, rusty shrieks.

The creatures that emerged from the smoke were roughly humanoid; broad, heavy and hairless, with dark, scaly skin. Their arms were longer and more powerful than their legs, ending in thick, three-fingered hands. They had tiny, sunken eyes and nostrils in flat, noiseless faces. Their wide mouths were filled with misshapen teeth, like fragments of shattered, yellow stone. They pushed their way through cell doors barely large enough to fit them.

“They don’t look weak,” Neil said.

The smoke thinned as is moved into the room ahead of the creatures, filling the cell block with an unpleasant haze.


  • Poison cloud had inflicted you with [Breath of Tartarus].
  • You have resisted [Breath of Tartarus].
  • You have gained an instance of [Resistant].
  • You have gained an instance of [Integrity].


Jason looked to his companions with concern. They were more vulnerable than he was, not sharing the power to grow stronger from afflictions.


Ability: [Sin Eater] (Sin)

  • Special ability (recovery, holy).
  • Cost: None.
  • Cooldown: None.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Increased resistance to afflictions. Gain an instance of [Resistant] each time you resist an affliction or cleanse an affliction using essence abilities.
  • Effect (bronze): Gain an instance of [Integrity] for each affliction you resist or remove using essence abilities.

[Resistant] (boon, holy, stacking): Resistance to afflictions is increased. Additional instances have a cumulative effect. Consumed to negate instances of [Vulnerable] on a 1:1 basis.

[Integrity] (heal-over-time, mana-over-time, stamina-over-time, holy, stacking): Periodically recover a small amount of health, stamina and mana. Additional instances have a cumulative effect.


The rest of the team were not completely vulnerable, with Sophie and Jason’s auras both shielding them.


Ability: [Cleansing Breeze] (Swift)

  • Aura (holy, cleanse).
  • Cost: None.
  • Cooldown: None.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Allies within the aura have increased resistance to curses, diseases, magic afflictions, poisons and unholy afflictions. This is a holy effect. Negates poisons in the air; this is a cleanse effect.
  • Effect (bronze): Allies within the aura are periodically cleansed of curses, diseases, magic afflictions, poisons and unholy afflictions. Mana and stamina recovery effects on allies have greater effect.


Cleansing breeze was one of the precious few powers that had reached bronze for Sophie, accelerated by a preponderance of poisonous monsters in the city. Thorny plant monsters, spitting frog monsters, snake monsters. The team had a good amount of cleansing between them, which made such creatures easy pickings, as well as helping them accelerate the advancement of those powers.

In the case of Sophie’s aura, it would slowly but surely cleanse many types of affliction from her allies. It was already purifying the fog around them and, added to Jason’s aura, left the team in relatively good stead.


Ability: [Hegemony] (Sin)

  • Aura (holy, unholy).
  • Base cost: None.
  • Cooldown: None.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Allies within the aura have increased resistance to afflictions, while enemies within the aura have their resistance to afflictions reduced. Enemy resistances are further reduced for each instance of [Sin] they are suffering from.
  • Effect (bronze): Inflicts an instance of [Sin] on enemies that make physical or magical attacks against allies within the aura. Instances applied in this way cannot be resisted.


Belinda, Sophie and Neil suffered the worst, their iron-rank constitutions struggling against the poison even with the powers bolstering their resistance. Jason clasped a hand on Neil’s shoulder.

“Feed me your sins.”

Red life force emerged from Neil, tainted by the same colour as the mist. The taint disappeared into Jason’s hand, leaving Neil looking relieved as his now-healthy life force returned to his body.


Ability: [Feast of Absolution] (Sin)

  • Spell (recovery, cleanse, holy).
  • Base cost: Low mana.
  • Cooldown: None.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Cleanse all curses, diseases, poisons and unholy afflictions from a single target. Additionally cleanse all holy afflictions if the target is an ally. Recover stamina and mana for each affliction cleansed. This ability ignores any effect that prevents cleansing. Cannot target self.
  • Effect (bronze): Enemies suffer an instance each of [Penance] and [Legacy of Sin] for each condition cleansed from them.

[Penance] (affliction, holy, damage-over-time, stacking): Deals ongoing transcendent damage. Additional instances have a cumulative effect, dropping off as damage is dealt.

[Legacy of Sin] (affliction, holy, stacking): You are considered more damaged for the purposes of execute ability damage scaling. Additional instances have a cumulative effect.


While this was going on, some of the monsters had already moved in to the attack. The team had their backs to the large doors, so the monsters wouldn’t be able to flank them, although they would be able to drop down from above. While Sophie stepped forward with Neil’s golem to hold off the first wave of attackers, Humphrey vaulted up to the mezzanine on their left with a flap of conjured dragon wings.

Humphrey engaged with one of the creatures that had been about to drop down. It’s lengthy arms gave it reach, and the knobbly scales running along them made those arms as tough as any weapon. The monster may not have been a match for Humphrey but it was still disconcertingly strong and tough, given how many they knew to be gathering, unseen in the poison haze.

Jason used his magic boots to leap up to the mezzanine on the other side, likewise engaging a monster. He inflicted a rapid series of slashes, the creature’s reach no match for that of Jason’s shadowy arm.


Ability: [Hand of the Reaper] (Dark)

  • Conjuration (disease, unholy).
  • Cost: Low mana-per-second.
  • Cooldown: None.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Conjure a highly flexible, semi-substantial shadow-arm that can extend or shrink. Conjured items can be conjured into the shadow hand. Can be used to make melee special attacks. Special attacks made using the arm inflict [Creeping Death] in addition to other effects.
  • Effect (bronze): You can conjure a second arm. Special attacks made using the arms inflict [Rigor Mortis] in addition to other effects.

[Creeping Death] (damage-over-time, disease, stacking): Inflicts ongoing necrotic damage until the disease is cleansed. Additional instances have a cumulative effect.

[Rigor Mortis] (affliction, unholy, stacking): Penalty to the [Speed] and [Recovery] attributes. Additional instances have a cumulative effect. Each time a new instance is inflicted, deals necrotic damage for each existing instance.


Jason’s dagger barely drew blood from the scaly skin, but all Jason needed were shallow cuts. With just a few slashes, more than a dozen afflictions were loaded onto the monster. Jason’s conjured dagger was the source of many, but not all of them, such as the special attack he was using.


Ability: [Punish] (Sin)

  • Special attack (melee, curse, holy).
  • Cost: Low mana.
  • Cooldown: None.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Inflicts necrotic damage and the [Sin] affliction.
  • Effect (bronze): Inflicts or refreshes the duration of [Price of Absolution].

[Sin] (affliction, curse, stacking): All necrotic damage taken is increased. Additional instances have a cumulative effect.

[Price of Absolution] (affliction, holy): Suffer transcendent damage for each instance of [Sin] cleansed from you.


Neither Jason nor the creature were going to wait for the afflictions to slowly devour it. It lunged at Jason, although its relatively short legs and the afflictions it already suffered from made it a little slow. Jason easily stepped into one of Shade’s bodies and out from another that had slipped past the creature while it was engaged with Jason, giving him plenty of time to cast a quick spell before the creature turned around to face him again.

“Suffer the cost of your transgressions.”


Ability: [Punition] (Doom)

  • Spell.
  • Cost: Moderate mana.
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Inflicts necrotic damage for each curse, disease, poison and unholy affliction the target is suffering.
  • Effect (bronze): Inflicts or refreshes the duration of [Penitence].

[Penitence] (affliction, holy): Gain an instance of [Penance] for each curse, disease, poison or unholy effect that is cleansed from you. This is a holy effect.

[Penance] (affliction, holy, damage-over-time, stacking): Deals ongoing transcendent damage. Additional instances have a cumulative effect, dropping off as damage is dealt.


The creature staggered as its muscles withered with necrosis, even as its wounds glowed with the transcendent damage starting to ravage it from the inside out. It lunged at Jason again with no more effect, Jason easily able to move from one of Shade’s bodies to the other like a bully playing keep-away. He cast another spell.

“Feed me your sins.”

The creatures life force became visible, tainted with the storm of affliction within it. Ugly curses, poisons and other horrors Jason inflicted swirled about with the shining transcendence of holy afflictions until they were drained out, siphoned off into Jason’s outstretched hand. Even more of the holy afflictions were left in their place as the creature’s life force once again became unseen.


  • 18 afflictions have been cleansed from [Tartarian Brute].
  • 36 Instances of [Penance] have been inflicted on [Tartarian Brute].
  • 18 Instances of [Legacy of Sin] have been inflicted on [Tartarian Brute].

  • Your mana and stamina have been replenished.
  • Stamina and mana cannot exceed normal maximum values. Excess stamina and mana are lost.


The brute stumbled to a halt as the transcendent damage devastated its body, lighting it up from the inside like some divine being, alighted upon the earth. Jason tilted his head as he watched the creature, one of the few he had encountered capable of surviving this far into his ability sequence. He chanted the incantation for the coup de grâce.

“Mine is the judgement, and the judgement is death.”


Ability: [Verdict] (Doom)

  • Spell (execute)
  • Cost: Moderate mana.
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Deals a small amount of transcendent damage. As an execute effect, damage scales exponentially with the enemy’s level of injury.
  • Effect (bronze): Base damage is increased for each instance of [Penance] on the target.


The penance afflictions on the creature increased the base damage of the execute power, while the legacy of sin affliction made the damage escalation ramp up much faster. The multiplicative affect of the two affliction stacks made for a shower of transcendent light that left behind not so much as a drop of blood.

Jason had never killed something that tough that quickly, but of course Humphrey had already finished his first and was making short work of a second. Another brute came lumbering out of the poison fog and Jason just raised his hand. Blood seeped from his palm for a short moment, after which a torrent of leeches came spraying out over the creature. Jason paid it no more attention and leapt from his side of the room over the gap to Humphrey on the opposite mezzanine.

“Can you drop these upper levels at this end, so they can’t drop down on the team?” Jason asked as Humphrey kicked a dead brute off his sword.

Humphrey gave the brick floor beneath them an assessing glance.

“Yeah. You want to go backs to the wall and let them come to us?”

“No, but we can’t have them fall on our heads either,” Jason said. “You keep the others safe while Neil and Sophie hold the poison at bay.”

“And what about the room full of monsters and poison gas?”

Shade emerged from Jason’s shadow as Gordon manifested with a surge of his aura. Jason glanced across at Colin, now bound up in his bloody-cloth humanoid shape.

“I’m sick of fighting magic rocks,” Jason said. “You can leave this lot to us.”


Sophie’s aura was thinning out the gas in the area immediately surrounding the team and would soon have it cleansed entirely. Humphrey had used his shield breaker attack to shatter the mezzanine at their end of the room, so the creatures were only able to come at them at ground level, from one direction.

Sophie, Humphrey and Neil’s golem beat them back, assisted by Clive and his magical weapons. Neil watched over the whole group but made sure to keep a careful eye on Belinda, who was suffering the most from the gas not yet fully cleared out. Whenever it started to get the best of her, he would purge it from her with a spell.


Ability: [Clean Slate] (Prosperity)

  • Spell (cleanse, heal-over-time, holy).
  • Cost: Moderate mana.
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Current rank: Bronze 0 (00%).

  • Effect (iron): Negate boons on a willing subject. Cleanse target of afflictions of all types except wounding. The base strength of the cleanse effect is enhanced for each boon negated.
  • Effect (bronze): Target gains a heal-over-time effect that had additional effectiveness against wounding afflictions. The strength of the healing effect is increased for each boon negated.


From the haze of poison fog, the team saw flashes of transcendent light and heard horrifying screams. They could only assume they came from the creatures because it definitely wasn’t Jason’s voice, although none of the creatures Humphrey and Sophie cut down had made so much as a grunt as they died.

At first the brutes surged in on them but slowly their numbers petered out. Finally, the last one to appear was in such a miserable state of decomposition that it looked like a zombie, complete with staggering shamble as it emerged from the fog before falling onto what was left of its face. A bloody strip of cloth snaked out of the fog, wrapping around its leg and dragging it back out of sight.

The next thing to come out of the fog were four cloaked figures; Jason, flanked by his familiars. He looked the team over, nodded as he saw they were fine, and his gaze turned to the large doors behind them.

“What’s say we see what’s back there?”



Neat fight, but chapters that half the word count list skills are not my favorite. At least make the chapters longer?


Also, you really missed out by not having jason grab Neil's mouth and tell him "dont you dare" after the fight lol

Tommy Littlefield

I know people are irked by the system stuff but this story is usually very very light on the rpg screens and it’s literally only gonna be like this until everyone is bronze then it will go back to normal, so there ain’t really a reason to complain. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If Neil hasn't learned by now to shut it, he might be on the same idiot level as Thadwick.


Jason has an incredible amount of inflictions and he’s only barely about to hit bronze. Makes you wonder if he’ll gain more at each rank. Sadly it’s been mentioned before that new effects aren’t always granted at each rank. Diamond-Rank Jason slashes you one time and you immediately wither up into a husk from 60 inflictions hitting you at once. A third of them being transcendent.

Yannick Scheer

tbh it feels like I am reading an update log these last 2 chapters, which is not sth your writing deserves.


even though the chapter feels a tiny bit sluggish because of the abilities being listed, we don’t really have any other ways of showing off the bronze skills easily. still a nice read :)


Please, have you even seen a comment section without any complaints? From any story? People want to have something to bitch about, if they dont they just make something up.


Thanks for these chapters Shirtaloon! I've really liked reading the new effects of abilities and how they are all working together. Jason is turning into a afflictions dynamo

The 49th Khan

So in Jason's Punition ability, Penitence inflicts Penance for each affliction 'cleansed'. Should it not be 'inflicted'? Feast of Absolution already inflicts Penance for afflictions cleansed, so is the point to double up on Penance only when Feast of Absolution is used? I thought the point of Penance is, while inflicting damage-over-time, mainly to scale up Verdict. But Penitence inflicting for afflictions inflicted instead of cleansing would really increase Jason's staying power


There’s a lot of abilities to hit bronze in a short space of time. I’m happier with this rather than going “oh Jason is bronze lets go fight the cultists” while interrupting the fight every two seconds for an ability description

The 49th Khan

Wait. I just realized that Feast of Absolution would cleanse Penance so I guess doubling up would be better. Except that they would gain an instance of Penance for each Penance cleansed... Hmmm

Mike G.

Fun fight, thanks! Minor typo: "griding stone" should be "grinding stone".


I've never cared for the style or format of inserting the entire description of every skill used in a fight. I think it interferes with the flow. And maybe even immersion; I mean do the characters see the description windows everytime they use the skill? That would be silly. And why would we see them if the characters don't? There are better ways of doing it. Just name the skill and blend a phrase of description into the action. Add a list of the full descriptions at the bottom as a glossary or index; or put them in the narrative hidden behind those spoiler buttons.


I really like the way Jason's power set is developing. At iron rank it was all about stacking up afflictions and maybe finish with an execute. Now it is stack them up, stack them down and obliterate. Great to see all the synergies and how well thought out it feels.


people dont understand lol, if the skill descriptions are here in a secondary fight then we dont have them in important fight. Sure its break the flow a little but we need to see what the new powers do. What you prefer having them here or when they fight an important silver adversary or the cultist. I find it a good opportunity to have them here, in combat,so its not just a list.

Jonathan Walker

Honestly can you chill on showing us the details on all their powers it's getting super annoying to be in the middle of a fight and have to skipped ahead because of the power descriptions.

Danielle Warvel

Lol, having Jason on your team is like being friends with a monster from a horror movie, except with jokes.


The complaints are crazy, doing it this way showcases the new abilities and exactly how the characters use them.

Corwin Amber

'sound of griding stone' griding -> grinding


People need to stop complaining about the skill descriptions. With so many powers advancing and gaining new functions we need to see what they do (which I personally love to see btw). Now that we've seen them we won't be seeing many of these descriptions again until the team hits silver. It's a random minor fight. Everyone can just chill out for a few chapters.


I think one of my favorite parts of this chapter was when Colin dragged the dying monster back into the mists!


I really love how complex Jason’s abilities are becoming. Any enemies having [Price of Absolution] and [Penitence] would get some nasty surprises when they try to cleanse his necrotic afflictions. Pretty cool. You don’t get to see this kind of stuff in other novels.


Yeah it's just 240 skills hitting bronze in sequense lol


That Colin sceene reminds me of Scary Movie were the clown tried to rape the black dude only to be raped by him, only that instead of a bloody rag... it was a black dick that wrapped around his neck and dragged the clown back under the bed... funniest shit ever back in the days.

Prinny Knight

I’m assuming Jason and famaliars are based off the four horseman. Jason is plague, Colin pestilence, shade is death (or perhaps the shadow of war?) and Gordon I presume is war. Am I close?


On the subject of skills ranking up, I haven't seen Inexorable Doom hit bronze yet. Back in Chapter 203, it was Jason's highest ranking Doom ability, and it's long been a key component of his strategies. Did I miss it or is it really still at Iron?


Shouldn't Integrity have the [stacking] tag?


I like that Jason might have genuinely made a mistake in refusing the aura power change. It would've shored up one of his main weaknesses being able to inflict his powers on constructs. Of course there's always something to be said for specializing. His aura works great on flesh and blood. Not to mention he would've had to trust the "god crafted" power didn't have any in-built strings or faults for not being "natural". I imagine we'll see a moment in story at some point where someone asks him if he ever regrets not switching auras after dealing with some construct or another. He'll admit he wonders if he should've but doesn't regret it. All that jazz.


God Jason is a walking horror film. Good thing he’s on the side of good.

David Burchfield

There is also the whole Knowledge could repo it if he got on her bad side, and he never clashes with authority figures.


I'm pretty sure the extra descriptions is to compensate for the small time jumps and to make sure readers understand the underlying system in the authors world. There's a small point on not counting them for the chapter word count that I would agree with, but I don't begrudge the occasional description heavy chapter. Especially during advancement.


This is also an unusual period where a lot of abilities are hitting bronze at once. Before coming into the astral space, we were only seeing one or two hitting bronze in a chapter. Now we've got six different characters working at it in the most intense environment for advancement they could find. I'm sure it could be paced out better despite that, but I'm not clever enough to figure it out. So, I'd settle for more story alongside the descriptions blocks.

The 49th Khan

They had tiny, sunken eyes and nostrils in flat, "noseless" faces.


Love this chappy so much!~ It really shows that Jason is becoming a real monstrosity when it comes to flesh and blood enemies. Sure these guys were not that strong for bronze ranks but still, it's multiple bronze ranks and Jason hasn't reached bronze yet. I like that Shirt didn't have Jason take the aura Wisdom was going to give him for several reasons, but currently, it is because without it Jason still has an obvious challenge fighting the current main enemy. It will make future fights more intense since we know he can't shit on them like most of his other opponents so far. I seriously look forward to Jason becoming bronze rank and I hope Shirt never gives an ability that lets Jason bypass his weakness against non-flesh and blood creatures since that is something to fall back on to invoke a possible tough fight with more believable stakes.


I think the goddess is Knowledge not Wisdom (and that was kind of the point). Agreed on all other fronts though


Thank you! I don't mind the system exposition, just wish the chapters were longer. 😁