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Metamorphosis Part 2



Zain kb

basically geto answered yuki’s question 😂


biggest disappointment in JJK is Mei Mei. Super cool design, so much potensial as a character. looking at the fans it looked like mei mei had the potensial to become a fan favorite before this


That name haven’t been mentioned yet

Lloyd Edwards

What makes you think Mei mei gives a damn about anyone or anything that doesn't result in her gettin paid? And yes the scene is weird and creepy but just ignore it. Dont let it mess with u!


Yeah mei mei is the kind of person where you pay her enough she would sell literally everybody out. And choso is actually yujis brother( how is a spoiler) todo is just a weird guy who has delusions Also mei mei and kusakabe are kind of like opposites as mei mei puts on a brave front but ran from geto while kusakabe literally the whole time has been saying he wants to go home and not die yet went and fought geto, also blocking his powerful technique

Juan Solo

Back in the first episode of the series, Yuji's grandpa wanted to tell Yuji something important about his parents before he died, but Yuji wouldn't listen because he wasn't interested.

Alex Hencher

Lol, you've been saying for several episodes, where the hell is everyone?! And now they all show up, and think its too much to drop :p. But yeah, its been less than 3 hours since this all kicked off, and Gojo was originally there, so no body thought it was a big deal. The second it got out that Gojo was sealed and shibuya was in bad shape, the call went out to get everyone back as soon as possible.

Jaden Acevedo

The brain inside Geto took over a body from the Kamo clan which is where blood manipulation comes from. Then forced the mom to have kids with a cursed spirit with his blood mixed in. Resulting in choso and his brothers. That was 150 years ago but the brain has been around longer than that.

daisy! 🐱

i love choso 💗


Time to rewatch the last two episodes of S1 to understand the connections of Kamo Clan, Noritoshi and Choso :)


It was at this point in the manga. Doesnt excuse it but might be why they didnt consider it a spoiler. (It was on one of the non story pages.)


As gross as mei mei is, she’s written as a foil to Nanami. She grooms kids for her own gain whereas Nanami protects them and prepares them to help others. As for why she lived and he didn’t, the author went on record recently explicitly saying that he kills people we like and not the ones we don’t :,)


also crazy how she ended up in Malaysia, the place Nanami wanted to retire to


Choso explained that he has a unique connection with his brothers that allows him to feel whatever is happening to them regardless of distance, thats how he knew immediately when they died. the reason he thinks Yuji is his brother is because he felt that same exact connection right as he was about to kill him something only possible if they share blood.


yuki coming in clutch


Go back and watch the season 1 finale, it explains who Kami Noritoshi is

Nikki Keever

The thing inside geto is the same thing that was inside chosos father (norotoshi kamo). It's what created choso and his brothers and choso believes that it's also what created yuji. That would make them related. As of this moment we know that the person inside geto has been body hopping for at least 150 years which means that it is possible pseudo geto/noritoshi Kamo/the person that has taken over those bodies is one of yujis parents.


lmao yuji and choso are actually related by blood, whereas Todo just loves Yuji like a brother😂. to connect the dots (there’s no spoilers here), you have to think about that choso and yuji share at least one parent… and that choso knows that stitched-geto is his father cause he figured it out, but yuji does not know this. someone above commented that episode one of season 1, yuji’s grandpa was trying to tell him something, but yuji wouldn’t listen. sorry if i’m rambling and this is confusing lol but i thought it would be helpful cause i was SO confused at first

Nathan Elkin

You don’t want to know where Mei Mei is


Just wanted to point out something a lot of people don't notice in this episode. When Miwa attacks Geto with Quick Draw, she uses a pact/binding vow. Essentially boosting the power of her attack to its maximum in exchange for never picking up a sword again. After her failed attack, she can no longer use a sword due to the pact or else something bad will happen to her (like what Geto and Mahito were discussing just before fixing Mechamaru).

Nathan Elkin

This is spoilers from the next episode, but you said you are watching them together so this should be fine. The guy inside of Geto is known as the most vile sorcerer in history from 150 years ago, but that’s only what that guy is known for. He’s actually been alive much longer, but he stayed out of sight for a long time. The clan of blood users isn’t the original clan the brain guy is from, but he was able to use the blood abilities, and even pass off that clan’s abilities to offspring while he inhabited a body of someone from the blood clan, if that makes sense. Remember, the brain inherits the ability of whichever body he currently possesses, and loses those abilities when he moves on to a new host. So at one point in history, about 150 years ago, he got his hands on someone from the blood clan, and did a lot of fuckery while he could use their techniques, experimenting on people and gaining his vile reputation. All you know right now is that Yuji somehow has blood from the brain guy, but we don’t know how or why.

Sebastian Alexandrescu

nah, that's exactly who she was supposed to be an egotistic character that only cares about herself and uses others only for her own personal good, the idea behind her is to show how cruel the jjk world can be, while noble characters like Nanami got dealt a bad hand the shady ones get to live a life of luxury.


I told you to review the last episode of the first season where they explain the history of the paintings 😂 I'll tell you: the death paintings womb are children born to a woman who had the ability to get pregnant by cursed spirits, Kamo Noritoshi found it and used she to do experiments and created the 9 paintings which are half curses and half human and they have remained sealed for 150 years. As seen in these episodes Kamo Noritoshi also had stitches on his forehead so when he did these experiments he was already possessed by this brain thing. Anyway yes Choso is Yuji's brother, the effect of the technique cannot lie. We know nothing about Yuji and his family, but as Choso said, if the false Geto can move between bodies nothing is impossible! P.S. I feel sorry for your friend who didn't finish this fucking masterpiece!

Nic Lichtner

Yeah.. Mei Mei is a bad person. Kind of the point of this scene is to really hammer it home. Not sure why Gege chose to portray it in that particular way, feels like maybe that could've been left out and you'd get the idea from her phone conversation but here we are lol


Mei Mei is a shit person from day 0 wyta 😂

Manuel Tenger

Noone died !?....well Mahito did... and got a good villain replacment with Mei Mei...


That's not why she's alive. She's alive because she's smart and a shitty person who abandons others on the battlefield

Emperor Nagrom

Yeh, Mei Mei is a special grade pedo


Bro this is a spoiler you know? It's not people don't notice, it's just this info has not been revealed yet


i get that she is a selfish person from the start, but her character had alot of potensial to get very liked. kinda like toji being bad but everybody loving still loving his character.

Andre Budo

i just dont get why its disappointing or why it even matters if the character is disliked especially since that was the intention of the author.

Nic Lichtner

Yup its said multiple times throughout the series in different ways, but basically any sorcerer with good/pure intentions usually ends up dead (Haibara/Nanami). That's also why Gojo says something like "sorcerers have to be a bit crazy." Any sorcerer who stays alive long term is going to be some combination of insane, selfish and strong.

Nic Lichtner

Poor Miwa makes the most powerful binding vow she can and still gets Aizen'd.

Marc Narvaez

So choso said he had three parents because he kinda did. The mother, the curse, and the man that did his mom. So noritoshi Kamo was the head of the kamo clan which was known for blood manipulation, he’s the the guy responsible for the cursed whom death paintings. I.e choso and his bro’s. Now we know Geto was a man, and that his body is being inhabited my a curse. We also know that noritoshi kamo was also a man. So if choso had three parents and mom was a human then maybe dad was like Geto


If Choso and Itadori are blood related brothers as Choso claims than Fake Geto gotta be Itadori's father. Choso is like hundreds years older than Itadori so it seems impossible but here's the thing that Choso pointed out- if Fake Geto can extend his life by switching bodies then it;s totally possible for those 2 to be related


Choso is the best Oni-Chann


I still don't understand why this Fake Geto is using Supreme Art: Uzumaki just to attack the poor blue-haired girl? Are you kidding me? 😂

Jim Mac

If you haven't watched the last episode yet, when you do you should pay extra close attention to the OP. It changes again and you might notice something/someone interesting


???? Okay but like why tf would you want that to be spoiled with a 1sec clip at the start of the same episode it gets revealed?😭 that makes no sense unless you already know what’s coming lol


Because it has nothing to do with the target of the attack🙏 ‘geto’ only needs to use uzumaki with mahito in order to retrieve his ct so he didn’t really care who he used it on. Also miwa could’ve just annoyed him lmao😭 they don’t say it for a long time but miwas attack there was using a Binding Vow (just not as big of a binding vow that would work on him) so he’s kinda jus a lil petty


😭😭see that’s the problem… she didn’t 😭 never swinging a sword is lowkey a weak ass binding vow if she ACTUALLY put her life into that swing it most likely could’ve done genuine dmg to geto if not kill him entirely

Alexandre Leon

The fact that Mei Mei manages to escape to Malaysia, where Nanami wanted to go, add an extra layer of tragedy to his story :( Nanami dreamed of a peaceful life, away from fighting and cursed spirits, which makes his death all the more heartbreaking. Nanami protected everyone to the death and couldn't enjoy his dream of Malaysia, while Mei Mei ran away and made it come true. It just shows the injustice in this world...


When I read that hotel scene in the manga a couple years ago I thought "there's no way they wont cut this out of the anime, it's too insane." ..... Welp


That little boy living his best life. Let him be. You hate to see people happy. Don’t be like that.


I think this scene is the consequence of Ui Uis favor for saving Mei Mei, cuz her words were she doesn't like being indebted to someone


I think many of us manga readers thought the same thing lol

Gabriel Lago

idk if anyone mentioned this before but the VA for kusakabe is the same for out favorite perverted store owner urahara

Lloyd Edwards

Too bad she's already watched the episode. I had a comment warning her but deleted since she watched it right after she finished this one. We'll find out Friday


No spoilers simple explanation of the person in Geto's body: It's either a sorcerer or curse (manga readers know which) with a body-hopping cursed technique. Sometime before taking over Geto, he took over Kamo Noritoshi over a hundred years ago and created (fathered) Choso and his many brothers. We currently have no backstory on who Yuji's parents were, and Choso claims he feels the same blood connection with Yuji as he did with his brothers.


mei mei is in a hoe-tel


Using Uzumaki destroys the curses used in it. But in exchange you get a powerful attack and any semi first grade or higher curse can get it's CT extracted for Getou to use. Think of it as throwing a fruit so hard just to get it's juices.

Hunter Snider

you're not necessarily supposed to like every character. Mei Mei intentionally represents a lot of the most deplorable characteristics of sorcerers, and it's very intentional from the mangaka.

Hunter Snider

@Sebastian well put, and the juxtaposition between selfish sorcerers like Mei Mei and more selfless ones like Nanami is made even more prominent by the author's choice to show Mei Mei in Malaysia, where Nanami said he wanted to vacation in his final moments. While Nanami thinks of how nice a vacation would be but fights anyway, Mei Mei actually chooses to leave everyone behind and do the selfish thing by going to Malaysia.


LOL loved how you summed up Mei Mei's character and her relationship with the "little boy"

Joshua Gonzales

Where can you buy the blu ray I need it

Alex Hencher

Nanami doesn't exactly seem to be slumming it. Which is also part of the point, you can still live a comfortable lifestyle and be a good person. Meimei just takes it such an extreme level

Romeo Edworks

Mei Mei is supposed to represent the corrupt members of Jujutsu Society, who get rewarded for being corrupt, while characters like Nanami who weren't corrupt get worse fates.


In my mind, this episode is called "What in the actual f is going on?", and its whole purpose is to leave you with 1,387 questions so that you have enough suffering till next season. Also, Yuji in general and Miwa's scene is the embodiment of this whole "The world is unfair, suck it up you little b" mentality this author had when making the show. Just...wow.

danial javady

BTW, you shold look up the manga cover for chapter 117. The anime should've included it in the ending or something. It led to so many theories in the manga community for literal years. It's what Sukuna looks like in his OG form. Chapter 117 was the beginning of Sukuna vs Mahoraga. You'll see the resemblance to a certain main character. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jujutsu-kaisen/images/6/66/Chapter_117.png/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20200903140953

H. frxxk

The controversial" Mei Mei'' scene domain expansion infinite void that was when her character when downhill for me XD


Will you upload the last episode today too ):::::




choso is actually yujis brother


With the Choso thing. Kamo Noritoshi (the ancestor) is the one who created Choso and his brothers. He's also confirmed in the episode to be the same person who now inhabits Geto's body. There's also the current Kamo Noritoshi, whose the one who fought against Megumi. This is why Choso has blood manipulation.


This episode was fire


The Brain inside Geto is the father of Choso and the other death paintings. Choso is saying that, because this brain changed it's body at least for 150 years that at some point the brain was probably a parent of yuji and that is why they are able to be related by blood. This is Chosos explenation of why he felt the death of Yuji through his technique, like he did with his two brothers at the end of season 1. That would make Yuji his half brother in a weird way. Also the brain is not a curse, it is a curse user.


if you watch on aniwave.to all the episodes are Blu-ray


I forgot how good this episode was