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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

August Rush- Oh my gosh! August Rush makes me cry all throughout this movie in the best possible ways, and every time I watch it too. For many reasons. August Rush is just so absolutely beautiful, powerful, and so emotional. This beautiful movie is all about family, love, faith, and hope, and how music can tie it all together. Thank you so much for your marvelous reaction to such a beautiful movie that I deeply love, Morgan!!! I am so happy you loved watching this movie for me! And I really enjoyed watching this reaction from you! :) First... A small part of me would have loved it, if this movie was just slightly longer, so that we could have seen Evan, Lyla, and Louis reunited. At least enough to see introductions made. Perhaps in another flash forward to a year later, or so. To see Lyla interact with her son like we got between Evan and Louis, to see Lyla telling Louis that Evan is their son, and perhaps even to see Louis asking Lyla to marry him, etc... Something a little more than what we see in the movie. And yet, with this being said... The emotional impact that we are meant to feel in an ending such as it is, is most definitely felt. I cry throughout this ending every time I watch it. It's just so, so beautiful and powerful. And the music... Absolutely stunning! Hans Zimmer is phenomenal! And you can see on Evan's, Lyla's, and on Louis' faces when they're looking at one another, that words aren't needed to be spoken in this beautiful and heartfelt moment. You can see their understanding, as well as their love for one another in their eyes, in their smiles, and through the music being played all around them, that they all just know they are a family. And I absolutely love it! Everything about this ending, I love it!!! Such as it is. Music is so incredibly powerful. :) As for the characters... I love each of the characters within this film so, so much. Especially Evan/August played by Freddie Highmore, Louis who is played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and Lyla who is played by Keri Russell. And of course, I really love Richard Jeffries played by Terrance Howard, as well as Reverend James, Hope, Arthur, as well as August's teacher and the Dean at Julliard. And then of course, we also have Wizard, played by the phenomenal Robin Williams whom I deeply miss. While his character in this film is a misguided, and at times... a cruel man in spite of his own love for music, and his attempts to show love for August in his own kind of way, Robin Williams played Wizard brilliantly. I really enjoy seeing Robin William in roles that are outside of his comedic genius. And I am so happy that you recognized how it is the Wizard is the character being seen and heard playing the song, Moondance, on his harmonica in the beginning of the movie, while Louis sings the song's words, and he and Lyla are listening to the music from the roof of what I assume is the apartment building where he and his brother may live, and where Lyla comes to a party at. Where Lyla and Louis meet for the first time. And how this song, Moondance by Van Morrison is subtlety played throughout the movie as well. Freddie Highmore is absolutely phenomenal throughout this movie! He was a brilliant young actor, and he is still a great actor today too. This actor is extremely talented. He is really good in all of his early roles as a child actor. I haven't seen much of his later, or most current roles, but I know that Freddie Highmore is currently starring in a Doogie Howser like medical drama titled... The Good Doctor. As far as I know, he is still very talented even now. And August, or Evan, is a beautiful character, who definitely carries this beautiful movie well. And he plays off of every other actor brilliantly as well. Keri Russell is beautiful, and I love her in the role as Lyla Novacek. I love Lyla's story throughout this movie, as a woman who comes to learn that her son is still alive after so many years of being lied to about her son having died in her accident from her own father, and who fights with everything she has to find him again. And while looking for her son through playing her music again, she's also looking for the father of her child as well. The man she still loves, even after years of them not talking to one another upon them both losing one another and their love for their music for a time. Keri Russell is amazing throughout this movie. :) And now... I absolutely love Irish actor, Jonathan Rhys Meyers! Especially here in his role as Louis Connolly. He's a brilliant actor I've loved in number of movies and shows as well. Not to mention that he is extremely handsome, his singing voice is beautiful, and that Irish accent of his... Gorgeous!!! And yes... This is indeed his singing voice throughout this movie. Again, I love him in his role as Louis Connolly... A man who comes to lose faith in his music after losing the woman he loves, and yet who comes to find his love for music again and who still fights to find the love of his life again, even years later. My absolute favorite moment in August Rush aside from the entire ending, which is full of power and emotion, is when Louis and Evan meet in the park, and they play one another's guitars together. Beautiful!!! And again... I cry during this scene every time. I absolutely love the chemistry between Louis and Evan in this scene. And I love that while they don't know one another, and Louis doesn't even know he has a son, you can see in their eyes and in their smiles, and while they play together that these two feel a deep connection to one another through their music. Even when Louis leaves and walks away, as he's shown to be looking back at Evan multiple times, while Evan continues to watch after him until he's out of sight. So, so beautiful!!! :) Also... Earlier in the movie, Louis talks to Lyla about how he used to talk to the moon when he was a boy. And a little later into this movie, after Evan is picked up by the kind truck driver and left in New York on his own, the driver is leaving a message on Mr. Jeffrey's phone, and in this message, he states that the kid had been telling him that the moon has been telling him where to go. Revealing to us as the viewers, that Evan gets his love for talking and listening to the moon from his father, as well as his music. Beautiful! :) I also deeply love Louis' chemistry with Lyla too. Their romance and their love story throughout this movie is quite beautiful. Even though they aren't together much throughout the movie. But you can feel their love for one another whenever they're shown together onscreen at their separate venues, playing their music that they have written from their hearts and souls. All of Louis' music he writes and sings throughout this movie is about Lyla and his love for her. And they continue to fight to find one another again, and in the end... they finally do. Absolutely phenomenal! :) As for the overall storyline... I deeply love Evan's drive to play the music he hears and feels all around him, all so that his parents will hear his rhapsody that he comes to write over time and always hears within his head so that they will find him. I absolutely love how this movie is about a boy who is a musical prodigy, yet who plays for his parents just as they play for him and for each other. It's such a beautiful story. And it's tragic too, as we learn that Lyla lost her son because her father had lied to her about him dying in her accident. I could understand that he had wanted what was best for his daughter. But was he ever wrong to do as he did. So wrong. And he lost any kind of relationship with his daughter in consequence upon doing so. While Robin Williams' character, Wizard, isn't really a good man, you can definitely tell that he must have gone through a similar tragic story as Evan has. But he didn't find his parents, or they didn't want him. This doesn't make how Wizard treats Evan and Arthur, as well as the rest of the children he supposedly cares for, any less despicable. However, I can understand why he has come to be the man he is now. And I do absolutely feel badly for him. Robin Williams plays Wizard brilliantly. Like I said above... I miss him terribly in this world. His life was so sad and tragic, because he was a broken man. Especially in the final years of his life. While as an actor, he made everyone so happy through his comedy filled with his infectious laughter and the joy he put into every one of his movies. I have a deep love for Robin Williams as both an actor and for the man he was while he was still alive. He made so many people happy, and boy... What a phenomenal actor and comedic genius!! I will forever miss him. And finally... The music throughout this movie is absolutely beautiful, and so powerful. Especially in the ending when August conducts his Rhapsody for his parents at the concert in Central Park. I absolutely love it!! And yes... This movie's music makes me cry every time. As to whether or not the actor who plays August really is playing the guitar... Freddie Highmore did actually learn how to play the guitar like he does throughout this movie, so it actually is him playing. There may be a few times here and there in the really fast moments of the music he plays where it might be someone else, but it is mostly Freddie Highmore playing. Just as it's really Jonathan Rhys Meyers playing his guitar and singing throughout this movie as well. It's just absolutely incredible!! :) And lastly... Hope, the little girl who sings at August's concert, is really adorable, and her voice is absolutely beautiful too. I love her character, as well as Arthur's character throughout this movie too. All three child actors are really talented and they're all so important within this movie. Thank you again, so much for this incredible and emotional reaction for one of my all time favorite movies, Morgan!! I truly appreciate you for watching August Rush for me. And again... I am so, so happy that you really loved watching this movie too!! So, thank you so very much! :) Like always... I am excited for many more movie reactions from you to come!! And until next time, for future shows including more Lucifer!! Thank you, my dear friend!! :) Sincerely, Heidi