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Hi guys, first of all, thank you to all of you for your support, i know its not the first time that i say it but im sorry for not being active and for not having an open communication with all my supporters, i will try to be short, i had some health issues, like i said before, my stomach, and i wasnt sleeping well, the last thing plus some personal issues lead me to a depression, i always said that kind of thing wouldn't affect me, but i was wrong, i didnt know what to do, i just didnt feel in the mood for anything, every week i said to myself that i would overcome it and work in the next video, but those weeks converted in months and here i am, im fine now and i want to keep making videos, at this point im aware i have lost some trust about how active as creator i am, so i will do my best to prove that i can deliver videos at the same rate that before, i apreciate you guys and i see you soon in the next days, i will try to have more transparency in the future. Sorry for worrying you.



Depression is one gnarly beast; just glad you survived it! I personally feel creators don't owe fans anything, and if you decided tomorrow to stop creating for your own reasons, that'd be your prerogative. But as long as you and others keep creating things I appreciate, I will want to continue to support you ability to do so (if and when you want to). So... I for one missed you when you were gone, didn't expect any return, but so happy to hear you want to make wonderful things to share again and happy to resume support! <3 Judging from the comments, I'm not the only one with a similar philosophy, so don't sweat the time away, just do whatever sparks joy, and enjoy being able to feel that feeling again. ^_^


Thank you all for your words, i appreciate it




Could you please take a look at your private message? It's been several months and I haven't received a reply. I purchased one of your video dance action memberships a few months ago