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Mark Wood

On Matt. Matt's biggest problem is that he should have realized that Debbie was far younger than what she said she was. Matt makes it clear that he isn't going to break the law (for sex clearly), but for Matt even Dating (their is no age law about that in the US). So he thought she was at least 16. The age of consent in Ohio (and the most common age of consent in the US, though it can also be 17, and 18 (18 is the least common state requirement). Now to me Debbie looks 12, but in reality the actress was 15 during this season so its its at least possible that Matt could make an honest mistake about the age. But since again she looks younger then she is, is always best to verify. But once he discovers the truth he doesn't do anything that's technically wrong. Still uncomfortable to watch, absolutely. If it was my daughter or my sister, I would be shall we say a bit pissed.

Mark Wood

On why Lip, doesn't freak out. Clearly he's bothered. But you have to remember he already has a family member who was actually in a sexual relationship with someone ten years older, and absolutely a violation of law, with Ian. And while it bothered him, notice he never tore in to Cash or assaulted him. Now of course that might be a case of sexual discrimination on Lips part. That you hold a different standard to a man's sex life versus or woman's. Or the difference is that he doesn't thank sh'e in a sexual relationship with Matt (which she isn't). Again since he knows Debbie is into him, he probably thanks they're dating which is concerning. But also a parents (and right now that's really Lip) first thought is thank god your not dead, when you didn't come home the previous night. Add to that the stress of what's happening with Liam is probably really making it hard to focus. Not to mention that Liam right after he finds out that's Matt is wheeled into the hallway. The worst thing that Matt actually did is knowing he has a 13 year old with him is immediately not contact her family. Even if its just to let them know she is ok. Now that is seriously poor judgment. But so far at least, Matt's biggest issue is he just doesn't have the best judgment, even though he's kind of doing most of the right things. Still creepy and concerning though.


They’re in Illinois not Ohio though, so the age of consent would be 17 (unless they changed it in the last 7 years? I’m not sure). The show references “18” a lot too, which is age of consent in California, so I think they’re maybe just not aware that it’s 17 in Illinois (which is frustrating, because that’s easy to look up, but this show gets a lot of things like that wrong).

Mark Wood

Sorry I was just watching show set in Ohio and age of consent was a factor. This is of course suburb of Chicago.. And I thank there is two big reasons for why most US productions heavily rely on 18. First as you mentioned so much of tv and film is created (ie written) and much filmed in California. The other I thank is just to play on the safe side. Since shows and films are broadcast nationally (or in case of films released nationally), unless your doing material specifically about consent differences in states, you don't want to put general material out there, making it seem its perfectly legal for you characters to be having sex, when that same standard doesn't apply to every part of the nation. The better play it sage, then sorry aspect.