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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.- Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for Lucifer, Morgan!!! I really enjoyed watching this episode again with you, and I'm so happy you're continuing to love Lucifer so far. I really can't wait for more! :) I really appreciate and enjoy hearing your thoughts regarding the partnership between Lucifer and Chloe, as well as regarding the changes in Lucifer and the mystery behind why Chloe doesn't affect him. And I love how Lucifer is intimidated by her, rather than Chloe being intimidated by him when everyone is. I love this duo very much too. Both of them are incredible characters, as are their actors. I love Tom Ellis and Lauren German! :) Now... I really enjoy this second episode a lot. And I like that the idea for this episode's case throughout the overall storyline, appears to be taken from a movie with a similar storyline titled... Nightcrawler, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, about a reporter who creates chaos and destruction in order to be first on the scene for the big story. Nightcrawler is a great movie, and if you've never seen it before. I definitely recommend it. And Josh within this episode is so creepy to me as well. I love how Chloe and Lucifer work together to find out the truth behind who killed the son of the famous actor, and who's been killing the other innocent people beforehand. At first, before we really see too much of Josh, I suspected the movie star father of the kid who had been killed, because he did act a bit suspicious at first to me. But i suspect this is mostly because I know this actor from the original Charmed TV series, and I really hated his character in it. I guess I was slightly biased against him at first. But he certainly turned out to be innocent, and the more I watch this episode, the more I really can see the father's grief upon losing his son. I also absolutely love how Lucifer manages to insert himself into the case when he walks upon the crime scene after he becomes interested in what made Chloe upset during the phone call she took while talking with him at his club. And I love that Chloe is first seen at LUX initially so she can begin investigating Lucifer upon being suspicious by the strange occurrences with him that she just can't explain. It's also great that he knows that she's begun investigating him too despite her efforts to do so undercover, and has right from the start. And Lucifer couldn't be more pleased that she's as interested in him, and as fascinated in him as he is in her too. Next... I absolutely love the beginning when Lucifer comes over to Chloe's house to speak with her, and seeing Trixie hug him while Lucifer immediately becomes uncomfortable around her, then how he throws the doll to try to get her to get away from him as if she were a dog. I really love his and Trixie's dynamic, almost as much as I love Lucifer's partnership and dynamic with Chloe too. Trixie is so, so adorable. :) However, outside of the case going on throughout this episode... More so, I love the storyline regarding Lucifer and his change he's struggling to understand, yet is fascinated by, and how he comes to learn from and to correct his mistakes thanks to Chloe. Now... My favorite scene throughout this episode is the ending, when Lucifer calls on his brother, Amenadiel, in order to right his wrong upon pitting the two reporters against one another in a twisted form of punishment. The humor Lucifer brings to this scene is phenomenal and simply hilarious, in spite of what he's about to do being very wrong. But most of all... I love how it's because of Chloe's words to the more innocent reporter, that makes Lucifer understand that he is in the wrong and allows him to change his mind, then even to go as far as calling on his brother for help thanks to Amenadiel's power to be able to slow down time. This is one of the many things I love about this show. That while Lucifer is selfish because of him having been forced to become a punisher and cast down into Hell very much against his will by his Father, and because he struggles to understand human emotions, Lucifer learns from his mistakes with each case and works out his own personal dilemmas throughout every case with help from Chloe. And this adds so much more to their friendship and partnership that I love so, so much! This adds so much to his character, and I love him all the more for it. As for Chloe going to see Jimmy, the killer now locked up in the looney bin because he's absolutely terrified of Lucifer upon having seen his Devil face... I really appreciate this scene because for one... we learn that Lucifer didn't actually kill him like we were led to believe he might have done in order to punish him for having Delilah killed and for nearly killing Chloe, which I absolutely love about Lucifer and his character. I love that he isn't an outright killer like Lucifer in all other shows and movies has been portrayed to be. And two... because we see just how frightened everyone really is of the Devil truly walking among them on Earth, just as the street preacher is terrified of him in the beginning of this episode as well, even though we can see that Lucifer isn't all evil like we humans believe him to be. I love this... because it adds so much to Lucifer's character in way that while he isn't evil, the humans' belief in thinking he is adds to the belief and stories we've all come to learn about the Devil from the Bible, stories, movies, and other TV shows ever since the beginning of time. Also... I suspect that while Lucifer didn't kill Jimmy, he must have also really messed him up and forced him to see just how dark he can really be, or perhaps even the worst version of himself in order to for Jimmy to wind up so, so terrified of him. Lucifer has shown that he truly cared about Delilah, and he's come to care about Chloe already as well, so of course them both getting hurt because of Jimmy is more personal for him. It would make sense he would make Jimmy suffer more so than most others he's punished over the years since he's been on Earth. Perhaps even more so than those in Hell as well. I really like Maze too. I think she's fascinating, not to mention... a real badass you definitely don't want to mess with. Unfortunately, she's annoyed with Lucifer because he's not at all worried about the changes coming about in Lucifer, when she is. And this isn't good, given that she is a demon who loves to torture people. Don't worry... you will absolutely get to know her better as the show continues on. And lastly... Linda is a bit unprofessional, because she is sleeping with Lucifer, who has now become one of her patients. And yet she is very insightful. She has the ability to see more into Lucifer's thoughts and feelings than anyone has ever been, and he's clearly grateful to her for it, which is why he comes to see her to talk about all that's vexing him so much about his changes. And Linda is very quirky and funny too, which I really love about her character. She's actually one of my favorite characters throughout this show outside of Lucifer and Chloe. I hope you will continue to love this show, Lucifer and Chloe, and all of this show's major characters that include Amenadiel, Maze, Trixie, Dan, and Dr. Linda, who are all amazing in their own ways as well. So, thank you very much once more, Morgan! I will see you in your next reaction. Until then, dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi