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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Kingsman: The Secret Service- Yay!!! Thank you very much for such an amazing movie reaction, Morgan! I appreciate that you watched this movie for me, and I am so, so happy that you loved this movie so much, my friend!! I had a pretty good feeling that you would, and not just because this is a very British movie either. Simply because it's that fantastic! :) I am so happy you loved this movie like I do. Normally, I don't gravitate towards watching movies that are this bloody and graphic, or that have so many swears like this one and its sequel do. However, this movie is very much an exception. The phenomenal cast within both movies was enough of a draw to suck me into going to see them in the theaters, along with the story concept about the Kingsmen. I find everything about these movies so fascinating and just amazing! Especially in learning about their history of how the Kingsmen come to be, which I will come back to momentarily... Plus... The action scenes are out of this world! And they're shot so differently from what I've ever seen before in any action movie. I've never seen action like this in any action movie, and it's all absolutely incredible!!! First, regarding the test where Eggsy and Roxy are asked to shoot their dogs... This test that allows for Roxy to become Lancelot, is tough to watch. It's really horrible. However, I understand it. This test wasn't to see if Roxy and Eggsy would actually be cold enough to shoot their dogs in order to get chosen as the newest Kingsman. The real test was to see if Eggsy and Roxy are smart enough to figure that a blank was in the gun. Harry figured this out and fired his gun, knowing that there was a blank in the gun. As did Roxy. Because they both recognized that the Kingsmen wouldn't ever condone the risking of a life, unless they fought and died fighting the villains they face. Eggsy failed to see what their real tactic was. This test is also a way for the leaders to see if their Kingsmen are capable of letting go of all that is personal to them, for the sake of the greater good. Which is important, but by there being a blank in their guns, this shows that the Kingmen are not heartless, corrupt, or evil. It's as Harry says to Eggsy... "The Kingsmen only condone the risk of a life to save another," And now... I absolutely love Colin Firth as an actor! I think he's phenomenal, which is only one reason why Harry Hart, or Galahad is my favorite character throughout this entire movie. I love Harry's strength and his convictions, especially his drive to help Eggsy become the man Harry already believes he can be early on in this movie. I love Harry's moral core we see in him. Which is why, it's so sad to watch him kill all of those people inside the church, then to watch Harry come back to his true self upon awakening from Valentine's trance, only to realize what he had just done and all the people he just killed so brutally. You can see his pain and the fear of himself within his eyes in this moment, right up until Valentine kills him. With this being said... The church fight is absolutely one of the most brilliant action and fight scenes all throughout this movie!! And in my opinion... This church fight scene is unequal to all other fight scenes in a movie. It's easily the best fight scene I've seen in any action movie. The action and everyone's movements while they're fighting is brilliantly shot! I also absolutely love the pub fight when Galahad knocks out all of the men threatening Eggsy, especially just before, when Harry says one of this movie's most famous lines and one of my favorite quotes from this movie... "Manners maketh man." Merlin is my second favorite character. I absolutely love him, and I really enjoy his actor... Mark Strong, in quite a large number of his movies. I love Merlin's friendship with Harry, Eggsy, and Roxy. I love how he is kind of the fun uncle type character. I also love his sass and smart aleck remarks when he's working to train, Eggsy, Roxy, and the rest of the recruits. And he's as much of a badass in the end fight as Eggsy and Roxy are too. While Merlin was once trained as a Kingsman agent just like Harry and the others, and would be capable in fighting, he's become the tech genius in their agency. Therefore, his fighting skills may have been a bit rusty. I love that Merlin is the technical genius who works both behind the scenes, as well as right alongside the others. Eggsy, or Gary Unwin is played by actor... Taron Egerton. When this movie came out, I had never even heard of him. But since then, I've seen him in a lot and he's a really good actor too! Overall... I really like Eggsy's character in spite of his constant swearing. I like his spunk and his own strength, especially in regards to him refusing to ever rat anyone out. Especially Harry when his mother's stupid boyfriend threatens him. I also love Eggsy's own drive to make Harry proud after Harry is killed. Harry being killed absolutely breaks my heart. Because it's just so sad. However, I applaud this movie's creator and writers for having the courage to kill off one of this movie's main characters such as they do. And I love that Eggsy becomes all the better after Harry's death, thanks to Harry teaching him so much about being the hero he was and who Eggsy comes to be. And it allows for Eggsy to become a Kingsman in Harry's place after he's fired earlier on for failing to pass his final test, as he becomes the new Galahad. Also... I love how Eggsy helps and encourages Roxy to keep fighting through her own fears, eventually allowing for her to become the new Lancelot. I also really love Roxy, played by Sophie Cookson. As well as Arthur, played by Michael Caine, Gazelle, played by Sofia Boutella, and of course Valentine, who is played by Samuel L. Jackson. Roxy is just a great character, and I love how she helps Eggsy as much as he helps her. I like their friendship a lot. Michael Caine is always brilliant in every role he plays! And while I hate that he turns out to be a bad guy within this movie, I like that I didn't see this twist coming, and that it allows for Eggsy, Merlin, and Roxy to do whatever is needed to defeat Valentine. And as for Valentine and Gazelle... They're unique characters that I just really enjoy watching throughout this movie. Especially Gazelle. She is absolutely amazing!! And I love that all of her fight scenes are actually fought by Sofia Boutella herself, and not a stunt double, because Sofia Boutella is actually a phenomenal professional break dancer. As for the overall story of Kingsman: The Secret Service... First, I love the history behind how the Kingsmen came about, told to Eggsy by Harry. I love that they were originally simply tailors like the agents' secret identities, to very rich men, who were all eventually killed in the wars, leaving their vast fortunes behind. So, the tailors took that money and created a secret service agency devoted to protecting the world from villains like Valentine. An agency that works above the politics and bureaucracies. I also love the storyline of Harry and the other Kingsmen seeking out new recruits to take the place of their fallen agents, and seeing the training that goes into developing Eggsy's and Roxy's characters, along with the other recruits, including Charlie, who eventually fails and becomes evil along with Arthur, Gazelle, and Valentine. And lastly... Like you, I love all of the classic, and amazing music all throughout this movie! It's all fantastic! And I also very much love that this movie is set in London, England. Overall... This movie is absolutely phenomenal, and I absolutely loved watching your reaction for it!! So, thank you very much again, my dear friend!! And yes... Now that I've seen how much you love this movie, and hearing that you are very interested in watching its sequel... I will certainly be happy to request it for you for this month! This sequel is just as fabulous as the original! Like always, I look forward to many more great movie reactions from you!! :) Thank you again, Morgan! Sincerely, Heidi