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Caradoc Elmet

LOL Midnight cracks me up! I love that there's a Certificate 18 hero first of all. I guess there would be so that's fine... but why have the Cert. 18 Hero waving around a leather flail and licking her lips salaciously, while hosting a children's school sports festival? There's so much here that seems completely out of place but everyone's just going with it. I find that so funny.

Caradoc Elmet

My favourite student hero at this point is Tsuya, the frog girl. It really bugs me that even when she's saying, "Call me Tsuya-chan," the subtitles always just call her, Tsu. You'd think the least they could do is get the names right. Justice for Tsuya-chan. Tsuya! Tsuya! Tsuya! *gerro* lol