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Sasuke awakening his Sharingan was quite the surprise nobody saw that one coming :D notice the detail how he has 1 tomoe in the left eye and 2 tomoe in the right while Kakashi got 3 tomoe in his eye, hinting at the imperfection :) if you remember back in ep 7 when we first got introduced to the Sharingan through Kakashi we also heard Sasuke thinking to himself that its strange that Kakashi got it since the Sharingan is a unique ability to the Uchiha clan :) technically we first saw it in ep 5 when Sasuke had a little flashback to a person you remember that well, now we learned its his brother :) pretty much that whole fight Naruto was sacrificing himself for the sake of Sasuke and in the end Sasuke ended up sacrificing for Naruto :P that was a powerful moment when Sasuke put his life on the line for Naruto, then fell into his arms, immediately followed by a huge hype moment with Naruto raging, never gets old :) got 2 awakenings in one episode :D this episode was a real game changer :) Zabuza is definitely one of the better villains, one of the most iconic and significant, but there are better ones in the future for sure :) thank you for the great reaction! :)


This is such a great episode, l loved seeing you get so invested. It reminded me of the first time I watched it. There is so much I want to say but can't - darn spoilers!!! Anyway the Sharingan and the 9 tailed fox!!! Sasuke and Naruto both awakened/triggered their powers, Sasuke to protect Naruto and Naruto after the pain of losing Sasuke. I love that even though they say they hated each their strong emotions tell a different story. To answer your question, Zabuza is a great villain but there are many more to come. One thing Naruto excels at is its villains - you will not be disappointed. Think the Espadas in terms of what is to come. Oh as a side note. I was the reverse and watched Naruto before Bleach and I did the same thing as you. I was also comparing in a good way because they are both such iconic series.

Joshua Wood

Great reaction! Can't wait for the next one and the subtitles are poorly translated so the sub is hard to understand the first watch through so keep taking your time and rereading things when you need to no matter what anyone else says and keep up the great reactions (:


Another great episode! There's a lot that I really want to say but I won't haha! To answer the poll question, Zabuza is a great starting villain but my favorites have yet to appear, (Probably be a long while too!) I honestly don't mind you comparing Bleach with Naruto because I don't know anything about Bleach, other than the main character's name lol. Honestly thinking about watching it, now that you mentioned that they don't have like actual bodies that get damage in battle or something. But anyway, your reaction was great! Can't wait to for the next reaction!

Brandon Lopez

my fav villain is in shippuden and it starts with a P. Great reactions :)

Paul Dupre

Another awesome reaction! I would be careful asking the YouTube crowd who their favorite villain is this early. You're asking for spoilers

Paul Dupre

Haha I just don't want you to get spoiled because there are so many great moments. Imagine getting the Aizen heel turn spoiled for you 16 episodes into Bleach lol


Oh my GOD! Amazing comparison hahahah also yes Bleach 🙌🏻 dude I’d be SO MAD it would ruin the whole thing if the Aizen plot was spoiled for me lol. I wo t say too much tho because some here might not have seen it 🙏🏻💕


😍 waaait this makes my soul siiiiing! I highly recommend getting into Bleach! You’ll be hooked by the first episode. It’s incredible. Of course (like Naruto) it’s a long running anime and has fillers and sometimes drags from time to time, but you’ll get so much out of it. Please watch! 😍❤️‍🔥 especially if you’re thinking about starting it. Definitely recommend the sub too.


I meeeean I was crying a little when Naruto was holding Sasuke 😭 I loved it so much. I hope after this… what ever the heck happens (cause I know Sasuke isn’t dead dead there’s no freakin way) I hope they have a more respectful competitiveness after going through something like this together. This will bond them for life no matter what happens …

Sef Last 64

Kitty cat's coming... Good call hahaha

Luka Aleksijevic

Love your reactions, you do 1 thing I appreciate the most when watching reactions. That thing is, that you go back if you misread of didn't see something, I always appreciate it, because it means you care about the story


Hey! Welcome! :D Thank you so much - It's important for me to have fun but also understand whats going on lol Thanks for supporting my journey! x