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Hi guys, sorry for being very inactive lately, a bunch of things happend, i was very unlucky with my computer and my power supply died, i had some personal problems and a lot of work, so it had been hard to focus in the video, i just want to say you that i will try to give you a video this month but if cant i will compensate it trying to make 2 videos next month like before. Have a great week and see you soon.



Thanks for the update Shark. Yeah...sometimes crap happens! Wish that things will settle down soon. Take care.


No Problem, Shark. You just make sure you're fine and we'll be here waiting for & supporting you.


Thank you guys, you are amazing!! i almost cried when i read your answer. Yeah sometimes life is hard but i will try to keep giving my best.


Don't worry champ, problems happen. Don't feel obligated to rush two videos next month if doing so makes you create with a stressed out mindset rather than motivated !


I'd much rather pay for empty months occasionally and enjoy videos made with the full extent of your ability, than demand a publication per month and have your motivation worn out by halfhearted deliveries when bad situations happen. Think of our pledges as support with benefits rather than subscriptions to a service !

Mr. K

I'd much rather pay for empty months occasionally and enjoy videos made with the full extent of your ability, than demand a publication per month and have your motivation worn out by halfhearted deliveries when bad situations happen. Think of our pledges as support with benefits rather than subscriptions to a service !


I deleted your last comment by accident sorry, Thanks for your understanding!