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Jason Asano


  • Nature: Prime Avatar of an Astral Nexus

  • Current rank: Gold

  • Progression to diamond rank: 29.5%




  • [Power] (Blood): [Gold 2]

  • [Speed] (Dark): [Gold 4]

  • [Spirit] (Doom): [Gold 2]

  • [Recovery] (Sin): [Gold 2]



Inherent Gifts

  • [Prime Avatar]

  • [Numen]

  • [System Administrator]

  • [Sacred Phoenix]

  • [Relics of the King]

  • [Palanquin]


Essences (4/4)


Dark [Speed] (5/5)

  • [Midnight Eyes] (special ability): [Gold 5] 19%

  • [Cloak of Night] (special ability): [Gold 5] 28%

  • [Path of Shadows] (special ability): [Gold 4] 88%

  • [Hand of the Reaper] (special ability): [Gold 4] 86%

  • [Shadow of the Hegemon] (familiar): [Gold 4] 88%


Blood [Power] (5/5)

  • [Blood Harvest] (spell): [Gold 2] 17%

  • [Leech Bite] (special attack): [Gold 4] 76%

  • [Feast of Blood] (spell): [Gold 4] 09%

  • [Sanguine Horror] (familiar): [Gold 4] 67%

  • [Haemorrhage] (spell): [Gold 4] 63%


Sin [Recovery] (5/5)

  • [Punish] (special attack): [Gold 4] 59%

  • [Feast of Absolution] (spell): [Gold 2] 58%

  • [Sin Eater] (special ability): [Gold 2] 56%

  • [Hegemony] (aura): [Gold 5] 16%

  • [Castigate] (spell): [Gold 4] 40%


Doom [Spirit] (5/5)

  • [Inexorable Doom] (spell): [Gold 4] 66%

  • [Punition] (spell): [Gold 4] 04%

  • [Blade of Doom] (spell): [Gold 2] 99%

  • [Verdict] (spell): [Gold 4] 12%

  • [Avatar of Doom] (familiar): [Gold 4] 72%



Kasey Lindenmayer

Anyone know what Sacred Phoenix entails?


wait he is gold rank now???? I'm still waiting for the next book to come out on audible!!


I wonder if one of the sin powers can mutiate into a familiar just to complete the set. (Unless Jason is the sin)

Stanisław Drewienkowski

There is discrepency in levels listed here and in PDF version, whats more the PDF version has errors, listing several atributes as gold 3 while coresponding atribute family has skills at gold 2