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Loved your reaction to this one, and great analyses too. I love this episode/story/two parter lol The moments between the Doctor and Rose that feel much more explicitly romantic. The whole episode their split apart and rose mission to stop to ood at all cost just to reach the doctor. As well as Rose taking charge filling in the doctor's role. We also get more into the Doctors personal beliefs system and his rules the way we he sees the universe, which does really well throughout these quiet, subdued monologues that really let David Tennant portrays. The speech at the end as well between the Doctor and the Beast was just a masterpiece, (FUN FACT, DUE TO SHORT OF TIME FOR FILMING THAT SCENE, DAVID TENNANT FILMED THAT WHOLE SCENE IN ONE SHOT, NO EXTRA TAKES. JUST TENNANT TALKING ON HIS OWN, AS THE DEVIL/BEAST WAS CGI ADDED AFTER IN POST PRODUCTION. WHAT AN ACTOR TENNANT IS,SUPER) The episode just shows how far the Doctor's and Rose's relationship has become, putting all of his belief in Rose " I’ve seen fake gods and bad gods and demigods and would-be gods, and out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing, just one thing, I believe in her" which resulted in Rose's badass line telling the devil to 'go to hell'. The side characters are just well fleshed out, they aren't basic and not just there for the sake of it, you actually feel for them and invested which is great. From the Doctor's genuine joy at their "humanity" to the beast's personalized jabs at each individual I think this is genuinely my favorite episode when it comes to exploring Ten and Rose as a couple and easily top 5 when it comes to analyzing the Tenth Doctor specifically. Yes that was the Doctor's theme (by Murray gold) playing when the Doctor was talking to Ida before falling into the pit. You can listen to it on YouTube, here's the link. https://youtu.be/7umktMyPQ0k


I think generally speaking this is regarded quite highly amongst the episodes of this era, particularly by those whom love this section of the shows NuWho run.