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Damn you're getting to the REAL GOOD STUFF now - the way the story shifts under your feet from now in is incredible


re: Eren's power, his dad showed him the key to his basement when he went away to the interior but he had that key on him when he went. (Given the timing, presumably he left Eren in ep 1 and went to the Reiss' church to kill their entire family :/) Then after the walls fell and Eren was taken away from his mother being eaten, he had a dream about his dad in the woods holding a syringe above him looking all scary and saying 'its for your own good' or 'it has to be done' or something, then Eren woke up in the refugee place with Mikasa and Armin and he had the key his dad had around his neck. There was always some weirdness around that. So presumably his dad somehow got to Eren, took him out the woods, injected him with a syringe, turning him into a titan that looked a lot more like a 'normal' titan, then got eaten by him, at which point Eren reverted to human form and had inhereted the powers his dad had. Then somehow Eren made it from the woods to the refugee centre and reunited with Mikasa and Armen while asleep after the ordeal. Eren's dad was a titan before going into that crystal cave, and Freda was a titan, Eren's dad ate Freda, so had the power of two titans, including this all powerful one that Freda and the (real) royal family the Reiss's have (remember the dude on the throne was a phoney, they are the real royal family) that has the ability to modify memories and, presumably, control titans as Eren did earlier in the season. So when Eren ate his dad, he inherited both those titan powers. he's effectively two titans in one. Earlier on, we saw that Ymir was a street beggar girl (not called Ymir) who got brought into some kind of cult, and given the name Ymir and had people worship her presumably because whoever 'Ymir' is she was named for is something important and she was posing as some kind of important spiritual figure. When the military police or whoever it was came, she was taken away for this which is presumably a crime, and she was lined up on a wall. In a line they were all kicked off and turned into titans on the way down to the ground. When she's kicked off, you heard something stick into her neck off screen before she was kicked off the wall and turned into the titan we've seen Ymir as. She was then a normal titan that ran around outside the walls for 60 years, just a normal titan like we've seen throughout the show. Then she ended up being buried in dirt and laid there probably for years, until Reiner, Berthold, Annie and a fourth member (I'm not sure if you've had his name) who each had a titan power and could turn into Titans. Ymir as a titan ate that guy (interestingly, in that scene she had normal human teeth, when later you see her with big spikey teeth), and inherited the titan power, then turned back into a human for the first time in decades. That's when she ended up going into the city and finding out about Historia and joining the cadets. Ultimately Ymir decided to go back with Reiner and gang because she knew she'd stolen their friends titan power away. Where that will go we'll have to wait and see. We also saw Connie's village and his mother who had been turned from humans into normal mindless titans. So it seems that normal people can be turned into the normal mindless titans, in the cases we're aware of at least by injecting them with a syringe, then when they are normal titans if they eat one of the special human form titans, they revert to human and then are the kind that can change into a titan at will by biting their hand.


I'd say I'm not sure I'd picked up on EVERYTHING I've said here on first watch, but this is what you've meant to have picked up on and I've kept away from anything that would be considered unrevealed information. I'm being quite open on what's been revealed because I think it'll be useful going forward because the amount of info that'll be dumped on you in the next few seasons its good to have this stuff clear in your mind as a foundation, to more easily parse future info and reveals :D i feel strongly I'd have gotten more out of it on first watch if things were a bit clearer but everything above has been mentioned in dialogue and shown in some form. The depth of the lore in this show is insane and stuff that's quite important sometimes breezes past a little, and i notice a few plot points from earlier didn't seem to stick especially with time passing between episodes, so hopefully this makes the revealed lore so far seem a bit more coherent 😀 it's honestly just scratching the surface lol its amazing