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Hi guys, i have been working hard on the video these last days, i think that i will finish  almost all the details(animation) today but being realistic i wont be able to have the video for tomorrow, i need to create alembic files, simulate clothes in MD(includes striptease), make the fluid simulations in blender for squirt and semen and finally render, the render of the last video in blender took me 30 hours(i rendered even while i was sleeping), i know i have been making you wait too long but im close to finish it, it will be ready in the first week or even the first days of June.

Talking about rendering i have a troubles about something and i want your help to decide, generally i make my MMD videos using 60fps, the last video in Blender was 30fps and i missed a bit the 60 fps, rendering using 60fps in blender will take 60 hours, i dont have problems with it, but it could take 2 or 3 days more, but the animations will look smoother, i feel like we have 3 options:

1. Rendering with 30fps, you will have the video 2 or 3 days earlier, a bit less quality, noticeable in fast animations or fast camera movement.

2. Rendering with 60fps, you will have the video 2 or 3 later, overall better quality, noticeable in fast animations or fast camera movement, it will make even the animation of the red dress/babydoll very smooth.

3. Rendering with 30fps now, and later if the video is good that i think it is, render in 60fps, that way you will have the video sooner and later you will have a better quality. The downside about it is that is not as easy like in MMD to render videos in blender and make simulations, its just not about the renderinng time, i will have to make 2 times the same work(making alembic files and simulate clothes, squirt and semen, render, compress and upload) so it can take 1 or 2 days of extra work besides rendering.

Rendering time is not as important for me because i can render at night, while i am at work and even while i wil be working in the next video, blender rendering is very GPU demandant, but the CPU is not very taxed so i can make other things at the same time.

Like i said before the video is almost done and it will contain:

1 min of dance/strip/tease

2:30 min of pure sex scenes

3:30 min in total

3 tease motions 

13 sex motions

Realistic clothes physics

Realistic squirt(fluid simulation)

Realistic semen(fluid simulation)

At the same time i want to say thank you to all you for your continuos support and for your kind words while i was having a lot of personal problems a few weeks ago, im very grateful, i really apreciate it, things are so much better now in my life. Thank you, i will try to pay you back with high quality content.

Note: The picture is not from the actual video, is an example of what im going to do, the creator of that scene gave me his Blender file so i can learn a lot from it.

Last thing, im going to upgrade my PC next month with your support and extra help from 2 patrons, i need to reduce the rendering and simulating times if i want keep using blender.

Sorry for my english, im learning still.



60fps pls we can wite


Do whichever is least stressful for yourself, we can wait however long you need.


Yo have put in so much effort to make this animation (which I think is going to be really good), Its too late to give up now! I will wait patiently for 60fps, if its 60 more hours, so be it! I know its gonna be great :)


who vote render 30 fps wtich brave