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Dustin McAlpin

This is actually the first time we get to see Firelord Ozai's face, Normally he is sat behind the fire and only part of his face is visible, but this time he steps out of the fire and we get to see his entire face.

Danae Younge

The reason it would be bad for Zuko is because that's really the only reason his father accepted him back—unlike the North pole, he actually succeeded for once in helping the Fire Nation get rid of the Avatar (according to what Azula told Ozia). At the North Pole Zuko tried to capture Aang but failed, and for that sole reason alone, his father sent Azula after him. Can you imagine what would happen if he found out Zuko failed at this too. even if Zuko plays it off like he didn't know his attempt to kill aang was unsuccessful, he still ends up looking like a fool and a failure because ultimately he did nothing to actually help the Fire Nation and instead mislead them into thinking the Avatar wasn't a problem anymore.