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The Promise That Could Not Be Kept ...

Whoa guys... what an outstanding Arc. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!




poor Naruto that was a heavy defeat for him, luckily his team made it so thats some consolation :P Shikamaru got it rough as well understandably, luckily he got his dad to always talk some sense into him :) god bless Tsunade honestly :D Naruto with his stubbornness could move even immovable objects :) that was a really cool little flashback showing Jiraiya going through the same with Orochimaru, he understands, wants to share experience and be rational :) in the end we got invited to the Akatsuki ZOOM meeting :D

Alex Hencher

Props to the twitch chat for keeping the suspense alive. Its probably pretty rare to see a genuine reaction to this episode these days. You deserve credit too for not peaking at the spoilers, mad respect at yourself dicipline. But this really brought back the feeling of fear and hope a lot of us felt watching this for the first time. I certainly thought Choji was done for sure back then.

Alex Hencher

Also, when do you plan on starting shippuden?


Honestly, I can't believe how good my community has been, all of you so far lol I'm really impressed! And thank you so much! I'm having so much fun watching Naruto x


Depends! I'm waiting for some other animes to be announced and trying to figure out my schedule for this summer! I want to make sure I give it the time it deserves!

Bryan Cartagena

Since I'm not really into Twitch, I'm not sure if you discussed it but has it been stated when Shippuden was starting?

Alex Hencher

Might not be the place to make the plug. But when you go full time you should consider HunterxHunter at some point, it deserves to be included with the big 3 like Naruto, Bleach and One Piece; and more importantly at least the first 25 episodes of Sword Art Online. The first 14 episodes are special, no other way to say it. The series takes some controversial directions after that. But after watching your reactions to Naruto and JJK, you would really enjoy both. And keep up the good work, congrats on taking the step to full time. You have a passion that makes your reactions genuine and empathetic, and that appeals to people that want that vicarious feeling of being a kid and seeing it for the first time. Which is something any fan of the genre will tell you you chase like a heroine addict.


Imagine if Tsunade had still been around during the nine tails attack. How many people wouldn't have died. Also the plot armor is much weaker in Shippuden.


She's watching the filler episodes, and at 177 so far...probably will be another month before we're in Shippuden since it's usually a weekend stream of about 8-10 episodes at a time, barring any unforeseen schedule changes. I've been checking in to see when she starts to jump back in the streams. Edit: should add that I'm not a mod nor do I speak for Flexie so apologies if I'm off-base with my estimation, just how I'm estimating the timing.

Tyler Green

I mean I wouldn’t say much weaker. People die more for sure (that bar is literally on the floor.) but there are still plenty of lives because of plot moments.

Bryan Cartagena

Gotcha. Appreciate the input regardless. Im not really on Twitch so I didn't know she just does streams on the weekends, so it makes sense now why there are sporadic uploads. Maybe that now she is doing this full time, we will see more uploads soon hopefully.

Casey Hart

Such a great ending to part 1. Now for the super long wait for Shippuden ugh. I just cannot bring myself to watch any filler lol.