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"If it's possible, I'd like to go to the same place as you" .......
I can't believe it *sobs* !!

I can't believe I'm at the end of the first Arc! Goodbye Land of Waves Arc :( You were incredible!



Keep It Zen

Thank you for your reactions! I love watching people experience Naruto for the first time, it’s the closest I can get to forgetting it and watching it all over again 😫

Joshua Wood

Great arc and i'm excited to see you react to the arcs to come (: Strap in it's going to be a wild ride.

Giuseppe DeGaetano

This scene is more powerful in english imo 😭😭😭 i still tear up. Nart: Why you. You ungrateful. After everything he did for you, Haku lived for you! *flashback* You were the most important thing in the world to him! While he was sacrificing everything for you, you never felt anything at all for him?! And if I become stronger does that mean I’ll become as cold hearted as you are? He threw his life away, and for what? You and your dream! You never let him have a dream of his own but he didn’t care and you just toss him aside like he was nothing! A broken tool. Man that’s so wrong, so wrong. Zman: You talk to much. *cries* your words cut deep, deeper than any blade. While he fought you, his heart was breaking in two. You see Haku was always too soft and too kind. He felt pain and sorrow and now curse him I feel them too! And something else, I feel content that this is the way it ends. Well, cat got your tongue? Are you so surprised to discover I’m human? Even Shinobi are human no matter how hard we try to escape that simple fact. We always fail. Well, at least I have failed.


I agree! The English Dub is so deep especially when Naruto is speaking! holy smoke that shit rip me apart! Then Kakashi's line was different as well "You never know Zabazu. Maybe you will join him there. Who's to say?"