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Another episode that isn't a wildly popular one. But I wouldn't say hated, like L&M. If I'm getting my facts right. This was a replacement script for a commissioned story that Stephen Fry was writing, but was unable to finished due to other work commitments. The Doctor having a family would perhaps be a surprise to a NuWho viewer, which is obviously understandable. Not a huge amount is known about The Doctor's family, but it was known that he had one before The Time War. This would be mostly based on the fact that his first travelling companion in series 1 was his Granddaughter Arkytior. But during those episodes she was known by the name she adopted, Susan Foreman. Perhaps interestingly her given name Arkytior, means Rose in high Gallifreyan. One of a number of times when NuWho plays tribute to the past.


This particular episode is one of the weaker ones of season 2 But yeah looking for forward to the next two episodes of this season But you are right about it being a bit dark for an abusive father for chloe and being alone. Great reaction as always.