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Love this episode, mostly for the Ian and Mick scenes. The situation with Matty, I agree with the commenter above, he didn't really bother me in most scenes. I personally know what those sorts of guys are like and that's not really it. And with Ian giving Mick an ultimatum, I don't agree with where he did it but I do think the conversation as a whole should have happened. I just cant wait till next episode and then next season, there's a specific storyline that I adore that I've been waiting to see since you started shameless and its gonna be amazing hearing your thoughts on it as we go.

Ryan Roach

Matt is still grooming Debbie. He’s careful not to do anything illegal, but he is definitely manipulating her and grooming her in a predatory way.

Ryan Roach

This my favorite Mickey and Ian episode. Four seasons of buildup and a beautiful payoff. No other couple on the show is this great.