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my favorite parts of both s4 and 5 has been ian, man i love him so much. cameron absolutely killed it. s4 & 5 are definitely my favorite seasons, especially s5.. its probably bc ian is my favorite character and he got some actual screen time lmao. and the whole bipolar storyline itself is also just so well written imo. im bipolar myself and i just think they did a great job on it and a big part of that is thanks to the acting. to me it was very realistic and it just rlly hit home.


ian felt so alone this season and it just breaks my heart. its impossible to understand what a mentally ill person is going through and feeling when you dont suffer from the same thing. ian is still struggling to admit that he needs help, even to himself, and a big part of that is bc he doesnt wanna be like monica. yet he still reaches out to her cause shes the only one who understands. the problem is that monica is a horrible influence on him, shes off her meds and fucks with ians head. i think she was part of the reason why ian ended up breaking up w mickey. all that ''you deserve someone who loves you for who you are'' talk was probably the last straw for him. he already feels like the ppl around him dont love him for him even tho thats not true. i think that feeling had been building ever since he got diagnosed. a crazy amount of ppl get mad at ian for breaking up w mickey and say that he doesnt love mickey as much as mickey loves him. but thats not true at all. he does love him, thats the thing. he feels like hes a huge burden to mickey. he broke up w him bc he loves him, not the other way around. and he feels like mickey along w everyone else just wants to fix him when in reality they want to help. but at the same time i think they do wanna fix him to some extent, they want the old ian back. thats not how it works though. mental illness and trauma changes you, and pills arent just magically gonna change that. the gallaghers honestly didnt do much to make ian feel loved this season. they kept comparing him to monica over and over again, who he knows they pretty much hate. imagine how it must feel to constantly be compared to your abusive mother who made you and your entire family go through hell.. thats the last thing youd want or need. it wouldnt exactly make you feel more loved or help you accept that you need the same help.