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Just so people know what I’m doing next now that the toon mlp comics are done

1. cleo makes potions with Alex and sage the two get transformed into different things and Alex ends up massive by the end 

2. a sequence of Tahul feeling overlogged with excess magic, then wildtaking against her will into a bottlerocket firework, blasting off into the sky, bulging up into a Magical-Backup-esque uberbloaty puffblimp, and then EXPLODING!

3. Judy Hopps and Diane Foxington Diana,having a toon adventure where Judy is guarding a large diamond Diane wants to steal it as she sneaks down Judy inflates her ass flattens the fox casing her face to balloon up and inflate tounge spill out as Judy is sat on her Diane uses a hose to inflate herself turning massive and stealing the diamond flaring up. Judy wild takes and tries to follow her by inflating but they get stuck as inflated balloons

4. Cadence turns going for shining but gets inflated and turned into different inanimate objects

5. Sunny meets Twilight and learns about a old scroll that taught Celestia about letting loose becoming a ton as soon as she’s sucked in she meets Twilight starts wild taking as Twiilight teaches her what Celestia did to her all those years ago

6. After sfw comic done start chapter 1 my little drone


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