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Vandrick arrived at the entrance to Jason Asano’s cloud palace. There was a mob out front, and had been since the System went dark. They were pretending to be a spontaneously formed group, protesting the heavy-handed influence of the outsider. Anyone with any real knowledge was aware they had been placed by certain noble houses of Cyrion, anticipating negative attention regarding potential actions against Asano. The ‘spontaneous’ crowd was one of the ways they were working to shape the narrative.

The palace was on a lake reserved for cloud constructs and other temporary floating structures. Vandrick recognised the palace of Emir Bahadir floating nearby, the man and his retinue having arrived the day before. Vandrick respected his loyalty, arriving to support a friend who had much of the world against him right now.

Vandrick let out the faintest whiff of diamond-rank aura as he approached the crowd. They were instantly falling over themselves to clear a path. They were gathered on the shore where a cloud bridge extended to the palace. The bridge itself being empty suggested it would disappear from under the feet of unwelcome visitors. Vandrick walked slowly across, observing the cloud palace. Rather than one massive structure, it was a complex of buildings, linked by enclosed sky bridges and underwater tunnels.

The design of the buildings was in the Vitesse style, complete with plants growing over and out of every part of the building. Moss covered much of the white cloud walls. Leafy vines dangled from balconies and flowers bloomed on windowsills. Even the underwater tunnels were coated in kelp and coral. Asano apparently favoured tropical plants, with vibrant greens and large, bright flowers.

The large double doors opened at Vandrick’s approach, revealing an atrium more like a garden than a room. He stepped inside and immediately froze, having felt something he hadn’t in a long time: threatened. A small smile played across his lips.

“Interesting,” he murmured as he looked around.

The entrance was a multi-storey atrium, with even more plants than the exterior. Multiple waterfalls spilled from mezzanine levels into water features, running through the garden that filled the floor. Paths led through the gardens and over little bridges to doors and stairwells set into the walls. The air was humid, with the splashing of the waterfalls and the sounds of birds and insects. High above, the atrium seemed open to the sky, but Vandrick could sense a barrier of invisible mist.

His gaze settled on the one feature whose purpose he wasn’t sure of. An alcove in the wall had a series of narrow poles that appeared to rise into the upper reaches of the building. There was a sign with a name on it behind each pole, matching each member of Asano’s team. He noted that the one labelled ‘Neil’ had a thicker pole than the others.

Vandrick heard something from above, and a moment later, someone slid down one of the poles. Both his aura and the sign behind his pole said that this was Jason Asano. He was wearing tan short pants, sandals and a colourful shirt with a tropical flower print.

“G’day, bloke. What can I do you for?”

“The Queen of Estercost and several other interested parties have asked me to arbitrate over your withdrawal of the System.”

“Meaning they asked you to come in here, hold me upside down and shake me until the System falls out.”

“They phrased it differently, but that was the general sentiment.”

“But you’re not going to do that, are you?”

“No. But it is time someone sat down with you and had a discussion.”


“You stand with a foot on each side of a dangerous line, Mr Asano. I’m hoping to help you navigate it successfully.”

“That sounds good. And call me Jason.”

“Very well, Jason. My name is Vandrick Macarro, but you may call me Van.”

“Okay, Van. I just made some scones I’ve got on a cooling rack upstairs, so we’ll have to chat there.”

Vandrick glanced over at the alcove with the poles.

“We don’t have to use those, do we?”

“No,” Jason said with a laugh. “They’re for coming down only.”

“That doesn’t seem efficient when gold rankers can levitate quite effectively, even without your aura advantages.”

“Oh, it’s definitely not efficient. But what’s the point of living forever if you don’t take the time to have fun?”

Jason started floating into the air and Vandrick followed. On the highest mezzanine, they landed and walked down a hallway where the floor was wooden slats over running water. Plants lined the walls, and a fresh breeze blew through.

“That music is unlike anything I’ve heard,” Vandrick said. “Is it from your world?”

“Yeah, that’s Laura Branigan.”

Jason led Vandrick to an expansive kitchen that opened onto a covered balcony. Flowering vines draped from overhead, dangling over a picnic table. Sitting at it were four people, including one with the characteristic broad shoulders and chiselled features of a Geller. That would be Humphrey, one of the family’s more famous members. The woman next to him was probably his mother, based on their shared complexion and the interaction of their auras. Sitting opposite them were Emir Bahadir, who Vandrick had met, and a woman who was likely his wife.

“I’m just going to sell my cows at Kansas City,” Emir said. “Give me six extra dollars.”

“You know you’ll lose points for that,” his wife told him.

“And if I don’t get more money, I won’t get any more points than what I have.”

In the kitchen, two women were wearing aprons and stirring something in a large bowl each.

“No, Sophie, stop,” one of them said.

“Oh, come on, Ketis. What’s wrong now?”

“You’re going too fast. Even ignoring the spatter, we’re making whipped cream, not butter.”

“I like butter,” Sophie said defensively.

“This is for the scones.”

“I like butter on scones.”

Ketis noticed them enter, despite Vandrick’s aura being fully withdrawn. She was the only one who stared, the others glancing his way before going back to what they were doing. It was a novel experience for Vandrick, the diamond ranker normally getting a very different reception.

“Who’s your friend?” Sophie asked. “The Adventure Society finally send a diamond ranker to spank you?”

“Something like that. Everyone, this is Vandrick. Vandrick, this is everyone. Well, not everyone. Where are the others?”

“Like you can’t sense exactly where they are,” Sophie told him.

“I like to give people their privacy,” Jason said.

“Zara, Farrah and Lindy are still swimming,” Ketis said. Her tone was distracted as she continued to stare at the diamond-rank visitor. “Humphrey’s dad kept trying to pinch the scones and Stash dragged him away. He knows a lot about baking for a dragon.”

“The others should be back soon,” Humphrey said. “They went to the market to see how many types of jam they could find.”

Emir and his wife rose from the table, approaching to offer a respectful greeting. He introduced his wife, Constance, then they went back to their game. Danielle Geller didn’t move to introduce herself, but did nod a greeting when he spotted her looking him over.

In their previous meeting, Bahadir had the fear Vandrick was used to from people when meeting diamond rankers. The rest of the group seemed the same, aside from the one girl still staring at him. He was halfway tempted to leak some of his aura to see what happened, but squashed the immature urge.

Jason led Vandrick into an adjoining room, a door of mist forming to seal them off. When it did, the sound from outside vanished, despite this room also being open to the outside. Again, Vendrick sensed a powerful but invisible mist barrier. The room was a meditation space, in a rustic tropical style with woven floor mats. It reminded Vandrick of Arnote, the least populous of the three islands of Rimaros. At a gesture from Jason, two streams of cloud rose from the floor. They took the form of wicker chairs, facing one other. Jason claimed one while waving Vandrick towards the other.

“So,” Jason said. “What brings you by, Van?”

“You’re in a very odd position, Jason. You’re gold rank, but you’re also somewhere on the far side of diamond. We diamond rankers, and now the Adventure Society, have largely decided to split the difference and consider you a diamond ranker.”

“I’ve been told as much. I’m guessing this is the conversation where you give me the talk about how to behave like a good diamond ranker.”

“Not exactly. Diamond rankers, as a rule, don’t like being told what to do. They tend to react quite drastically.”

“I should fit right in, then.”

“Actually, yes, although your unusual circumstances present commensurately unusual challenges. The line between diamond rank and everything below it is more extreme than at any other rank. The line between gold and diamond is the threshold between mortality and immortality, with diamond rankers being ageless and near immortal. Accordingly, we move away from mortal concerns, all the more as time rolls on. We don’t have rules, as such, although we do step in when those amongst us get out of line. What we do have is etiquette.”

“Meaning that if I’m a naughty boy, I won’t get the rest of you coming down on me. You’ll just all think that I’m an arsehole.”

“Something like that, yes. I had a discussion with the Queen, along with other members of the Estercost elite and a number of ambassadors. I told them that the position of the diamond rank community is that the System is yours to administer.”

“Meaning you told them they aren’t allowed to go after me over it.”

“Yes. But that also means that if anyone should go after you, they are disregarding us to do so.”

Jason narrowed his eyes.

“You want me to be the one who smacks down anyone who decides to come after me over it.”

“We do. Which brings us back the points of etiquette. Diamond rankers, on this world, at least, are the ultimate symbols and expressions of power. We expect one another to respect that, and act in such a way that the rest of the world does as well. There are several tenets to this, and one is that we take care of our own business. That is not to say that we don’t lean on our friends and connections, but we are expected to hold our own. When a diamond ranker helps another diamond ranker, it is because they are friends or allies, not out of diamond ranker solidarity. If you can’t stand alone, the rest of us will stand by as your legs are cut out from under you.”

“So, the first rule of being the most powerful is you have to be the most powerful.”

“Precisely. The second tenet of diamond-rank etiquette is to respect the boundary between mortal and immortal. When a diamond ranker is young, we are a lot more flexible about this. You have descendants to watch over, interests from your mortal days you don’t want to see fall apart. Most of all, you still think like a mortal. But after half a millennium or so, you are expected to step back. If we do everything for them, and never let them find their own way, we stunt them. Left to their own devices, mortals will always surprise you. There is a drive that comes with mortality that pushes them to innovate. To make things better. The passion of youth.”

Vandrick pointed a casual finger at Jason.

“That’s where you are now. You have power, maybe more than you ever thought you would. You want to use it, to make things better.”

“And hopefully not make them worse.”

“That is always the danger,” Vandrick agreed. “We give more leeway to young diamond rankers, but the danger of them causing harm is why we expect them to limit themselves. Let us look at some of the young diamond rankers you know. Allayeth and Charist limit themselves geographically, for example, restricting themselves to Yaresh and the surrounding regions. The Mirror King is much the same in his own territory. Roland Remore’s agenda is more expansive, but he rarely brings his direct power to bear. He limits himself to mostly working through agents and proxies.”

“And you expect me to limit myself.”

“No one is going to force you. What we hope is that you come to understand the virtues of limiting our influence on the mortal world. I suspect, given your positions on power and authority, that this would be a natural fit for you.”

“You’re not wrong,” Jason conceded.

“I will say this,” Vandrick said. “There is an expectation that very new diamond rankers will run a little wild. Settle old scores and instigate changes in mortal society they have always wanted to. So long as they don’t take anything too far, the rest of us let this go. What’s the point of achieving more power than almost anyone, ever, if you’re just going to be told not to do the things you always wanted to do?”

“That seems reasonable.”

“I think so. The rule of thumb is that everyone gets one. One great big world changing action that affects the mortals. After that, you’re expected to be more nuanced in your approach. You have forever, so there is an expectation that you will be patient.”

“And mine is using the System to try and get everyone to abolish slavery.”

“Yes. As such, no one from the general diamond rank community will challenge you on this. I cannot speak for individuals, however. If you infringe on a diamond ranker’s personal interests, you might find them getting in your way.”

“Good to know, thank you.”

“Now, we should address some of the issues that stem from your particular situation. Every diamond ranker has their own circumstances, but yours are more drastic than most.”

“In that I’m not actually a diamond ranker.”

“Yes. You straddle the line between mortal and immortal. It is not our place to tell you not to intervene in mortal affairs while you are still a gold ranker. But we also won’t stand aside if you start intervening in mortal affairs using your far-from-mortal aspects.”

“Meaning that you’ll let me extort everyone with the System this one time, but I need to start using my big boy powers like a mature adult.”

“In short, yes. Handle mortal affairs like a mortal and immortal affairs like an immortal. That way, when some monarch asks us to rein you in, we’ll tell them no. And we expect the same consideration from you. Diamond rankers handle their own business amongst themselves. When we drag mortals into our affairs, or let them drag us into theirs, people die. Wars happen. Whole nations are wiped off the map.”

“Everything I’m scared of happening if I misuse my power.”

“Yes. Most of the diamond rankers you’ve met are young. Five centuries old at most. There are gold rankers older than most of them. Soramir Rimaros and Dawn are both exceptions, but both spend most of their time out in the cosmos. If you feel the need for guidance on how to handle immortal power in a mortal world, I want to be available for you.”

“I’d like that.”

“All this being said, I’m not going to intervene in your business with the Cyrion noble houses. You made that mess on a mortal scale, and you’re expected to clean it up in the same way. No turning into a giant bird and wiping out entire families.”

“That wasn’t the plan, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

Vandrick stood up.

“I think this went well,” he said. “But that is ultimately up to you, and time will tell. If you need me, I’m confident you can find me easily enough. If you come looking for advice, I will be happy to offer it. If you come looking for help, you will find me less willing.”

Jason stood up and shook his hand.


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Tyler S.

Get them lovely biscuits


Nice to see Jason finally getting "the talk" after all the changes his body has been going through recently.

Thomas Todd

He seems like a good guy and that was the perfect way to approach Jason, no demands, just a reasonable discussion about what's happened while setting clear boundaries of where diamond rankers as a whole stand

mockery jones

the reasonable ones are always the scariest.

Danny boy

So good!!!


Great chapter. I appreciate the respect and culture you've given the diamond rankers, it's an interesting tone of understanding with a firm edge


that was so reasonable and levelheaded that i’m actually kinda scared?? like? wow

Laura H



I like this dude.


That was actually nice, helpful, considerate even. I like van. And I actually kind of like the diamond rank community as a whole if this is the standard. Wow.... I'm impressed and left in minor shock because I expected a very different outcome lol.


I can’t tell if Van is a prick, or just dead inside. He sounds a bit like one of the ancient vampires from earth.

Cordell Patrick

Someone finally talking to him like an adult instead of an unruly child they can control

Christian cody

Are we almost to the point Jayson knows more diamond rankers than gold lol

Cameron Baldwin

Respectful and respectable diamond ranker, a rare treat.

Mark Morrison

I wonder if Jason is waiting for the first region to crack, and give in, then the rest will follow ? Or is he just planting seeds, then will head to Earth, and give up on the indentured Earth people for now ? He did seem to be suspiciously reasonable...

Captain Nuclear

I don't think that it's really sunk in to them yet that he is beyond them. He is more immortal. He's a whole universe. He can't die. He's past diamond rank. Everyone keeps saying "Ah, bur you're still gold rank!" But...He's not. This particular avatar is. That's all. He'll be alive and well long after the gods have passed.


Amen! I'm still mad at Roland but if the rest of the actual diamond rank community holds it like van....I can slightly excuse Roland simply because he's a part of the community.

shawn B

Nice to see the Diamonds saying "We'll let you make this change, but we wont help you implement it with our power. Let us know if you want advice in the future though, we'll gladly guide"


And Jason reciprocates. He tends to treat people the way they treat him. Unless he's in one of his wacky moods which is only like 95% of the time


Yeah the diamonds all think he's still mortal ish. They don't understand that he already passed them up and is fully immortal.

james foster

Scones... with whipped cream and jam!! Yum

Robert Bloomer

A little immortal exposition is nice. In Game of Thrones so much of the exposition happened right before, during, or Immediately after sex, they coined the term “sexposition”. Therefore I now christen this chapter as “sconeposition” and all exposition should involve scones, biscuits, or similar baked goods.


Kind of explains why cloud weaver still had a bit of bite to them when they subtly threatened Jason lol


i think he’s just old af, doesn’t care about jason personally, and has better shit to do lmao

Rick Delallata

This is a really cool little chapter. I always appreciate good world building


Good and reasonable dude used to having "the talk" with the wee immortals

Kazuto Bakura

He is doing something extra to free the Earth people. Why else would he kidnap some nobles. The other reigns is more planting seeds.

Cordell Patrick

I honestly think Roland did what he thought was truly necessary. He knows team Bisket is going with Jason and if they were tied to the guild still then there's a possibility someone could use that connection to try and come along. Now no one inside the guild can come after Jason's friends and Jason isn't on a murder spree of guild members forcing Roland to get involved breaking Dimond ranker rules. Especially if the whole there going to treat him like one so the only person who would be able to give Jason quest would be Roland making it look like he's constantly asking Jason for help once again breaking etiquette.

Brandon Walker

That was a kind of disappointing chapter, that could have been accomplished in a single paragraph, and nothing else was progressed. I liked the snippets about their weird lives, but that could have happened while actual story was happening. Still love the series and everything overall, tftc.

Kenneth Dennis

Wow.. what a surprisingly normal, and pleasant conversation there. I wasn't expecting that honestly


Damn, Van has to be the nicest high ranker Jason has ever interacted with. Most diamond rankers likely get some version of this conversation. Clear and polite discussion on what is normal, expected, and above all, why. Most powerful people don't like telling Jason why beyond I have the biggest dick so do what I say or else. He gets this one freebee and after this he is expected to be subtler. And keep his mortal and immortal affairs in their sperate boxes. Very nice stuff. Now to see what everyone is going to do once they realize no one more powerful than Jason is going to reign him in. No System until no slavery. Even if you get enough assholes to kill him, he'll be back. Good fucking luck.

jacob butler

I feel like he is waiting for some region to give in my bet is the Storm Kingdom and then he opens it up to them to show the other countries that he does have the power


Lol neils thicc pole

Lora Greenberg

Interesting...Jason is getting told the rules of etiquette as a duamond ranker and a diamond rank mentor..LMAO..after he fought astral beings

Francisco Rosado

That went so well im surprised! I doubt Jason can smack down a diamond rank before he goes to earth.


Thank you!!! I'm already craving more 😭😭😭😭

jacob butler

Consider the fact Roland was trying to avoid a diamond rank fight with the order of the Reaper

Allen Wilding

What game were they playing? I didn’t recognize it

David Yow

Jesus how old is Van?

Talon Michaelis

Fantastic chapter! I'm drawing a blank. Who is ketis?

Kevin Clark

Help…who’s Ketis?

James Squibb

I like Van. Straightforward,no nonsense power play.

Lora Greenberg

And that diamond ranker felt threatened when entering Asano's cloud palace

Alexander Spitz

I think the not young diamond rankers understand it perfectly well where Jason stands, which is why they're treating him like a diamond ranker. The "young people" don't get it yet, but the diamond community does.

Cody Cahill

Emirs granddaughter if I’m remembering correctly. It’s been a very long time since we’ve seen her in a chapter

Daniel is ŁØNE

Vandrick seems like an all round decent bloke, I just hope this entire situation will finally make the world aware of how stupid it is to fuck with Asano.


Van is the boy. How long we think it takes Jason to find out rules are meant to be broken?

Captain Nuclear

You also don't seem to get it. They shouldn't be treating him as a diamond ranker who happens to be gold. He is above diamond rangers. Maybe not right now. Maybe this version is gold. But he is quite literally more immortal then the gods. They should be backing off and "Not my problem." Not lecturing him on how they think things should be. "Do it like this. Because that's how it's always been done." Doesn't work when you're the weaker party.

Mist Sparrow

We still don't know what diamond rank truly is though , they might have more of a grasp than you expect.


Definitely reasonable expectations from a diamond ranker. I’m just curious what will happen if a diamond ranker steps to Jason with violence?

Laura H

Tftc. Like Farrah, I'm a Laura Branigan fan. I've been been a Laura Branigan fan since she was first popular. But on our Earth, she died young, sadly. I hope she's still alive and singing on Jason's Earth! Listening to her voice right now, I think of all the music she's still singing in that parallel universe. I'm jealous!


Eh let's be honest at this point outside his immediate friend group he knows more great astral beings than anyone elsr


It's awesome to see the results. We have been getting hints Diamond rankers think Jason is one if them. Adventure society gives him a Diamond rank badges. It's good to see the "Hey man my name is van local Diamond ranker. You doing some world changing stuff so FYI everybody gets 1. We not helping you pull this off and we not getting in your way. Cool, cool if you need advice give me a call otherwise I'm out."

Mist Sparrow

I like van much more than whatever Roland and the mirror king were trying to play with. I still hope that blows up in their faces , with Jason figuring it out and shenanigans ensuring.

Tim G

Perfect chapter! I knew the diamond rankers would back him!


Well I’m sure they will be offered a sandwich or a baked goodie and then a door that leads back home or a lifetime of looking at cat posters

Tyler S.

Yes it would have been better to go into detail about the process of making the scones lets get another recipe please shirt lol. Ketie took the battered cream (thanks to Sofie) and coated the crispy golden brown scones then added the delicious gem berry jam...

Marmik Vyas

Is it just me or was this chapter a bit short?

Mist Sparrow

I can see that , but I kinda liked the display of a reasonable and amiable diamond ranker that's actually open to hashing things out with Jason


It’s always good to know the rules at the big boy table


This is the first time any single group has come to Jason and treated him like an equal. Every group, nation, Association, infinite power has always treated him as either something to control or something that should be squashed. It's really refreshing to see this change. Even with the diamond ranker who came to talk to him about his cloud palace. Diamonds are treating him as someone worthy of respect instead of just a tool or a bug.


And sandwiches we are in a dry spell of sandwiches. Crap I need a sandwich now.

Abigail Hale

I guess turning off the wifi for the planet earned him some respect among the diamond rankers. But they still don't understand the scope of his power. I guess they can't fully grasp it until he reveals it, but it's amusing to see these "immortals" condescend to a being who will outlive their world and deities


I think Jason is exactly a diamond ranker just in reverse. Usually people have to max out mortal power before getting transcendent power. That is what a Diamond ranker is. Jason has transcendent power but isn't a maxed out mortal yet. It fits. If Jason was 100% transcendent he wouldn't be talking to Diamond rankers he would be talking to Gods and before anyone says he is I know but to play he would have to make pacts or move mortals to make openings in pacts like the builder and the AKs. The fact that he isn't forced to do that means everyone knows he's not that powerful yet.


To be fair, "I'm a living universe" is hard to work into a conversation.

Austin Long

the thing is diamond rank is the weaker side of transcendent there impacts is lower and can do less good / bad. simple diamond rank power would never be able to make the change assano is trying to make. There is no reason for him to limit himself to a single act of change, he is not yet a god with rules about how much he can intervene with mortality so now is the perfect time to do crazy things. ketis was respectful and Jason will not likely be back in palimastus for a while but i doubt he will stay on earth till diamond rank. and powerfull people will have to swalow their pride when he comes back or do something about it. jason would never back down from a moral obligation like with slaves. so many times he has seen injustice and said im not powerful enough to fix it now but i will be not even gods should get in my way. who does this diamond ranker think he is.

Scott McCarthy

These guys are the bottom rank of Diamonds, the big fish in a small pond ones. Soramir knows how small they are in comparison, and I doubt they truly understand Dawn's position. Astral Kings are well beyound them, and we have already had one show up to talk to Jason. Gods come over for tea, and GABs have worked with Jason. Jason is fully immortal, and will surpass them, but they are still trying to le ture him. The worst part, is the system is on the same level as what the GABs do, so they have no right to say how it is administered, but Jason does as it was his gift to the multiverse. His gift, he has the absolute right to say who has access.

Captain Nuclear

It literally doesn't matter how powerful he is now. He is more immortal then God's and diamond rankers. In any conflict, the inevitability is that he is going to win. If there are two sides, and one side will always win, that side is more powerful. The only ones who should be buddy buddy at this point are other astral kings. And they are treading lightly.


To be fair it's nearly always been the ones who've already seen him as a diamond ranker that have been polite, so that politeness is more due to Jason than it is on who he meets.

Captain Nuclear

Thank you Scott, that's exactly what I'm getting at. I'm sorely hoping all these people have a moment of realisation - he's past them.


An that is the response I expected from the diamond rank community. "so you have the big stick Jason. You can do what you want, everyone gets one. This is your one, and we will let you handle it. " This the diamond rankers are smart and let Jason do Jason. Someone owes me 5 dollars.


Yeah Jason goes full parrot mode this chapter. I guess it was needed to intro a new character maybe? But meh, pointless otherwise

Laura H

Roland had ulterior purpose to treating Jason that way, though. Van has no other motives than to clue Jason in to how he should deal with diamond etiquette now and in the future. It's a very enjoyable chapter, just two rational people talking calmly!



Scott McCarthy

Not just GoT, Laurel K. Hamilton started putting plot and developments in the sex scenes of her books when she turned her series into erotica, and it got worse as the books progressed.

deadly chibi

Give that man a biscuit he earned one


Can we take a second and talk about how awesome it is that Amir is clearly playing game selling cows in Kansas city? There are so many foreign Concepts in that sentence! That's that means that at some point, Jason had to sit down with Amir and explain to him what dollars are, what cows are, where Kansas City is, and I assume various other Concepts in order to play this game. Just Jason explaining the game I feel like should be a bonus chapter.


I think they get it 100% he has crossed the transcendent line in a weird way though. If everyone made him play like a 100% transcendent being then he would have to make pacts just like God's, gabs, and AKs to act on pallemastus. The fact that it is ok for him to not follow those rules is a sign everyone ilat the power of gods and diamond rankers get it. That's also the reason the Diamond rankers are playing real nice because many want to cross that line that he already has. I coach you you coach me kind of thing.


I wonder why ketis was acting that way. First diamond ranker she met? Was she there with Emir on their first meeting and saw him scared for the first time? He seems cool though and I like how he compares Roland to Dawn when even Roland wouldn’t do that 😂😂😂!


Jason was rather muted here :D


I can’t believe they sent Jason to talk the the diamond rank guidance counselor. Feels like the nobles told their mom(The Queen) that Jason started the fight, and she called the school.

jeffrey niski

It's also not just about his power level or immortal state. Jason is still incredibly young for his power level. He isn't even old by mortal standards and I think that's what they were also trying to impress upon him.


I thought this chapter was weird until I realized that absolutely nothing went wrong. Jason managed to have a completely casual convo with someone of (technically) greater power and end it without any disagreements or poorly concealed threats!

Charles Axelrad

Google points me a "The great Western Trail" a cattle ranching game? but I've never played it so I'm not sure.


“What’s the point of achieving more power than almost anyone, ever, if you’re just going to be told not to do the things you always wanted to do?” Immediately tells him to not use said power to interfere in mortal affairs or else other diamond rank people will try to stop him. Repeat 8 times.

Captain Nuclear

It doesn't matter. "This is how diamond rangers do it on this planet!" Cool, if Jason wants, he can change anything he feels like. He has the time and power.


But we also have to remember he doesn’t have the power of a diamond ranker yet based on Jason’s conversation after restoring the sundered throne

joe schmoe

Van said every new diamond ranked gets 1, after that they need to take the long approach.

Bingus McCready

I appreciate two things about this conversation. 1, there is demonstrable growth from Jason here—it’s still him, cracking wise about his big boy powers and getting sparked for being naughty, but a version that has seen enough crap to know to take this (mostly) seriously. 2–FINALLY somebody takes the right approach to working with Jason! “Hey, I’m not here to tell you what to do, but here are the consequences if you keep pushing things and how to avoid that happening if that’s what you choose to do” really shouldn’t be that hard to figure out, I wouldn’t think, but apparently it takes a diamond ranker. Amazing chapter, TFTC!!


Eh, he already knows that but rules are there to stop escalation, not actually prevent anything. It’s like the lock on a front door. Sure, with even moderate effort you can just kick it down or break a window, but that’ll risk pissing people off and it’s not worth it unless the result is worth it.

Laura H

No allegedly about it! He already took it away, so it's clearly under his control.

Code Reed

This is the most reasonable conversation Jason has ever had with a Diamond rank or above. Ever. Yes, I include Dawn. There first few conversation entailed telling him he had to save the world whole everyone actively worked to kill themselves. And another conversation that ended with dawn getting punched out of a second story window to her death. So, all things considered, this went exceptionally well.


I like it, thanks


I stopped reading to go listen and look at the lyrics, there’s a bunch of lines that seem pretty perfect for Jason in her top hit on Spotify “Self Control”.

Michael Smalley

I am nervous thinking about what dominion said about the kind of power Jason has. Either go all in and rule, or be above questioning. I feel like Jason is taking the steps in between the two. He is recruiting that girl from earth, trying to get her to tell everyone "hey, seriously don't mess with Jason". Or like how Rufus acted in that meeting with people representing whole countries! I kinda hope honestly that Jason just to decides to rule! One it would be badass, two, in the long run he could help earth transition to a magic society. This would stop the usual long grinding gears of change a real boost. These are just my thought, total chaos could be a really fun story to xD.

Code Reed

While a silver ranker, he turned a team of gold ranks into a glob of still alive pudding, remotely. Any diamond ranker comes knocking, with all the power up type stuff he's been through since? I doubt anyone ever hears of them again my guy.

Cameron Baldwin

Yeah, though most people of power who interact with him automatically go to an exploitative attitude with him, though I guess with the power and status he now has it makes sense.

Code Reed

Grand daughter? Wasn't he pinning after his secretary for like 30 years? When did he manage that?


He got a girl pregnant before he had magic powers. He didn’t find out about his son and granddaughter until after his son died and his fling wanted help with the granddaughter

Code Reed

🤣 Maybe not by himself, but with the cloud palace as an amplifier? 100%. Van even said he felt threatened just stepping into the place. Jason, as a silver ranker, turned a group of golds to pudding. After all the crap he's been through since? No question in my mind.


Lmao, That's why I felt off. Jokes aside though. It's these little chapters that show the growth that Jason has come through that I get excited about for him.

Laura H

To b fair, some of them will probably outlive the Pallimustus universe and gods, too.

Code Reed

Just because he's fought things stronger than diamond, doesn't mean Van doesn't have done useful tips. His political advisor is gold rank after all.

Laura H

So did I. Sshe's quiteee addictive to listen to! Even if I'm old enough to remember when she was a brand-new star...

Joshua Roebig

Anyone else waiting for Jason and team to return to Earth, the Americans try to smack them down in the first instant they arrive and Neil beats their gold rankers by himself while complaining about not having a sandwich? Or is that just me?


You don't have to know what cows are, other than a commodity you sell. Kansas City is just a place and dollars are a unit of currency.

DreadHawk666 Aron

Thank you for the chapter 😁! Honestly what I can’t wait for is Jason’s world building. he is a universe so I want to see more of that side of things, who he brings to it, what are the laws of His land, will he use avatars as stand ins for monsters to train people, I love this story and I just want all the nitty gritty details


kind of makes sense, the part about "if diamond rankers start using immortal powers on mortals, it usually doesn't turn out well for the mortals. so we don't do that." interesting what morality and etiquette would look like to them


And you think Jason would explain it that way...in 2 sentences?

Stephanie Washburn

I mean, basically he said we're giving you a unanimous pass, more or less, this time. But it's also mess around and find out rules. If you want to throw your weight around, back it up yourself. But don't throw your weight around too often or we won't have enough leeway to tell people we can't get involved.

Alejandro Piña

What he was comparing wasn’t their power but their age, Rolland has a few Millenium on him but that’s about it

Cameron Baldwin

I see it as more him going towards the second. Like he's said, he knows that all the diplomacy in the world won't stop some people from poking the bear. He hired Danielle to help him navigate pallimustus politics, and Anna to stop more countries and factions than necessary from fucking around and finding out.

Stephanie Washburn

This actually seemed like a really healthy conversation to have, not gonna lie. He's good at this kind of thing, Mr. Van, the cool school counselor.

Abigail Hale

How can they fully understand something that, as far as I can tell, is novel to this multiverse? He's the nexus of God, GAB and AK. Not even Shade is aware of a being identical to Jason's nature. And I don't think anyone on palimustus is even privy to the information


I completely agree. I feel like it is merely a third of others.

Luis Herrera Moreno

i suspect that conversation could have gone completely different real quick

Justin Butler

I mean the thing I find the hardest is that he already is immortal. Not something between.


Humphrey's dad really exists? We didn't get a lot from him, but he was physically there in the very recent past, so that's new.

Eduard Marciuc

While true, you can bet good money on Jason trying his best to confuse the people by actually explaining every detail in the most Jason way possible

Daniel Wills

Tbf, they sent the Diamond rank guidance counselor to talk to Jason. Which does sound like the school bully picked a fight with the Karate Kid, got his knee kicked out, cried, and then everyone said “f* around and find out.”

Blake N.

I agree with you about it being the most reasonable first meeting with one, but they were lovers for a while. I’m sure they had plenty of innocuous chats

Stephanie Washburn

I mean. I feel like this was an interesting chapter with an important vibe that let the change in treatment he's getting from authority figures breathe for a moment. Last chapter it was clear there might be serious consequences. This chapter it is clear that those consequences aren't going to be diamond rankers making the sky fall on him. Look at the number of people commenting about how nice it is that Jason had a good conversation with an authority figure - I think those reactions show that this was a good use of time for Shirtaloon.

Blake N.

From context I think this one is several thousand years old and has plenty of life experience with people rising in power and how to talk to them effectively

Trelorne Neal

No seriously it took 12 books for someone more powerful than him to finally get it right 😂


Fracking filler. I know its a piece of a whole book but... thanks for the update

Blake N.

It’s the scones that are fresh though (if Sophie managed to make any whipped cream)

Blake N.

How is he condescending? He’s being perfectly respectful and reasonable while welcoming Jason into their community

John Durrett

I don’t think diamond rank has greater power when Jason’s has the system and astral gate to draw power from if we are truly being technical, we should be including all powers and capabilities

Blake N.

Idk. Some of the people in the comments seem to think the guy was being condescending but I think they’re just wanting chunni things to happen. You have the right takeaway in my opinion. The diamond tankers respect Jason as an equal and future superior, but not superior enough to bow to

Russell Ventimeglia

A good illustration that he's growing up. Or at least maturing. I liked a semi-reasonable Jason. He's still his crazy self, but can be somewhat reasonable, if needed.

Blake N.

They were making it clear to their enemies that Jason isn’t an ally to be pulled into an existing wider conflict yet. By openly pissing him off they protected him from enemies he doesn’t need to be involved in yet


Kind of weird, really, but it has to work this way, or there wouldnt be much of a planet. Its one thing to be a living extinction level event; quite another to also be able to spread your senses across the planet and gather near perfect information with the symetric multiprocessing power of a god.

John Durrett

The cloud being a temple connected to his soul means he should easily bag and tag any diamond ranker

Mist Sparrow

I get that , but knowing of potential enemies in advance is far more useful than potentially avoiding an unknown enemy by circumstances out of your view.


I totally forgot who Ketis is, I had to look her up. Since she’s being brought up again I wonder if it’s just a side note or if she end up going to Earth?

John Durrett

I think the point he made was for Jason to smake anyone down to prove he’s a diamond and above tanker not to be messed with. The diamond community gave their advice and anyone who goes against Jason gets what’s coming to them

Stuart Thwaites

I think Jason is more the 'above questioning' type. He knows he'd be a terrible ruler so he's probably gonna do another system admin thing and hope earth leaders just ignore he exists...which they won't and they'll cause trouble instead.

Blake N.

Well we do know for a fact that shirt changed certain things about earth (before all the magic stuff). He mentioned game of thrones getting a fully fleshed out last season for example

John Durrett

Cloud palace is a temple connected to his soul so he can use the astral gate to power high enough to handle diamond rankers. It’s why Van immediately felt threatened when he crossed the threshold

Blake N.

Not really “die” but yeah. I just finished listening to most recent kindle one and the reapers vessel said that he could stave off Jason’s defenses in his domain if he wanted to, but not forever and not for free

Blake N.

Like he said, the rules are mostly a form of etiquette. You can break them, but everyone will think you’re a dick

Blake N.

He could probably make the guy want to leave but I highly doubt he could trap him there yet

Abigail Hale

Only in the sense that Jason is far beyond diamond rank and being spoken to like he's a "baby diamond ranker" I agree though, Van was very respectful and by far one of my favorite diamond rankers so far.


We know very little about diamond rankers, leading into an apparent plot hole: why don't the diamond rankers gang up on him? This goes a long way toward explaining why without the usual heavy handedness from them. Kind of nice, actually

Katherine Matthews

I’m just glad that van wasn’t a dick, and it was well received. Did not feel like filler to me. Jason does well when he understands the why behind the rules. This is good stuff :)

Abigail Hale

There really isn't any precedent for what Jason is, so I think they're doing best to cram him into a paradigm they understand.

Justin Reed

Thoughts on Constance ‘ staring’ at Van? Order of Reaper hint? Also- Neil’s oversized fireman pole made me lol.


I know, but I don’t Roland would even go that far

Robert Landers

So. Unrelated question. I was just listening to the last book and Boris mentioned that “avatars of doom” come with the sundered throne. Where are those guys at?

deadly chibi

I can not be convinced Jason doesn't have atleast a small mountain of biscuits stored in his soul realm waiting for stash to be in a bad mood lol


I'm more interested in finding out what game it is and where i can buy it.

christian montgomery

But that’s what this chapter was about: Jason is between mortal and immortal. He’s immortal and wields power unlike anything any of pallimustus’ diamond rankers have faced before (outside of the builders forces) when he’s an astral nexus or in a place he can access his astral nexus power. But when he’s in his prime avatar, he’s just a gold ranker. He’d die fighting them in his prime avatar just as easily as jack geller beat him when he was a silver ranker, and they could probably wipe out his entire party the exact same way. And Jason wouldn’t be able to come back for 25+ years, and even if he did, he’d be hunted everywhere by people who are basically able to move faster than he can think, so he’d never make any progress reaching diamond rank as his prime avatar, which is something he wants to do. This chapter is specifically about enforcing those limits onto Jason. Jason already understands that he doesn’t have enough mortal power to match his transcendent power, but now he’s getting a full picture of what he can and can’t do as he is. Just like freshly ranked up diamond rankers who may feel unstoppable until they meet someone who has experience with all that power and has advanced it further

Tanner Lovelace

This was a good chapter but I’m left wondering what happened with the nobles left with suppression collars on last chapter.

Malcolm Gray

Definitely like the chapter and everything in it made complete sense but idk kinda felt a bit of let down

Aaron Schwartz

I don’t consider this filler. This is the rulebook for upper gold and diamond level situations. And the rest of the series is going to be nothing but those. Plus any meeting between Jason and an equal and/or superior Ends with mutual respect and understanding, and not a repeat of the network fiasco is a win in my book

Aaron Schwartz

Since when has Jason ever shown a desire to rule? Jason has repeatedly demonstrated and indicated a desire to be put on the same level as a god not a king. In the context of this situation that translates into the second category. He’s just gonna do things, and he’ll be so powerful that it’s up to everyone else to get the fuck out of the way.

Sean C Jackson

So technically, the Avatars of Doom are the children of the GAB The All Consuming Eye and were on loan to the Throne

Kevin Boyer

I hope Jason keeps messing with the system. It's part of him, he gets to turn it off if he wants.

Brandon Walker

An entire chapter for a single discussion that only covers 3 bullet points, yes it was nice, but it was incredibly repetitive and that's an incredibly tiny amount of material, that's my only point, I like the story, and this is the first chapter I have ever been disappointed in, so I'm not hating or anything

Brandon Walker

I love the story, and have never been disappointed before, but it was three bullet points, that's it, just repeated back and forth 6 times each, and some fun team convo

Ryan Eads

Emir's granddaughter, hasn't made an appearance in a long time I think


I don't think many understand that. Or to the degree that he is immortal.

Brandon Walker

Remember, Jason himself said in his domains, he has NO limit on his abilities, his house is a domain of his, so yeah, diamond ranker probably no diff in his house.

Brandon Walker

In his domain, where he has infinite power? He doesn't even need his prime vessel in his domains, he can just have infinite bodies, and pull unlimited power from the astral.


I'm confused on that because isn't Ketis aka Ketavan from earth? I'm thinking it should be Estella based on her staring despite the retracted Aura. Also when did Humphrey dad arrive?


It's common to refer to introducing youth to puberty and basic sex education as "the talk" in the US at least. Especially when it's a parent giving it, rather than school or such

Daniel Wills

So, technically, Jason could make a little part of “Refuge” into an arena for Diamond rankers to beat each other senseless without powers and with death turned off. I don’t have a point to make. Just saying. He could do it


Mote important where is the Astral jail thst goes with the Throne

Alejandro Piña

Is it because Jason didn’t blow up the city? It is because he didn’t blow up the city isn’t it?

Brandon Walker

Except his cloud is a domain of his, he has unlimited power in his domains, he doesn't need his prime avatar in them, he's even used his other bodies in his cloud palace just a couple chapters ago


Mind telling me so I don't have to do research? I've completely forgotten her.

Daniel Wills

It’s so weird that Jason not being Jason is so… good? Like, he’s not unhinged when he’s treated with respect. Who knew?

Chris Furry

No her nickname pronounced Ketty, Kettis is Emir’s granddaughter’s full first name.


The content of the chapter was decent enough but man this felt like the shortest chapter in a long, long time

Francisco Rosado

Diamond rankers have centuries and cosmic experience. I am sure they have a trick or two.


I know I’m late to this conversation, Christian. I agree with some of your points, they are well made. I do not agree with one major point. Jason is not between mortal and immortal. He is half-transcendent. Which is basically between diamond and full transcendence. Yes, his mortal power is still only at gold rank. Those are his essence abilities, but he is far more than that. In book nine Healer, welcomed Jason into their club with a gift that resulted in Nik. Sitting on the astral throne made him a member of the GAB club, which resulted in cosmic level power. Finally, he has been an astral king since silver rank. He shed mortality fully at silver rank. While he does indeed need to rank up his essence abilities, he is not mortal. Being an astral nexus clearly means he is above astral kings as indicated by the astral king we met in the Boko incident. In book eight, Dawn was explaining that astral kings are above gods but below great astral beings in the cosmos. The diamond rankers want to reign Jason in, clearly. They don’t fully comprehend that he does sit above them, and with this conversation that was a what they were trying to do. It’s a threat, to his team and a warning that someone will come for him. All under the guise of “friendly advice” Van does understand that Jason’s domain is a threat, but he is limited outside of those domains. The threat is to the team or anyone else that Jason holds near and dear. Notice, they didn’t offer to help him rank up. They would prefer he stays at gold rank to limit him, or at least hold his friends hostage. Notice, that Van said he had a mortal mess to clean up? He talking about the nobles. My guess, Jason sold those nobles as slaves and helps release them when he gets his people back (probably after he gets back from earth, with a reminder of how powerless they likely felt as slaves and to do something about it).

Alejandro Piña

It would be fun if he has an entertainment based essence set, something that allows him to create different types of terrain like obstacle courses, with bouncy balls over a pool of mud, a wall of punching gloves, and very unstable towers set in a row for people to go across another such pool of mud… (yes look up Keith Geller)


In his universe he's got no limits, here in a domain that's still also part of a regular world, no, he's got limits aplenty. Could he fuck up a diamond ranker inside his cloud house? Absolutely. Would he get away with it scott free? Highly doubtful


I'd really like to know that! I wonder if diamond rankers find it gauche to ask one's age?

Daniel Wills

The only part that’s questionable is Jason being between mortal and immortal. Mentally/emotionally he is still mortal. But actually? His current “eternity” bucket list is burning every messenger (slave) birthing planet to cinders. He is absolutely capable of hunting down and ending every Diamond ranker on the planet over centuries.


They can be both. Many of Shirt's chapters are several scenes, or sometimes portions of several scenes. Others are just one scene, or part of one. But they have a number at the front, and that's all it takes to be a chapter. I once read a very good book that had one chapter literally three paragraphs long. Not huge paragraphs either. It was less than a half page. (Of course it wasn't a web novel, it got published all at once, but you get my gist, I'm sure)


Jason very much is a "baby diamond ranker" from the perspective of his actual age and experience. (Barely 40?) No matter how great his power is now, Van is speaking to him not from a place of greater power but from a place of greater experience, and that's both entirely warranted, and why Van comes across as so much more reasonable and respectful than most of the bigwigs we've met

Daniel Wills

I love that it seems to be like, a bunch of Supermans, Omega mutants, etc in a room. “Okay so, rule 1, don’t end the world. We all good with not ending the world?” “I WILL DESTROY EVERYT-“ *vaporized* Good good rule 1 passes.


Me too. Hopefully we'll get back to them in the near future. If not then I guess all the speculation on Friday about Jason having a larger plan for them will come to naught


Best chapter quote: "He knows a lot about baking for a dragon." Had me in stitches! Tftc!

Chris Nowak

I'm guessing "Great Western Trail"... https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/193738/great-western-trail


"Alright, so cows are ruminants which means they have multiple stomachs they use to ferment plant matter to extract as much nutrients as possible from things like grass." "Jason, I don't think this is strictly necessary for playing the game." "Sorry, Farah, you're right. Ok, anyway, so there are actually two Kansas cities right next to each other, one is in Kansas, and the other in Missouri. Oh, right, those are pseudo-independent states in one of the nations on Earth, we'll probably visit there eventually. Anyway, so they're in what's called 'Tornado Alley'..."

Rowdy Robby

Jason having a respectful conversation with a diamond ranker? Was that Colin? He is the Voice.


Definitely not filler. Was Definitely a needed conversation that nobody has bothered to have with Jason


I think all his conversations with Allayeth were civil. They never really had friction

Michael Smalley

My favorite line was about Neil's pole! But the healthy conversation with a diamond ranker was good to read. I enjoyed understanding the diamond rank boundaries with each other. In all the books, I love how logical the dialog and plot is. We'll done as per usual, or, perhaps a better phrase, it's kind of his thing!


Short of Soromir and Dawn and maybe this Van, I'm not certain any of the Diamonds truly understand exactly what Jason is as an AK. He's not just some up jumped Diamond Oddity


Yup. Van even admitted all the Diamonds or at least those of import came to the agreement on his Adventure Society Ranking. It was a give and take scenario where the AS is lost but the Diamonds say to give him Diamond Status and in return they'll police Jason as one of their own

Thomas Cops

Anybody else look up Laura Branigan. To get an idea of what the diamond ranker was just introduced to.

Tim G

Which is the same thing as far as the world is concerned. No one pushes diamond rankers and they ain’t pushing him. Power is everything in that world and they are showing he has it by not interfering.


You can think of it as local golf club rules. If you are sick of the posh people, you leave the club (the world) ... and wait until they humbly knock at door of your fun park (universe).

Joshua Millins

Sad we don't see what Jason's gold rank Cloud palace can do. It could already suppress or outright crush gold rankers at silver now though? Hehe I have a feeling that engaging Jason in that palace would be like facing a god I their temple.

Hodge Wasson

It probably took so long specifically due to what was said in this chapter. The older/wiser diamond rankers generally stay the fuck out of mortal concerns. So the people most likely to actually understand how to deal with Jason, were the ones least likely to step into the shenanigans he kept finding himself in.

deadly chibi

But he does not have quick access to it, specifically I'm pretty sure he can only access that well in the city of flowers Also Jason doesn't know about stashs stash yet as far as I know anyway


Nice discussion. Since he did point out that those aren't really rules and more like etiquette, I wonder how much leeway there is. I like him pointing out for example how there are various ways to limit your influence on the mortal world. I'm also curious, since he calls it a rule of thumb, if there were cases in the past were a new diamon rankers actions were deemed drastic enough for others to step in.

Hodge Wasson

Dude, that's not what this chapter was even about. The diamond ranker was giving Jason the heads up on how they operate. He didn't even tell Jason he couldn't do anything else big, just that this is the one freebie he gets before the other diamond rankers have to start playing politics as that's the way they have set themselves up as a power. I.E. We have your back on this one, but if you do anything else like this, you have to fend for yourself. Please don't embarrass us if you do have to fend for yourself, we don't want people thinking diamond rankers are weak.


I think her last appearance was when Jason handed over the Way of the Reaper books for her to learn.


I think this gave another level of understanding to his previous Diamond rank meetings, especially with Remore. Makes it even more apparent why Remore acted how he did while also helping explain how the Yaresh diamond rankers acted.

Dennis Bell

As others are asking about her a suggestion would be to add a little reminder of Ketis and her relationship to Emir.


Vandriks talk about the consequences of Diamondrankers being dragged into mortal affairs brings to mind the Cloudweavers explanation about how when diamondrankers go to war only they survive and that some of them are old enough to remember civilisation and history coming to an end. I really would like to hear some of the stories about what the oldest Diamondrankers have lived through

Cordell Patrick

The only people who know his actual situation is the God's and his crew everyone else only has his adventure society reports to go on. He never told them he's immortal they just know about the Phoenix form that stops his avatar from dying.

Cordell Patrick

There is president it just on the Cosmic scale not the local scale so your sorta correct. The original astral kings rose sorta how Jason is rising as explained by Boris.

Cordell Patrick

Jason passed riens of the Clan off to his Grandmother and a council just so he didn't have to rule. It's the same reason he gave up the Throne. He has no interest in ruling he wants to be left alone but knows he won't but he also knows he would suck at leading. Even in the team he defaults to Humphrey to lead so he doesn't have to.

Cordell Patrick

The Storm kings Ancestor also usually treated him with respect and tried to get others to as well. But again he's ancient so also follows the rules. I'm guessing he didn't try to explain the rules to Jason because of how raw Jason was and he didn't want to make it worse.


I don't think the distinction here is about Jason being unable to die. Its about the power scale he works on. Jason has talked about this before about how he has a gold rank 'mortal' aspect to his power that is working on catching up to the transcendent 'immortal' aspect that has infinite power. Van was clarifying that Jason should use the appropriate kind of power only when the situation demands. If he's working with mortal power scales, he should play by mortal power rules and not just use his vast cosmic power to brute force results.

Cordell Patrick

If I remember Stash does have a spatial storage as of silver rank that should have increased when he hit gold rank so he might be carrying a big stash of biscuits

Cordell Patrick

Actually Shade is aware that the original AKs were similar to what Jason is ot came up in the convo with Boris on the origin of the Messengers


There is *so much* room for a prequel series. All the evidence of civilisation around the Greenstone region without any historical record, for example. Skyscar Lake was described similarly to the effects of the Builder stealing astral spaces, and it's also where his flagship boarding vessel was anchored. Is Soromir old enough to remember those events? Is Cloudweaver? Vandrik probably is. Given how Pallimustus had been isolated from the greater cosmos, it probably came as a huge surprise when they first made contact. The Diamond rankers of the time probably thought they were the penultimate power after gods, then comes an invasion from a GAB. Is that when Soromir first handed the reigns of his kingdom over to a new king in order to explore the cosmos? What gods existed then that either no longer do, or have been sanctioned into something else? If civilisation ended except for the Diamond rankers, would civilisation-based gods (trade, roads, dominion, etc) continue to exist? (Although, I'm betting civilisation wasn't wiped out entirely, just mostly.)


If it was a nascent-astral-king, gold-ranked Jason, there might have been enough of a power gap between Gold and Diamond that even the added power of a spirit domain wouldn't be able to suppress a Diamond aura. As a fully-fledged Astral King, though? They have no chance in there if Jason wanted to attack them (they could *probably* still escape, though).


In his AK, he could make it so that Iron rankers, or even Normal-rankers would be equal competitors to a Diamond, either by removing the Diamond's advantages, or giving their opponent equally powerful advantages.


Ketti is the nickname for the former Network Branch Director, Kettivan. Ketis is the proper name of Emir's granddaughter. Similarly, Jace is Jason's youngest niece (well, as far as we know).


Not so much "on loan" as "provided to". A bit like the Swiss Guards of the Vatican.

deadly chibi

O.o shit I think your right It was anslo (Clive's adorable rune tortoise) who didn't have a dimensional storage


Shade is like older than old. He's do damn old he's seen shit that people can't grasp


Damn that was dope lol I like that all powerful immortals finally make sense. They act as if they learn from intel. I’m sure all agree a lot characters seem to lack that ability which is human, but when you tell me it’s an immortal who’s been alive forever I can’t buy it. Yeah this was a great chapter full of important information and world building. Now I’m interested to see how diamond rankers behave on other planets? Once again it seems like Pallimustus is building on Jason’s foundational principles. These will be lessons and views he passes on to those he trains or helps.

deadly chibi

My only complaint is that we didn't see anything more to do with the noble slaves


Stash told Jason about The Pastry Stash a while back in Yaresh at that party the team gathered for


im not saying its dominating my playlist,... im just remarking on the amount of sequin sparkle in the gloria mv


Best line in the chapter goes to…“Humphrey’s dad kept trying to pinch the scones and Stash dragged him away. He knows a lot about baking for a dragon.” Ketis has no idea who Stash’s alter ego is The Baker/Pasty Entrepreneur. Love this chapter. Hopefully we get more Jason/Team Biscuit <—> Diamond rank interaction.


Their first conversation was pretty tense, but mainly on Jason’s side. And the incident when they went to pick up the library ball was very much so on hers. But those contrasts point out how well they got along the rest of the time


It’s an interesting question. She’s surely met Roland Remore given how close Emir and Gabriel are, but it’s quite possible that’s the extent of her experience with someone like that. Or maybe Van has developed some transcendent presence and doesn’t have it locked down as well as might be. Her staring kinda reminds me of the brighthearts’ reactions when Jason first took his prime avatar out for a spin

Jordan Jones

There was also mention in the first books of holy wars long ago that were devastating, which I assume are based around the gods being in semi-direct conflict with one another. I also recall there being old stories of gods acting vengeful, and more like the ancient Greek pantheon in terms of wrathful visitations. They must have sanctioned themselves to modify their role and behavior as people became more civilized. I bet the ancient Diamond rankers had an influence on those ancient deities since their power should not be irrelevant even to them.


I think Stash's baked goods business is widespread enough that he's no longer an entrepreneur, but a fully-fledged Baked Goods Magnate.

Bent Sommer

I find this line a bit odd "“Yes. You straddle the line between mortal and immortal." Isn't Jason the only "not-god" in pallimastus who truly is immortal? I would have expected that jason would correct Van on this. The diamond rankers are the ones who think they are immortal but in reality they are not (like jason told cloud weaver)


I've just started re-listening the the whole series starting with the first book and just now I wondered whether the low magic of the Greenstone region is a result of whatever shenanigans happened there all those centuries ago. Maybe it was a side effect of some massive power or holy miracle, or of it might have been done on purpose in order to hamper an opponent's abilities. Maybe the dimensional membrane was purposefully thickened so an army of diamond rankers would have to retreat, or maybe it was a side effect of forcibly anchoring the Builder's astral vessel.

Tarry Higgins

"He noted that the one labelled ‘Neil’ had a thicker pole than the others." Now that made me smile"

Lizy Flore

I think he meant by that that Jason is trading the behaviour between mortal and immortal. Yes Jason is immortal, but he doesn’t act like one, he is still (deeply) attached to his mortality. Hence the purpose of this discussion. The diamond rankers want to let him know it’s okay to act like that bc he’s still young, but later on, he will be expected to behave more according to his immortality. In short, adjust his thinking. I believe that’s what Shirt meant with this « the line »


Straddling the line meaning existing as both. Jason is immortal, but he is also gold rank.

Bent Sommer

Yeah, i get that. But i had hoped that he would correct Van on this just to tease him a little!

Adrian Cheung

I like this chapter. For once, no one is attacking Jason. Instead they are acting like an adult, clearly approaching in a non threatening way, and stating the etiquette diamond Rankers live by. No hidden messages, no half truths, no half rules. And Van ended it in a decent way- I won't help you with your messes, but I'm free to listen and give advice any time. You really can't ask for more than that from a powerful stranger.

Joshua Stevens

I don't think, as an author, you necessarily want people to stop reading to open up a browser search though

Ashley Van Us

Yay! Finally someone treats Jason with the respect he has wanted since the beginning and not just assumed they could walk all over him bc of his rank. Love Van!

Ashley Van Us

I've been thinking of making a character sheet bc there are so many people that get introduced a few times and then get thrown into the pot again and I totally forget who they are and how we met them lol

deadly chibi

"call me van" Had me doing a double take ngl possible my favorite Dimond ranker


I agree with the pro Roland aspect. I'm not mad about his reasoning but his treatment of Jason specifically.


I think they are with the throne still. The throne, imo, represents the laws and such that the gab are held to. When it was sundered it still was the policing force only it was tired to the concessions and such that the gab made with each other. When Jason restored it, it released old aspects, set the present status quo as the standard (which is why the world Phoenix still exists and didn't return to boundary) and introduced the system as Jason's main contribution. Carmen and company are likely still there maintaining the new order.


Ketis was staring because she hasn't been corrupted by Jason and company into treating diamond rankers as just people.


Diamond rankers on other planets. Hopefully thats a spin off series

Douglas Davis

Meh. Complete waste of an opportunity. I kept waiting for either one of the gods to show up and remind Van that neither he, nor even the gods themselves, were immortal compared to Jason.... Or for Jason to remind Van of this. Because Van really really came across as pretentious calling himself and all diamond rankers immortal, when they arent.

Nathaniel Boivin

Random diamond ranker to a random King when he comes complaining about Jason: ''I am sorry to dissapoint you, but the diamond rank community won't intervene in mortal affairs. Jason Asono is still very much embroiled into such affairs. For instance, it seams there is some unresolved business with a certain Clive's wife.''

Donald A

I just hit the silver rank wall with this chapter... and what the hell you all taking about. This chapter was great! Jasons first interaction with a diamond ranker who approached him as a peer.